Greetings from Cenarion Circle!

100 Goblin Warlock
02/09/2014 07:14 AMPosted by Tyvian
I like to think we're classier than Wal-Mart.

More like a Target.

Awesome! Now I can pick up those curtain rods I always wanted!
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90 Human Death Knight
sorry, curtain rods are out of stock, no rain checks.
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100 Goblin Warlock

It's... It's just not fair! ;_;
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100 Human Warlock
02/10/2014 08:59 AMPosted by Mormel

It's... It's just not fair! ;_;

We do have a special on doom and despair today though.
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100 Goblin Warlock
02/11/2014 05:58 AMPosted by Tyvian
We do have a special on doom and despair today though.


*slams a sack of gold down on the counter*

Shut up and take my money!
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90 Gnome Rogue
Oh don't forget stabbing, I'm giving out free samples of that. Also with a deluxe stabbing you can get poisoned for no extra cost!

Also a big hello from a gnome who loves to stab things! I look forward to seeing our realms get connected :)
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100 Goblin Warlock
The deals!

*weeps tears of joy*

They're awesome!
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90 Human Death Knight
Free thrashings in AH pvp too.
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100 Goblin Warlock


Free is wonderful!
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100 Gnome Death Knight
02/12/2014 09:09 PMPosted by Mormel
The deals!

*weeps tears of joy*

They're awesome!

Are those really tears of joy or did you take Ettinjandy up on his offer of the free stabbing?
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100 Goblin Warlock
02/13/2014 01:10 PMPosted by Cistin
Are those really tears of joy or did you take Ettinjandy up on his offer of the free stabbing?


I don't know. Are tears supposed to be strawberry colored?
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90 Human Paladin
Very happy we got paired up with Cenarion Circle - I used to be on CC for a couple years back in BC... I still remember those days and the server fondly. Been meaning to make an alt there to see how it is nowadays, and now I won't need to!

Looking forward to seeing new faces and working with ya'll. :)
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72 Night Elf Druid
Looking forward to meeting fellow CC players! :D
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92 Goblin Rogue
When should we tell the SoE people about Kod? Keep that our little dark secret for now?
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62 Blood Elf Monk
Hi there!

I'm looking forward to this server merge!

Edited: Oh wait, merge I think is the wrong term. But you get the idea!
Edited by Kagasumi on 2/18/2014 2:32 PM PST
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100 Goblin Warlock
02/17/2014 05:53 PMPosted by Noxy
When should we tell the SoE people about Kod? Keep that our little dark secret for now?

What about Kod? Did he drink all of the orange juice again?
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Oh bugger, now I have to put pants on.

/wave hello CC, we'll try not to break you.
Edited by Jakjak on 2/18/2014 4:10 PM PST
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100 Troll Hunter
02/17/2014 05:53 PMPosted by Noxy
When should we tell the SoE people about Kod? Keep that our little dark secret for now?

Kod's not much of an irritation anymore, after seeing him flagged for years he's just kind of part of the landscape.

02/18/2014 03:08 PMPosted by Mormel
What about Kod? Did he drink all of the orange juice again?

Kod's about the only person interested in world PVP on our realm.
Edited by Tajit on 2/18/2014 8:43 PM PST
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100 Goblin Warlock
02/18/2014 04:17 PMPosted by Tajit
Kod's about the only person interested in world PVP on our realm.

Couldn't you just get a bunch of burly level 90 orcs together and, you know, just gank him until he logs?
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62 Blood Elf Monk
02/19/2014 09:48 AMPosted by Mormel
02/18/2014 04:17 PMPosted by Tajit
Kod's about the only person interested in world PVP on our realm.

Couldn't you just get a bunch of burly level 90 orcs together and, you know, just gank him until he logs?

Why do that? Let the guy be. If you want to fight him then cool, but it's fine by me if he wants to go around flagged. It doesn't bother me any.
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