Greetings from Cenarion Circle!

100 Goblin Warlock
02/19/2014 03:02 PMPosted by Kagasumi
02/19/2014 09:48 AMPosted by Mormel

Couldn't you just get a bunch of burly level 90 orcs together and, you know, just gank him until he logs?

Why do that? Let the guy be. If you want to fight him then cool, but it's fine by me if he wants to go around flagged. It doesn't bother me any.

But! But! He's flagged! That's like.... running around with no pants on! We can't just let things like that slide... can we!?
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90 Human Death Knight
looks like our connection is being delayed. they said something about a goblin warlock...
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100 Goblin Warlock
02/20/2014 03:22 PMPosted by Osthur
looks like our connection is being delayed. they said something about a goblin warlock...

Uh... uh... it most definitely could not have been me. Nope! I'm just a regular, mundane fire mage. No dabbling in demons or fel energy of any kind here... because that would be wrong.

((Seriously though, I hope the delay is not for very long.))
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90 Night Elf Warrior
Seem like a fun bunch so far.'s a good thing.
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100 Tauren Druid
Welcome, Cenarian Circle!

We look forward to seeing you about more!
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100 Human Warlock
We look forward to seeing you too!

...or that's just me. With this hood and bonemaskbeakthing on my face, it gets pretty hard to see anything at times.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Announced recently this realm connection will FINALLY take place on 8-21-14.

I cant wait to see more alliance and HORDE join this great realm Sisters of Ellune.

I am the guild master of Legion of Lost Souls and I welcome all you you to the realm and the guild if you are looking a new home.

WELCOME all of you from Cenarion Circle!

LoLS Guildmaster
Edited by Optik on 8/13/2014 3:47 PM PDT
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100 Human Warrior
I would also like to extend greetings and friendship to our new, soon to be server mates! I was pretty let down when it looked like Blizz had canceled our realm connection, and am glad that they have brought it back, and will be this month. I hope to make many new friends, and potential new guildmates. Cheers!
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97 Draenei Paladin
Working on my baby Orc Shaman as we speak. Hit me up on Wolfhowl!
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90 Draenei Shaman
*looks around*
Hmm, could be a good place to Re roll.

Warning small tribe of Draenei potentially inbound. Looking forward to seeing all the new faces.
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100 Human Priest
Greetings again Sisters of Elune! I don't know much about Hordeside except that Cereal Killerz are fairly active and their GM is wonderful. For Alliance side though, and bear with me because I may gush - Pia Presidium is a wonderful Light-based guild. Their leader Gentyl is an amazing player, and there's also the... Luuchdu... Ocheliad?..I never know if I'm spelling it right, but something like that - LO for short, is an amazing guild, I hear it's a good fit for 'shadier' characters, and there's so much more - Be sure to join the global chat channel AllianceOOC, and especially keep an eye out for the illustrious fantabulous stupendulous Khromie the gnome and the My You're A Tall One saga! The list goes on of amazing players who've made playing this game worthwhile imo. Can't wait to meet you guys!!
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
I look forward to all the new faces we'll all be seeing! Horde-side or Alliance-side! *cheers!*
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100 Human Warlock
You. Sisters of the moon thing.
Of you Horde inclined persons.

What evildoers or evil organizations do you possess? Do you house them or revile them?

I need allies. Or a place to put my corpse.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
We used to have evil/dark themed guilds back in BC/Wrath but I haven't seen nor heard of one for years. Then again, one could exist that's just super underground and hush-hush. xD Regardless, best (or worst, whichever you prefer :P) of luck to you, Tyvian.
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100 Human Warlock
08/16/2014 06:58 AMPosted by Avanthiri
We used to have evil/dark themed guilds back in BC/Wrath but I haven't seen nor heard of one for years. Then again, one could exist that's just super underground and hush-hush. xD Regardless, best (or worst, whichever you prefer :P) of luck to you, Tyvian.

I think it's time, that that changed...
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100 Gnome Warlock
08/16/2014 08:56 AMPosted by Tyvian
I think it's time, that that changed...

Hidden behind her mask, the petite gnome grinned maliciously. She rubbed her hands together, wondering what maschevious ill-begotten little horrors her beloved Dark Master might have in store. Clutching his black grimoire closely, the gnome flipped to a section of demonic runes that scittered across each page. Her small hand pulled a dagger from her pack, forged of demonic essence the which seethed a dark icor from the intricate grooves the length of the blade.

"Make ready my rituals. Make ready my fun...." A hoarse small voice rasped in the darkness.
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