To the people with their PVP flags...

85 Blood Elf Paladin
If you accidentally attack someone that's flagged and flag yourself, you should pay more attention. There were tons of people flagged around me when I did the quests and I managed to avoid hitting any of them.
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100 Night Elf Druid

lol same
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100 Night Elf Druid
Though I really wanted to kill them :c but there was like 6 soo, I decided against it
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90 Human Priest
Oh yeah! I finally saw someone doing this stuff out at Hyjal.

Some sissy scrub Horde Warlock was flagged up, and he would stay mounted on his flyer-mount... run up and get inside the Elite mobs, hoping for a miss-hit.

He was all about it as long as the Elite was at 90% health and there were additional adds... but as soon as the mob was down to 15% he would run like a chicken and get as far out of range as he could.

So, his plan was to engage me while I was already fighting 85 Elite mobs + small adds... which I was chain-pulling.. so my health and mana were low.

But... even at low health and mana, when that buffer Elite was dead, he wanted no part of me. He never dismounted and flew away like the big sissy that he is.

So funny... I /giggled at his chcken-ness.

Now that I know his lil' game though, Ima set him up when I see him out there.

Ima warm his heart cockles with some lazer-beam Lovin's =)
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85 Troll Shaman
I try to keep my flag up all of the time. And if I see you, it's red it's dead.
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85 Draenei Paladin
Zen, you really talk a ton of smack. Seriously. If you all were so hardcore, we should own TB a lot more. You guys talk smack about random world stuff, but I have yet to see any great victory from all you boast about all over these forums. Go claim TB more and grief less in Firelands if you all are so awesome at PvP. Less talk (on the forums, please, for the love of god) and more walk (ingame where it counts). Thanks!

edit: Get control of your underlings. You have members that grief roleplayers. I've seen it firsthand on many occasions. Thanks again!
Edited by Aelune on 7/3/2011 2:34 AM PDT
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90 Human Priest
Tshaka doesn’t sound like someone that is hiding inside a mob trying to trick unwilling players. He sounds like somebody who’ll shoot a lightning bolt up yer arse if you screw with him. /salute

Aelune… None of us are griefing anything in Firelands. And… I do BH just about anytime I want to do it. We go take TB in guild groups; I suggest you do the same if you want it. My guild is not here to carry you; you have your own guild for that.

If you don’t appreciate my posts, simply place me on ignore to solve your issue, m’k.

And… about Zen members greifing Role Players – Give me names and a description of the situation and I will absolutely address the problem. Vague references do not help me solve the problem if it really does exist. ZEN has a hard-line policy about greifing anyone, especially Role Players.

Zen supports Role Play on SoE, don’t ever think otherwise. If you’re having a problem with someone from this guild hassling you over role-play, you let me know and I shall deal with them, or remove them from the roster. It’s that simple. Otherwise, don’t make false statements about being griefed, I don’t need your drama.

Rijdå… the unguilded level 77 Death knight… If I say something…
….it is on this toon, not from an alt. You can bet on that. Can you say the same? Owait…

And about Nef… Nef is Sooo last patch, you need to upgrade your troll remarks to reflect newer content if you want to stay current, m’k? But nice try.
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85 Draenei Paladin
Aelune… None of us are griefing anything in Firelands. And… I do BH just about anytime I want to do it. We go take TB in guild groups; I suggest you do the same if you want it. My guild is not here to carry you; you have your own guild for that.

If you don’t appreciate my posts, simply place me on ignore to solve your issue, m’k.

And… about Zen members greifing Role Players – Give me names and a description of the situation and I will absolutely address the problem. Vague references do not help me solve the problem if it really does exist. ZEN has a hard-line policy about greifing anyone, especially Role Players.

Zen supports Role Play on SoE, don’t ever think otherwise. If you’re having a problem with someone from this guild hassling you over role-play, you let me know and I shall deal with them, or remove them from the roster. It’s that simple. Otherwise, don’t make false statements about being griefed, I don’t need your drama.

First off, I don't PvP and I don't do BH or TB dailies, so you wont ever be carrying me. Secondly, I've walked through Goldshire enroute to rp events along the riverbanks of Elwynn and had level 60-85 characters from Zen following, spamming, jumping, and harrassing the entire way. The names were riddled with umlauts so I didn't bother writing down names, I just put them on ignore. I'll write down notes for you next time. Lastly, I post on these boards very seldom, and I posted here because of all the Zen PvP drama riddled posts are a blight on our servers boards. If I encounter more griefers from your guild, I'll let you know ingame. Have fun in your tower in the clouds and good luck to your guild!
Edited by Aelune on 7/3/2011 2:48 PM PDT
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90 Human Priest
If ye has no interest then why is ye a babblin' 'bout it? Get yer own TB, m'k.

The rest of that sounds like make-believe to me. me thinks yer credibility just went into the outhouse.

Just report them next time, let Blizz sort it out. *nod nod*
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I saw many people flagged and the majority of them were leaving each other alone, which was kinda cute.

I was flagged, but it was for accidentally bouncing my shield off some shaman's head. I didn't get attacked, mainly because I was prot at that junction and for most that's just a waste of someone's time.
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90 Human Priest
I noticed that too, yesterday.

Plenty of flagged players, but nobody seemed to be attacking one another.

Probably folks trying to grind the new dailies, and run their random BG's at the same time.

They have a limited time to play, they come out of the BG flagged, and just go about their grind at dailies in between matches.

I know some players are all, "If it's red it's dead" about it... but if I see someone just trying to do a holiday event or some benign activity... I kinda like to let it slide, ya know?

If they are killing quest givers or taunting folks, well then that's another story. But just getting some stinking quest out of the way, or trying for holiday cheeves is pretty harmless man.
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100 Orc Warrior
I'll address OP before a few others...
Game mechanics allow people to flag themselves on non-PvP servers, it's the way things are. I suggest you go to Interface > Combat and check "Class colors in nameplates" so you can tell when there's a player there who is flagged, and kill mobs somewhere else if you don't want to flag yourself. Past that, it's the nature of the concept of the game for Alliance and Horde to feud, and even on a RPvE server, there are casualties of the long feud between the two factions. You can also bring a friend to do quests, so you don't feel out matched.

06/28/2011 09:37 PMPosted by Aeviercy
Are you suggesting that Cal go to a PvP server?

Reading comprehension, you fail at it. He was directing that at those that enable themselves for pvp.

Rijdå… the unguilded level 77 Death knight… If I say something…
….it is on this toon, not from an alt. You can bet on that. Can you say the same? Owait…

You're not from around here, are you? Some of us have memories that go back to TBC, and know who Rijda is. But seeing that you managed to clear ZA when it was a 10 man a year after Wrath came out, I can understand how you'd be petulant with a guy who led a pug to full clear the place for the 5th sever kill. (GFB, Apple, DF, and one Alliance guild, that sure as fel wasn't Zen, cleared first).

07/03/2011 12:20 PMPosted by Penelopae
And… I do BH just about anytime I want to do it. We go take TB in guild groups; I suggest you do the same if you want it. My guild is not here to carry you; you have your own guild for that

Except TB isn't guild vs. guild, it's faction vs. faction. But at least you're upfront that you have no unity with your faction. That's why we own. Being Horde is enough to unite us, while you obviously have nothing but contempt for people that aren't foolish enough to be in your guild.
All Zen is perceived as is a guild that you started to recruit mass numbers to get level 25, while banking a ton of gold that game rules says is yours to do with as you please.
Yes, a guild leader is not obligated to use gold that goes into the guild bank for others in the guild. On high population servers, guilds like Zen are all over the place for the sole purpose of the guild owner to have another means of farming gold.
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90 Human Priest
Still an unguilded alt. *shrug* I suppose if he's yer lil' buddy, then that makes it special.

And... really... mass recruiting? To get to level 25? Really?

The truth is... we were at about 440 members when we took that level 25 first from the Horde. I don't think 440 total members is any indication of mass recruiting. As a matter of fact, we currently stay in the mid-600 member range... so AFTER the fact of taking that realm first from you, we have actually grown.

Another thing about that... i am pretty sure Zen is not even in the top-ten largest guilds on this realm. I'd be very surprised if we are even in the top 20 largest guilds here. It aint about numbers baby, it's about getting stuff done.

Now you can say what you want, and you can construct conspiracy theories about how we do it... but the fact remains that we get stuff done. That realm first? That was by all rights a Horde achievement... but we snatched it from you.

I find it amusing that the Horde guilds are all so interested in what we do with the gold in our guild bank. It never fails that you mention the bank gold in any post about this topic.

Pretty amazing how all of you Hordies hang on my every word and action, and spam-trash my recruitment thread and all that stuff that you need to do... to make yourself feel good.

It's amusing at the least, and amazing at the most.

Tell ya what though... There were two major components that went to grabbing that realm-first out from under your feet. And for 37K Gold, I'll reveal all.

eMail me ingame with the golds, and I'll disclose what got it done =)
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100 Orc Warrior
In reference to the gold, I simply referenced trends on high population servers. Guilds that recruit to get numbers, not caring about what their members actually do. Recruitment isn't trying to fill raid spots, it's just about getting higher numbers. You, like them, got glutinous with quantity with no regard for quality, intentions aren't really relevant.
While Horde guilds were progressing through raids, meaning working on killing new bosses that eventually would give guild XP, you guys were running e-z mode stuff. Good for you.
Get a realm first boss kill, that would be taking something away from Horde.

I notice, without surprise, you completely ignored the points referring to your attitude towards your own faction members.
I'm compelled to say, in an RP sense, you'd not actually be considered an Alliance guild, you'd be designated as a rogue terrorist organization that's been disavowed. Good luck with that. Shame the notes in the original game manual about your own factions guards turning on you didn't persist throughout the years.

And, just to add my two cents. Holiday achievement requirements that cause a person to be flagged (such as desecrating fires) are the only times I actually do target low level opponents. It's the risk that comes with the reward. And we can't be just standing by letting our fires be desecrated. Not that I'd expect someone so contemptuous to understand that.
As a side note, the daily quests for the fortifications in Hellfire Peninsula are the only things in game Ive stepped aside for, and let a lower level take and get out alive. They get credit, move on, and it goes back in control of those that truly own it.

In conclusion, and back on topic of the thread: PvE (and RPvE) realms are set so a person can choose to be flagged for pvp. You cannot be forced into it, and the only person to blame if you become flagged is yourself. Try suggesting world pvp be completely disabled in non-pvp realms. Go ahead. Not that there aren't others that would agree with you, but I am slightly curious how many posts before a "not sure if serious or trolling" comment is made.
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90 Human Priest
I don't know what you base your information on, or even why you Hordies seem to be so obsessed with how we run our guild... but you certainly have a skewed view of what we do.

You somehow judge the value of the people in our guild as poor quality based on your erroneous perception of what makes a person valuable.

Hey, everyone starts somewhere. At Zen, we *make* raiders. New members are not required to have achievements for every boss-kill in the game, but they get those achievements by being here. We run multiple groups each and every night that we raid, the second and third groups are teaching and training groups. New members quickly get exposed to content that they may otherwise not get to see, and they learn the fights, and win.

We may not be the first to clear every boss in the game, but we eventually get it all done. Not only with a core group, but with multiple groups, and we get a good many folks through all of the content.

All through the last expansion, and carrying on into this one, our members stay in the top ranks of gear on this realm. Of the top 100 geared toons on this realm, we generally represent 10 to 15 percent of that list. For our primary core players, we generally stay in the top 10 percentile for our individual class and spec. This is over-representation for such a small guild, as compared to larger “high-progression” guilds on this realm.

Your policy of only recruiting the very best players and shunning the rest is your choice. At Zen, we feel that everyone deserves a fair chance. Players can improve and indeed become great players, and we provide an opportunity for them to do exactly that.

Your presupposition that all Zen members are somehow inferior persons and inferior players is indicative of a very narrow minded elitism. That and you spew opinions that are not based on research or first-hand knowledge.

So get your story straight kid, or better yet, worry more about your own business and less about mine.
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100 Orc Warrior
Except TB isn't guild vs. guild, it's faction vs. faction. But at least you're upfront that you have no unity with your faction. That's why we own. Being Horde is enough to unite us, while you obviously have nothing but contempt for people that aren't foolish enough to be in your guild.

I notice, without surprise, you completely ignored the points referring to your attitude towards your own faction members.
I'm compelled to say, in an RP sense, you'd not actually be considered an Alliance guild, you'd be designated as a rogue terrorist organization that's been disavowed. Good luck with that. Shame the notes in the original game manual about your own factions guards turning on you didn't persist throughout the years.

You drone on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about side comments I include, but never actually address the topic at hand. You forsake your entire faction, stating you can run BH whenever you want to, yet you've only won TB 10 times. Sounds like your BH runs have to be scheduled around the victories of Alliance members more honorable than yourself. Looks like they're the ones carrying you.

You completely condescended another Alliance player by saying you're too self involved to be bothered fighting for the Alliance, that you only fight for your guild. While so much of the game has been more enlightened individuals struggling to get the Horde and Alliance to work together, as peoples of Azeroth, to work against threats to the entire world while here you are, going the complete other extreme, not able to work with anyone outside your guild.
You're the one talking to and about them as though they're the ones that inferior. Your own comments label you as elitist, and your attitude to your own faction members that call you out on it are dismissive. What more research do I need than your own words? Because we really don't need to get into how "leet" Zen is for being able to shove a few dozen players into the Orgimar leather working trainer's building, and all your skeletons left behind; or even wiping on Baine.

something something ivory towers something something walk the walk.
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85 Draenei Paladin
07/03/2011 02:57 PMPosted by Penelopae
The rest of that sounds like make-believe to me. me thinks yer credibility just went into the outhouse.

Sorry, I forgot to submit the FBI reports. Next time, I'll have the lawyers submit better court documentation and evidence. If you can't take the word of a longstanding respected member of the community from a pretty highly respected RP guild, I'm not sure what will convince you.

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90 Human Priest
Forsake my faction?

It's a video game dude, calm down.

I’m thinkin’… Stealing that realm-first level 25 guild achievement from you stinky Hordes for My Faction… is your real issue here. It certainly seems to be the sticking point that always hangs you up. That and for some crazy reason, what we do with the gold in our guild vault. Those two things are what you’re on about the most.

Look, I’m going to tell you how it is about Alliance working together on stuff. And how the Horde Faction is in regards to fair-play and good sportsmanship.

I provide a 100-slot Ventrilo service. The intent for that is so Alliance players in Tol Barad have a communication service to use during the battle, or for any other faction events. There are channels created there for all manner of events. Free-to-use.

A group of your Horde got the login info, and proceeded to run constant flood attacks, logging in and disrupting events, and attempting to keep the service shut down. Do you consider this good sportsmanship?

On the night that we came to Orgrimmar, we invited anyone to go along with us. The group that went represented at least 4 other small guilds, and we invited the public as well. We had a blast.

One of your Horde players on his Ally alt managed to get invited into the group to gain our Vent info. They typed everything we said in our Vent, into Horde Trade chat. Is this also fair-play and good sportsmanship? If you are indeed vastly superior in skill, why then do you employ such low tactics?

There are plenty of guilds, especially the smaller ones, family guilds, on Alliance side that do work together. And I have never once heard of them attacking Horde Vent servers, or systematically trash-spamming a Horde recruitment thread in the forums here.

I just posted number 6, of my recruit threads... After 2 or 3 pages of trash talk and trolling form Horde players and their lowbie alts, Blizz removes my thread. Is it good sportsmanship for Horde guilds to constantly trash-talk and spam troll a recruitment thread?

What the hell are you guys so scared of?

If we suck so bad, and are such terrible people, then what possible threat can we pose to your mighty, moral, and uber-ethical Horde faction?

Forsake my faction… get over yourself dude.

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