To the people with their PVP flags...

85 Blood Elf Mage
Wish it was the way it was back in original wow no flying no arena and world pvp was everywhere. And fun fact if your flag and killed you can wait 5 mins to unflag before you res. if you res and your flagged your still honor and hey free honor is free honor. PVP is war do what you must to gain an advantage and destroy your enemies. If you want the glory of achievements or dailies take the risk for them if you don't hey your safe from getting ganked if you never flag or go to arenas where you can become flagged it's not fun but at least you won't be ganked.
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85 Tauren Druid
Fun fact arena no longer flags you.^
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90 Human Priest
It really is amazing that this thread has survived. I suppose nobody has flagged any of this yet, or the forum mods are glad to keep it contained to this thread and not all over the other threads.

Rophy is correct, Arena does not flag players.

And Aeviercy, you may be horrible at PvP, but you absolutely cannot be worse than me. That’s not me being humble, that’s me being honest. I truly am not very good at all.

But hey, if they want to save screenshots of my lil’ toon’s poor dead body laying atop a couple hundred Horde corpses, then so be it… let the Legend of Penalopae live on!

It’s not even about recruiting anymore, or about faction-wars… it’s all about the giggles!

You wanna PvP? … Join Zen.

You wanna BE PvP’d? … be a Horde.

Come be a Statistic! We love our Hordie Farm Product victims!

555,000 of 1,000,000 and counting… [Creepjackers]

<Zen> Farming the Horde for All the Right Reasons!

Get Some!
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90 Human Priest
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100 Orc Warrior

So. Much. WIN.
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85 Night Elf Druid
Its not force can choose to spawn at your body...
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
Still an unguilded alt. *shrug* I suppose if he's yer lil' buddy, then that makes it special.

And... really... mass recruiting? To get to level 25? Really?

The truth is... we were at about 440 members when we took that level 25 first from the Horde. I don't think 440 total members is any indication of mass recruiting. As a matter of fact, we currently stay in the mid-600 member range... so AFTER the fact of taking that realm first from you, we have actually grown.

Another thing about that... i am pretty sure Zen is not even in the top-ten largest guilds on this realm. I'd be very surprised if we are even in the top 20 largest guilds here. It aint about numbers baby, it's about getting stuff done.

Now you can say what you want, and you can construct conspiracy theories about how we do it... but the fact remains that we get stuff done. That realm first? That was by all rights a Horde achievement... but we snatched it from you.

I find it amusing that the Horde guilds are all so interested in what we do with the gold in our guild bank. It never fails that you mention the bank gold in any post about this topic.

Pretty amazing how all of you Hordies hang on my every word and action, and spam-trash my recruitment thread and all that stuff that you need to do... to make yourself feel good.

It's amusing at the least, and amazing at the most.

Tell ya what though... There were two major components that went to grabbing that realm-first out from under your feet. And for 37K Gold, I'll reveal all.

eMail me ingame with the golds, and I'll disclose what got it done =)

Ohhh boy, woopdeefriggindoo
Trade: Zen just got realm first guild to reach level 25"
Trade denizens" Who the frack cares"

5 months later::

" Zen got guild level 25 "

Is there anything else note worthy you can say you have done?
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90 Human Priest
Yes, noteworthy would be the point that you are still talking about it 5 months later.

It must be far more significant than I could have ever imagined.

Thank you for promoting the legend =)
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85 Night Elf Druid
Zen: Where PuGable content is progression, and a RBG rating of 1300 means you're badass.Join today!

hide your helm your scaring me....



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90 Human Paladin
i both blame and thank Aelune for starting the fire and making most of this thread about Zen. If you don't Pvp, fine, have an open opinion on a thread that's about something that you dont do. Yes, people talk smack in pvp, zomg. It happens all the time. Whenever you have the ability to attack and kill another person, your going to have some smack talk. Its all in good fun.

With Rijda, i don't know him and this toon was made in TBC. Has he been Horde the whole time? Well iv been Alliance the whole time so im not really gonna know him when i see him. He made a comment and Pen defended himself. I see a lot of that. Just look at the moment the argument pretty much started. Since all my time in Zen its been, negative comment, defend, comment, defend and by the end of it Pen is normally poking at what used to be a pointless argument from 1 person witch exploded into a whole trade-wide discussion.

And whats with linking a single person with a whole guild. [Obvious Jerry Seinfeld opener] I mean, we do have a guild name but that dosn't mean that every1 in the guild is like that. Yes Pen the GL of Zen, when he gets a negative comment, hes going to defend himself. Witch normally happens, but when people say something bad about the whole guild when their only talking about 1-2 people. [not surprised if Pen is one of them].

The recruitment on Horde side, just a means to get pvpers and people that wanted to try and see what Alliance side was about and ended up blowing the whole reason out of proportion. Got some good people with it. Since the faction change became available, all the pvpers that were alliance went horde. So i see the whole Horde is better at Alliance in PvP debate somewhat pointless but your always going to have opinions.

About the whole Server First, that was not mentioned by a Zen member first. Kahn claimed we massed recruited to get that server first. When in reality, most of the people that were recruited, were not lvl 85 and could not possibly give any "edge" to getting to 25. A lot were alts of other guilds who either wanted a toon in Zen to see how it was or ,and this was told to us many time, alts of people that wanted to keep an eye on Zen's progression as a raid and as a guild. Yes, we were happy that we were Server First. Cant we celebrate? Is your ignore button broken? Can you not be bothered with a few clicks and rather type out a whole paragraph on how Zen is Boasting and Zen think there elitist? Wonder what the last Alliance Server First on this server was? Seriously some1 tell me. [Before the lvl 25 FYI]

Asrailynn, in any game your going to have people that take it alittle more serious than others, but saying things like " all I see is Boasting" and then saying "No need for Cyber fights" is still going to make people "Cyber fight"

FYI, Selective Reading, this thread would be a few pages less if every1 posting here wasn't using it.

The whole Org farm fiasco, i was there, really fun and we held out pretty long. Guarantee we got more HKs than horde. [awaiting new QQ]

The Hate towards Zen, pretty much 1 person with an opinion and a bunch of people that just agree to agree and not even be apart of whatever it is that has happened. Real quote from one of them "I troll Zen because my friends said to Troll Zen"

That little scuffle between Kahn and Arch, that's Smack Talk. Having a post about the current thread and then a moment that the current thread is completely about, not smack talk. The whole smack talk thingy started this whole mess.

Now, Phew, my little tidbit about the thread. iv done my dailies flagged some days and not other days. When i'm feeling frisky [insert joke], ill flag up while doing them without the intention of flagging others. I'm always watching my debuffs, normally its a caster trying to pick me off and its kinda obvious there trying to kill you when there targeting you and already have a full rotation on you. But but but, there r times i sit, mounted out in the open no where near any mobs and watch and wait to see if people r dumb enough to come attack me or if i spot some1 trying to do to pick off others, like an enforcer for the people that don't wanna pvp but for some reason their flagged. All i can say is be careful, cause to tell the truth its not going to stop. There will always be people that wanna get that cheap open world kill.

[waiting for negativity cause you know there's going to be]
Edited by Biggestbear on 8/9/2011 1:57 AM PDT
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90 Human Paladin
FYI, Zen really never has to pug. Why join a raiding guild to Pug content you join the guild for in the first place? Maybe cause you cant make the set time we raid, or you never had any interest in raiding with us to start and are just going to use it as an excuse to troll after you gtfo. Attendance - Performance - Attendance. Be here, know your toon, know the content [meaning watching a video or 2 to learn the abilities of the fights and not particularly the strategy, since no guild is going to have the same exact 1 (please see my Raid Expectations Thread)], and continuing to show up to raid even if we cant fit you in a raid slot right at the start. If you cant make the time, cant really change it just for 1 person, then i don't know where the mix up was when we said we raid at 8 o clock pm server time when you first decided to join. And if your already a Zen member and your Schedule changes to where u cant make raid, then you must understand the no pug current content policy that we uphold. As Pen says in his oh so gentle way "There are plenty of other guilds that can accommodate your time to raid."

RBGs, i like my Knight title. [1600] I'm not some big, hotshot pvper boasting about his 2200 rating. I only really started pvping a lot this expansion. And even so i barely pvp a lot, especially recently since my connection decided to get iffy.
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85 Tauren Hunter
Man, I really miss killing Zen members in TB and Org. This thread has really made me miss my days PVPing rather than raiding so I may have to come back over to Sisters to have that kind of fun again.
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85 Night Elf Druid
08/09/2011 10:15 AMPosted by Amednå
Man, I really miss killing Zen members in TB and Org. This thread has really made me miss my days PVPing rather than raiding so I may have to come back over to Sisters to have that kind of fun again.

im starting to do tol barad frequently on this server so you can have fun killing me =P

i sometimes like to turn into bear form (pop all defensive cooldowns) and charge 20 horde too see how long i can last

sometimes i last 5 seconds!!!!!

Edited by Sabertiger on 8/9/2011 10:24 AM PDT
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90 Human Priest
Some WoW philosophies to help you with your game…
…a moment of Zen, if you will.
There are 3 types of players in this game:

  • There are players that make things happen.

  • There are players that watch things happen.

  • There are players who ask, “What just happened?”

Which one are YOU?
In no culture among human beings, in no society or country on this planet…
…are things like greed, selfishness, and rudeness or hatred prized as Good.

Responsibility, devotion, kindness, generosity, knowledge, experience, and helping others, on the other hand are all considered valuable traits in any culture.

Do not fall into the trap of anonymity on the interwebs. Just because someone can’t reach out and smack your dumb !@# upside the head should not give you license to be a dip$%^-.

Behave in the game environment just as you should in a real life situation, with the same ethics and common sense. Your tenure in the community will be a much better experience for yourself and others if you abide by this morality.
If it’s Red, it’s Dead.
If you are flagged for PvP at popular questing areas, expect to be killed. Period.
If you kill a flagged player, and thus become flagged yourself, expect to be killed as well.
If it’s Red, it’s Dead.
That was your moment of Zen.
Have a great day!
Edited by Penelopae on 8/9/2011 10:31 AM PDT
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100 Orc Warrior
i both blame and thank Aelune for starting the fire and making most of this thread about Zen....

Except Aelune was actually responding to an earlier post by someone from Zen, so it could be said that ego mania is really to blame.
Since all my time in Zen its been, negative comment, defend, comment, defend...

You missed the start of the sequence being "goading comment that feeds trolls".
And whats with linking a single person with a whole guild.

When it's your guild leader, that actually appropriate. Guilds reputations are directly related to the reputation of their leaders.
About the whole Server First, that was not mentioned by a Zen member first. Kahn claimed we massed recruited to get that server first.

Selective reading, you do it too. I stated that is how you are perceived. Perception usually trumps truth, but that's what public relations are all about. I was not directly accusing Zen of this, but rather stating that your public image doesn't amount to anything more than that.
That little scuffle between Kahn and Arch, that's Smack Talk. Having a post about the current thread and then a moment that the current thread is completely about, not smack talk. The whole smack talk thingy started this whole mess.

Except Arch and I didn't start bantering until the end of the 3rd page. That's not exactly "starting this whole mess" and we concluded pretty much right away, as it was just that, banter, not hostile. Sure he pisses me off in the game, but as long as he spams attacks, and not emotes, there's really no residual rage afterwards.

Cata was supposed to bring back the hatred between the Horde and the Alliance. I don't know what happened to most of the Alliance I'm familiar with from TBC and WotLK, we smacked talked in the spirit of the game plenty, but it never got to the point of going beyond that.
SoE may not be a bastion of RP, but it's still an RP server. And while /trade may not be "in character" (as it technically should be), using it to recruit for an Alliance guild would pretty much cause that individual to be hunted down to be drawn and quartered. If only you could police your own faction members like that.
Use the forums, server and guild recruitment ones. Use the guild recruitment mechanic in game. Take note of desirable individuals you come across in TB/World PVP/BGs and contact them directly. But, by no means, dare to be surprised or offended that the reaction to spamming trade yielded the responses that even a 90 year old that still uses a typewriter and rotary phone could have predicted.
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90 Human Paladin
First off, ty for responding so quickly Kahn.

I didn't say i don't have Selective reading, but the whole Quote then answer is possibly the worst case of selective reading. Doing that allows the "people that cant be bothered with it" to see only a portion of what was actually said. Let the big kids read the whole thing and let them actually have an honest opinion.

As with Aelune, only 3 posts before this comment was made

07/03/2011 02:11 AMPosted by Aelune
Zen, you really talk a ton of smack.

The first negative thing said against Zen in the thread. And the rest of the post has nothing to do with the current thread except hating on Zen. I don't see anything in the first 3 Zen posts that are deemed worthy of getting "Zen, you really talk a ton of smack". And from someone who doesn't pvp but gains the reward of BH when we do have it. Be glad you have BH when we do.

Kahn, you may not see it, but for me being behind home plate the whole time. Its always been comment then defend. Recruitment macro! comment defend. Giving someone useful info in trade! comment defend. Even in this thread, a full post was made and it was defended, then more people chimed in. Its how it goes.

I may have the Zen name above my head, but that doesn't mean I'm putting on a t-shirt saying "Everything i say and do is the result of me being in Zen". Got bored one day and made like 100 chocolate cookies and decided to give them out. Say free cookies in Trade and all of a sudden its "Oh look Zen is trying to get brownie points with the server". Whats seeing what guild I'm in haft to do with free cookies? But with Pen, hes very good at making people hate him. But its not his first intention. Come on vent and have a talk with him. We know most of the server has the Zen vent info, and we don't care, some people had to pay for it when it wasn't actual public knowledge. But Pen isn't really that bad of a guy, its the trolls on the server and forums that make him out to be the bad guy. [I'm sensing a quote from this paragraph]

Saying anything about the server first is going to spark something.

07/04/2011 01:13 PMPosted by Káhn
All Zen is perceived as is a guild that you started to recruit mass numbers to get level 25,

Selective readers like you, me and the rest of this thread are going to read that and believe it as the truth or nothing more than some1 voicing their opinion. But because it was quoted it must be true right? That's all the readers see is the quote, it doesn't matter if the rest of the quote is about squirrels and bunnies. All there going to see is a quote and many people are going to voice an opinion based purely on that quote.

As with you and Arch, Arch made a request to stop the fighting and settling it in a war game. Theres the connection, and heres the lock

07/10/2011 02:13 AMPosted by Káhn
ZOMG Arch your healer's almost dead! Vanish and sprint away!!!!

In your heated debate with Pen you jumped all over Arch. Smack talk, witch is why i used it as an example, is another connection. I know you two are just trying to ruffle each others feathers but in a thread were there's already a heated debate, it doesn't look like it. It was used as an example for the first comment against Zen.

With your final quote, i agree and disagree. Yes Cata was suppose to bring back the hatred between Alliance and Horde, says the wow lore. But people are going to continue playing the same way no matter how the wow lore changes. One Macro isn't spamming trade, and it happens on both factions so i dunno where you get off saying we don't know how to police our faction members. I'm not here to babysit other people and tell them how to play the game. Many people don't come to the forums to look for a guild because its just so damned convenient to see a guild actively recruiting in game. I know its better off in the LFG channel but i wasn't responsible for bringing it to trade, it just started happening.

But at least you're upfront that you have no unity with your faction. That's why we own. Being Horde is enough to unite us, while you obviously have nothing but contempt for people that aren't foolish enough to be in your guild.

While Horde guilds were progressing through raids, meaning working on killing new bosses that eventually would give guild XP, you guys were running e-z mode stuff. Good for you.

Sounds like your BH runs have to be scheduled around the victories of Alliance members more honorable than yourself. Looks like they're the ones carrying you.

Id love to see someone that just reads those quotes and voices an opinion. Truthfully i think your very proud of your faction, maybe a little too proud. And Possibly thinks highly of himself. But that's just an opinion right? Who's going to pick apart and banter and debate someone's Opinion? @-@
Edited by Biggestbear on 8/9/2011 2:57 PM PDT
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90 Human Paladin
I'm not here to make enemies, everything i say is just an open opinion. It's what you say about the opinion that turns it into whatever you turn it into. Could be a positive honest one, maybe a bad negative one, a hateful one or a loving one. Yes its just a game and yes there are plenty of people that take it serious, that's them and only them. You haft to consider that when you type something out loud so other people can see it. That there will be people that will say something about it and that's how it will all start. For the good or the bad.

And Kahn i know your probably a great person and speak from the heart but all i know about you is what you post. Id love to duel you at some point if you feel up to it. And maybe talk with you to see what kind of person you are.
Edited by Biggestbear on 8/9/2011 2:48 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
08/09/2011 10:46 AMPosted by Káhn
Guilds reputations are directly related to the reputation of their leaders.

And that of their members Kahn.
Edited by Kalico on 8/9/2011 5:54 PM PDT
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