(A/H) SoE Ironman Challenge!

90 Blood Elf Paladin
The Ironman Challenge is coming to Sisters of Elune!

Need some motivation to level that class you haven’t tried as of yet? Looking for another reason to quest through the revamped zones? Curious about some of the new lore worked in since Cataclysm was released but haven’t had the motivation to check it all out? Want to set a bar for yourself and see how you perform? How about a shot at a 10,000 gold prize for first place?

In the spirit of the original event as created by the global WoW community, Riddle of Steel (H) is proud to sponsor the Sisters of Elune Ironman Challenge!


What is the Ironman Challenge?

From the official forums:

“Players across Azeroth have recently embraced a new, very personal achievement: leveling a character "Iron Man" style. What started out as only a small movement, this bare bones, no-frills style of play has now transformed into a community-wide call-to-arms known as the Iron Man WoW Challenge, inviting World of Warcraft enthusiasts to see how close they can get to level cap with only the barest of necessities.

The goal of the Iron Man WoW challenge is simple: level from 1 to 85. The catch, however, is that you must accomplish this task without the assistance of talents, class specialization, stat-improved gear, professions, buffs, item enhancements, or other players. And if you die? Well, then it’s back to square one.”


What are the rules?

The rules for SoE’s Ironman Challenge are the same as the official rules, which are as follows:

    1. All gear employed must be White or Grey. Also, no Heirlooms of any sort.
    2. No transfer of gear, items or money from any other character (yours or others)
    3. No gear enhancement(s), thus no Socket Gems, Enchanting or Reforging. Exceptions exist for class abilities. (example: Rogue poisons)
    4. No specializations, talent points, or glyphs. This restriction also applies to talent points for pets.
    5. No professions or secondary skills. An exception is made for First Aid.
    6. No potions/flasks/elixirs (except those labeled as Quest Items)
    7. No food buffs or other external buffs (this includes buffs from items and other players).
    8. No grouping or assistance from other characters, even if not grouped.
    9. No dungeons/raids. No battlegrounds/arenas.
    10. No guilds. An exception is made for Ironman guilds (no perks)
    11. No Refer-A- Friend activities. The intention of the challenge is that it be done without assistance.
    12. No add-ons that assist in combat (try to challenge yourself and do the most with the least).
    13. THE BIG ONE: No deaths. Character death for any reason disqualifies the character.

  • - All mounts
  • - All bags/containers
  • - All quests (including holiday and daily quests)
  • - You may train and use all your class skills (including your own buffs)
  • (http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/4015202822)

Additionally, for the SoE Ironman Challenge, participating characters cannot begin leveling until after 12:00am Server Time, Tuesday, May 1, 2012 and will need to be members of the guild <SoE Ironman Challenge> .
Edited by Bellamuerte on 4/8/2012 2:11 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Are there prizes?

SoE's Horde guild Riddle of Steel is providing the winners with the following prizes:

  • Ironman of Sisters of Elune 2012
    Reaching Level 85 cap with no disqualification – 10,000 gold
  • Point of No Return
    First player to reach level 44 with no disqualification prior. – 3,000 gold

Prizes will be awarded directly to the qualifying, winning participating character(s) as based on rules, qualifications, and tracking via the official Warcraft website.


How do I know this is fair?

Tracking will be performed by the official Warcraft Ironman Challenge website, located at http://wowironman.com/. If this site disqualifies a participant, their ruling is final.

Participants are also required to join the guild <SoE Ironman Challenge> (Level 1 guild, Horde, Sisters of Elune (US)). This will be to not only verify that characters don’t jump the gun on leveling before the intended start date (all participants being level 1 at 12:00am Server Time, May 1, 2012) but also to provide a sense of camaraderie for those who are participating with you!


What if I die or get disqualified?

Deaths mean you’re back to square one! Participants whose characters meet an untimely demise will be allowed to create another character for participation if they so desire. Simply contact one of the folks listed in the “How do I participate?” section below.

Equally, participants who are disqualified for any other reason as per the official tracking site are invited to create another character and join back in.


Does it have to be Horde?

At this time, we ask that leveling occur on Horde-side because of the dedicated guild for participants. If there is enough interest and participation, an Alliance-side counterpart may be considered in the future.

Horde-side participation also allows us to facilitate awarding the prizes with ease.
Edited by Bellamuerte on 4/8/2012 2:14 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Is there a deadline to join?

Sign-up deadline is 9:00pm Server Time, Monday April 30, 2012.

Participating characters will need to be members of the guild <SoE Ironman Challenge> no later than 9:30pm Server Time, Monday April 30, 2012.


How do I participate?

There is no entry fee. All you need to do is simply sign up and join the official guild!

To get started, please contact a member of Riddle of Steel guild staff (Bellamuerte (GM), Kalico, Nocxia, or Ripshot (officers) in game (H), or visit the Riddle of Steel website and use the Contact Us form.

Once you have created your participating character, it will be invited to the guild <SoE Ironman Challenge> (H).

Tracking is performed by the official Warcraft Ironman Challenge website, located at http://wowironman.com/. Follow the instructions posted there for how to start the tracking of your character, which is required. (Note that if the official site disqualifies a participant, their ruling is final.)

All participants are welcome, regardless of main guild affiliation, home server, main faction or play style (PvE, PvP, RP).

Gambling and wagering on this Challenge is against Blizzard Terms of Use and is prohibited.


Additional Information:

For more information, please contact a member of the Riddle of Steel officer staff in game or visit the website listed below:


    RoS Staff:
      Bellamuerte (GM)
      Kalico, Nocxia, Ripshot (Officers)

    Riddle of Steel Website: http://riddlesoe.enjin.com

For additional information on the Ironman Challenge in general, please see the following:

Edited by Bellamuerte on 4/8/2012 2:22 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Sisters of Elune Ironman Challange 2012 Participants


  • Atalmamiwata (Grizzly Hills): Muuyna/Makkali
  • Cayssaelira (Wyrmrest Accord): Cayzzaelirok
  • Gottfried (Sisters of Elune): Marjhani
  • Kahtraa (Trollbane): Kaslen
  • Kalico (Sisters of Elune): Win
  • Mydroodad (Gul'dan): Irondrood
  • Oxide: Oxide
  • Rongar (Sisters of Elune): Hakkur
  • Springheel (Sisters of Elune): Ironarrow


Want to see your name here? Let us know you're interested in participation!

Participants are encouraged to sign up and post within this thread regarding their progress, sharing their experience!
Edited by Bellamuerte on 5/1/2012 10:57 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
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85 Human Warrior
It's finally here! Wahooo~

Sign me up! I'll contact you guys when I decide what my character would be, eh?
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Sounds good, Gott. :)

Shoot one of the officers in RoS a tell and we'll get you added, no problems. :D
Edited by Bellamuerte on 4/9/2012 1:50 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I was tossing around ideas for promoting this and Bells gave me permission to whip together a poster with my less-than-spectacular Photoshop skills.


May the RNG be ever in your favor.
Edited by Kalico on 4/9/2012 3:33 PM PDT
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I'm in - though probably not for long.

Presenting Hekur, Tauren hunter. May his thick cow hide serve him well.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Hekur's showing up as a level 2 tauren, its got to be strictly level 1. On May 1st you may start leveling.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Heya, Rongar!

Like Kali said, it starts as level 1, leveling commencing no sooner than 5/1/12 at 12:00am server time so everyone has an equal chance at winning. :)

But if you'd like to restart Hekur, I'll be sure to get him into the Ironman guild and you'll be ready to go once the countdown ends! :D
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Got it. Nursing a cold, reading comprehension not so good today. And perhaps overeager to start the challenge already.

Forget Hekur, presenting Hakkur, level 1 Tauren Hunter.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin

Let me know when you're ready to be added to <SoE Ironman Challenge> and I'll pop over and toss you an invite. :D
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87 Gnome Priest
Makes me wish I had a slot open. I had to go elsewhere to IMC. (And then ended up RPing more than leveling.)
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100 Troll Shaman
Ok I'm gonna do this...With my luck, I will afk and drown to death or something ridiculous but I'm still gonna do it!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/10/2012 03:12 PMPosted by Grommet
Makes me wish I had a slot open. I had to go elsewhere to IMC. (And then ended up RPing more than leveling.)

I know what you mean. I've absolutely no room to try one on SoE. It just means I'll be rooting for everyone who does! ;)

04/10/2012 04:36 PMPosted by Zylla
Ok I'm gonna do this...With my luck, I will afk and drown to death or something ridiculous but I'm still gonna do it!

Got you added! Let me know ingame when you're ready to add your freshly-minted toon to the Ironman guild. :D
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Sounds perfect, count me in. I'll get hold of you Monday and let you know the toon's name.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/12/2012 09:47 PMPosted by Springheel
Sounds perfect, count me in. I'll get hold of you Monday and let you know the toon's name.

Kool and the Gang!

Have you added to the participants list (above) and will update that as soon as we touch base Monday. :)
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85 Human Warrior
I've decided on a brand new Troll named Marjhani.

Inspiration gotten from a South Indian song of the same name.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
We now have nine folks that have tossed their hats in the ring!

As a reminder, if you haven't already added your level one character to the <SoE Ironman Challenge> guild, please contact an officer of Riddle and we'll get them in.

Fifteen days and you can begin, so get ready!

May the RNG be ever in your favor. ;)
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