(A/H) SoE Ironman Challenge!

90 Blood Elf Paladin
No one has yet to claim the prize, so be our guest!

Good to see you about again, Xiang. Been awhile. I think since the Forthright days. These days are better, of course. :)

My best to your significant other and we wanna see wedding pics, yo!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Thank you very much for the well-wishes, logging on now to create my new ironman toon.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
08/10/2012 03:39 PMPosted by Xiangnala
Thank you very much for the well-wishes, logging on now to create my new ironman toon.

Wasn't on then but I'm in game now. :)

/who Riddle and ask for an officer if you don't see me online. Ripshot, Kalico, or I can add you to the <SoE Ironman> guild.
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90 Blood Elf Priest
I will probably curse myself for this...

Rogue, Winddancer, currently level 1 (waiting for answers so I don't mess up).

Question: dropped items, can we sell through AH or do we need to vendor everything? (nvm, wasn't in first faq but found it)

And I'm assuming we can't do dailies for cooking and fishing, even though they don't buff or give xp of themselves since we can't do secondary profs except first aid?

EDit again: and one more - what do we do if some random person throws a heal on us or tries to assist? Report it, or is it an auto DQ?

ty :)
Edited by Shankari on 8/16/2012 9:03 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm on my level 4 (about to hit 5) lock, irondock, maybe one of these days we can be on at the same time.
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90 Blood Elf Priest
I never realized just how much even greens help.

*plink plink plink* come on, die sucker, like today!

I'm currently rocking the shabby leather set and one gladius and one stiletto - wheee.

So far the method has been to kill as many things as possible before moving zones, I didn't leave the starter zone til almost level 7. We'll see how it goes :p

No bags dropped yet, phooey.

Laughing at myself - was thinking I'd quest through ghostlands and then do silverpine, even though the xp isn't as good level wise, for the quest rewards... and realized I'll just have to vendor 'em anyways. LOL.
Edited by Shankari on 8/16/2012 3:07 PM PDT
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6 Orc Warlock
Here we go. This guy
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And this hardy little rogue - well, so far anyway :p
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And at lvl 13, first death, courtesy of Anok'Suten and company.
As soon as her auctions clear off, it'll be time to reroll and try this again. Note to self - even "easy" somewhat elite quests = death. Avoid Anok'Suten and friends.
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