(A/H) SoE Ironman Challenge!

90 Blood Elf Priest
The time of the Ironman nears! Prepare yourselves!
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Up again! Challenge yourselves in this grand event! Bragging rights and gold up for grabs!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
One week to go before the start!

As a reminder to folks, please contact me or a Riddle officer (Kalico, Nocxia, Ripshot) to add your character to the <SoE Ironman Challenge> guild. If you don't see one of us on, simply /who Riddle and ask for an officer, as we may be on an alt.

Additionally, should you have any questions regarding the event, shoot us a whisper and we'll be glad to chat about it. :)
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Just leaving this here for some musical inspiration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEjgPh4SEmU
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90 Blood Elf Priest
The time approaches fast, folks! Get on board and prepare for an epic challenge! Only 6 days until the madness begins!
Edited by Astelis on 4/25/2012 7:46 PM PDT
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04/23/2012 11:04 AMPosted by Kalico
Just leaving this here for some musical inspiration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEjgPh4SEmU

Before following the link, I was certain it would take me here:


Oh well, I'll take "Eye of the Tauren".
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75 Draenei Paladin
Tomorrow's the big day! I will be getting a late start as I get to work tomorrow and won't be able to play until I get home. :(

Good luck to all the challengers!

I hope we can find greys when we reach the Outlands - you know, the armor that is level 61, 67 71, 77, 80 and 82. I haven't checked at the AH on this realm yet (I start collecting my armor pretty early on).

All you questers out there, we challengers will put those to good use but we will not be able to afford real high prices so please keep it reasonable as this is stuff you would usually just vendor anyway. :D
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85 Blood Elf Warrior
I will be questing in Outland all week and will gladly pass along any grey gear that I acquire. Send me a note specifying your armor type and I'll send along anything I find asap. Good luck to all of your Ironmen and Ironwomen!

<3 Rhu
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72 Night Elf Druid
Rhubarb: Sending along any grey gear you find isn't within the rules. Putting those items on the AH, at a profitable price for you, has been customary (on WrA, at least. The organizers get to decide the rules here.)

Like Kahtraa, I have been buying up gear ahead of time. What that means for me is, I start looking for Outland and up greys when I reach 40ish. Depending on drop luck, I have enough gold then to start spending 4-10g on gear I may never use (and enough bank bag space to store 6 sets of gear :p ). As the level approaches where I will actually be able to use a gear set, I pay more to fill in missing pieces.

If you want to sell your greys, keep in mind that any Iron challengers starting now will most likely be looking to buy that gear several days in at the earliest (if they are planning ahead), maybe the end of the week.

I will also start a toon here, mostly to meet more people. Haven't decided yet whether it will be yet another druid (but I *like* druids! and I'm feeling stubborn about getting one to 85 this way) or some other class. The Forsaken quest line through Silverpine and Tarren Mill is lots of fun. Oooo, horde side.... there's actually a lvl 70ish white leather set!
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75 Draenei Paladin
Rhubarb, I appreciate the offer but like Cays said it has to be a "legal" transaction. I, and I'm sure the others, will be checking the AH often for gear we can use. Paladins especially need the gear and I know the feral/bear druids are reliant upon them as well. So if others could just post any greys they get we will be sure to ferret them out of the AH. Like Cays, I start on my higher level gear at around level 30/40 and that should take me about a week to hit as I will be going slower being not as familiar with the horde side quests.

I also spend some of my gold on bags and opening bank slots so I can hopefully have 6 full sets of gear waiting on me when I reach that level. Besides my training and riding skills I don't really have much more to spend it on but flying does cost a pretty penny for an ironman/woman.

I look forward to this and meeting new friends!
Edited by Kahtraa on 4/30/2012 3:16 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
AH transactions (purchasing via legitimate methods) are permitted, but the characters are bare-bones as they start (no passed over gold, gear, etc.).

By all means, others are encouraged to post gray and white level items in the AH for sale to those competing.

I do want to say that it is a pleasure to see folks actually get involved in this, and we welcome folks new to SoE with open arms.

I'll be in-game this evening to make sure everyone who needs to be added to the <SoE Ironman Challenge> guild is.

Leveling begins at 12 Midnight Server Time (Central Time Zone) TONIGHT (5/1/12)!

May the RNG be ever in your favor. ;)
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75 Draenei Paladin
We are starting at a good time. Small eggs should sell well for Children's Week cooking recipe and the Darkmoon Faire will be coming soon and we can get 16 slot bag for 1 ticket there. These are not soulbound and can be sold on the AH for those interested or they vendor for 2g50s.

There will be an influx of low level meats and cloth and just about anything else we come across and can sell on the AH. lol
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Leveling has begun!

Participants, please be sure to register with http://wowironman.com for tracking purposes.

Make sure to note here which character is your main and which is participating if you'd like to see your name listed and I've somehow missed adding it. :)

Good luck to all those who are participating, and have fun!
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72 Night Elf Druid
Hey! It's 12:15 and there's nobody here! Cayzzaelirok ran up the hill to talk to Voljin, and logged out there, since there was no company. (Best I could think of, to make the name look trollish, but still recognizable.) I'll check back and continue later.

Cayssaelira isn't really my main, but I've gone with variations on the name for most of my ironman toons. Can't register with the site until lvl 10, when the armory acknowledges one's existence.
Edited by Cayssaelire on 4/30/2012 10:43 PM PDT
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75 Draenei Paladin
We can't register our characters on the ironman leaderboard until we reach level 10 and we show up in the armory.

Kahtraa isn't my main but it's the one I'm using right now to post on the forums as it's my ironman character from WrA. My ironman for SoE is Kaslen, a BE paladin (I actually rolled a male character for this challenge)

I will be starting on him when I get home from work.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/30/2012 10:40 PMPosted by Cayssaelire
Can't register with the site until lvl 10, when the armory acknowledges one's existence.

05/01/2012 07:43 AMPosted by Kahtraa
We can't register our characters on the ironman leaderboard until we reach level 10 and we show up in the armory.

That's correct - have to wait until level 10. Was just giving folks a reminder. :)

I'll be sure to note your characters in the list above.

Cay - I was on most of the night until a bit after midnight server time. Sorry we missed each other.

EDIT: I've updated the list to reflect all those who added characters to the guild to participate.

Good luck to you all! We'll be watching! ;)
Edited by Bellamuerte on 5/1/2012 10:54 AM PDT
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85 Human Warrior
I'm off to a late start as well. I got morning classes here. Plus, mornings to you guys means evenings to me. Dx

Let's rock it on!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Just as a reminder, purchasing gray and white level items in the AH is permitted. Be sure to check things of all levels to help you along as you level up!

Keep up the good work, and remember to have fun! :D
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85 Blood Elf Warrior
Yes, sorry for my misunderstanding. I've been putting some grey Outland items up on the AH for 2-3sp apiece and it looks like they are selling. Cheers to the Ironfolk!

<3 Rhu
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85 Human Warrior
Bells, Gott here. I'm typing this from a public comp.

The cable in my area got struck by lightning, and will take several days to fix and reboot from the server. Talk about incompetency. x.X

Sure, I'm off to a super late start but hey. I can still join in for the fun and camaderie, right? :P
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