(A/H) SoE Ironman Challenge!

90 Blood Elf Paladin
Joining in can happen at any time, Gott. :)

We just wanted to make sure no one got an early start in order to try and level the playing field at the beginning of the contest, but late entries are always welcome.
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75 Draenei Paladin
Reached Level 16 tonight and started collecting pieces of my grey armor (thanks to whoever is putting the stuff on there!). Being a paladin, I keep up with my gear. I have enough trouble staying alive without having more subpar gear. LOL I will say that the white vendor armor sets, at least the mail armor sets, looks nicer on the horde side than the alliance versions. I had to go to Undercity for my weapon upgrades as Silvermoon City doesn't have a weapons vendor for these low levels. And why is that the most frufru race of the horde doesn't have a barber shop in their city yet the Forsakes (who doesn't have much hair and could care less what they look like) have one? I have yet to figure that one out.

This has been interesting so far. I miss my Draenei racial of 1% hit as I'm missing a lot more than I'm used to, however, the arcane thing that Blood Elves have is pretty nice for silincing those nasty casters now if it had less than a 2 minute cooldown. :)

There doesn't seem to be alot of people leveling ironmen/women characters right now. Guild chat is pretty quiet. I've only seen Cayz and we are neck and neck right now - he was at 16 when I logged off tonight.
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75 Draenei Paladin
Dead already at level 18 due to the elevator in Undercity falling out from underneath me. Re-rolled another paladin - Kelderon. Now to start over on the gold <cry>
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I should be hitting the leveling this weekend. Had a surprise pop up for tomorrow and I'm getting ready for it :)
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Question for our judges: I'm still a few levels away from needing to worry about it, but I am looking for clarification on account bound mounts.

I do have Tyrael's Charger associated with this account. I would assume, learning and using mounts like this would be considered an heirloom item? Granted, there is no stat bonus, but it does save us the trouble from having to farm gold to purchase it.

Am I overthinking this? Are account-bound (and Blizzard store bought) mounts acceptable, or a big no-no for this challenge?

Chances are good I'll be dead before level 20, but just in case...
Edited by Hakkur on 5/3/2012 10:00 PM PDT
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75 Draenei Paladin
If we are following the original rules of the ironman challenge all mounts, even those that are account bound, are allowed.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
05/03/2012 09:47 PMPosted by Hakkur
Question for our judges: I'm still a few levels away from needing to worry about it, but I am looking for clarification on account bound mounts.

Account-bound mounts are fine, as they don't really impact much of anything.
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And... I am out at level 18, with a whole new appreciation for the difficulty of this challenge.

Good luck everyone!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Aww! Bummer to hear that, Rongar. D:

Just as a reminder, if your character kicks the polygon bucket and you'd like to restart, anyone is welcome to do so.

Also, please make sure that at level 10 you are registering at http://wowironman.com, which is required for tracking.

We've got a few folks inching closer to the big 4-0, but until level cap is reached, everything is up in the air. Go go go, and good luck! :D
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It was those darn Theramore Marines near Ratchet that got me! Someone should really do something about that Theramore settlement, and their incessant attacks on the Tauren...

I will probably not restart the challenge. I am not sure I can handle the white-knuckle gauntlet through Quilboar country again. That said, it was a ton of fun while it lasted. I may stick with Hakkur as a regular hunter. Playing this class has been way more fun than I expected it to be.

Thank you again for organizing the challenge.

For anyone considering to give it a try, I say do it. It is a very different experience to approach a new area and a new quest with caution and strategy than to just barrel in armed to the teeth and overpowering all in sight.
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Marjhani almost died thanks to attemptin' face-ballin' 4 mobs at da same time mon...
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Oy, mon. We know dis might be late o' sumthin', but just lettin' ya know. Da Marjhani ain't be quittin' yet, mon.

In fact, lemme show ya why I name mahself Marjhani~


So how'd y'all git ideas for ya names, mon?
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30 Blood Elf Paladin
Glad you survived, Marjhani!

I got this name using Random when I created him. So far, all my ironmen characters' names have begun with the letter "K" and I have no idea. I wasn't intentionally doing it but it suddenly dawned on me that I had done just that. This is my second try on SoE. I'm on my 4th try on WrA - Level 71 pally named Kahtraa.
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90 Gnome Mage
((I'm old, slow, and currently playing on a system that only gets eight FPS in the world and less than one in Orgrimmar. Should he make it to level ten, I'd like to add Bunbury to the rolls.))
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Congratulations to Cayzzaelirok who is the winner of Point of No Return, having reached level 44 without death or other disqualification!

The main prize is still up for grabs and it's still anyone's game, so new participants are more than welcome.

Contact a Riddle of Steel officer if you'd like to be added to the <SoE Ironman Guild> and get started. :)
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Congrats Cayzzaelirok - after getting my rear handed to me by level 18 mobs, I can fully appreciate your huge accomplishment so far.

Rooting for you the rest of the way!
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For those who haven't seen my post on the Community Forums:

Cayzzaelirok died to a computer system crash at lvl 57, in Un'Goro. Killed the big ape, pulled the next gorilla, and... blue screen. As I stated earlier, gold has been deposited in the Challenge guild bank, as a prize to the first to reach lvl 58. Good luck to the contenders!

The person who bought my mechanical chicken was trying to resell it for more than twice the price I sold it for. I hope it finds a good home eventually. I sent the baby raptor pet I found to Bellemuerte, so she can find it a nice home too. She can decide what to do with the lvl 44 prize, as well (awarded on completion or disqualification).

It's always interesting seeing a different server, and getting more of a feel for the variety present among what are nominally identical servers. But SoE is very quiet, so I suspect my further Iron attempts will be back on WrA. Besides, my lvl 16 Iron hunter still has the Noblegarden mount he got on his 10th egg. Given how much effort I put into getting that on my main, I feel obliged to level him enough so he can at least learn it!
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23 Undead Hunter
Best of luck to you, Cay.

Bunbury died to a quest mechanic (because I forgot that was part of getting this very cool hat.)

I hadn't even enrolled him yet.... sigh.

I'll likely finish out the Forsaken/Gilneas story line as I haven't seen it all yet. I will keep going with him, but won't bother to enroll him in the contest now.
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Marjhani died from...believe it or not, parent aggro.

Before I left the screen, I pressed my THunderstomp button. Apparently it caught two extra zebras who somewhat trotted by.

The rest be history, mon. I thought it gonna be fun to catch up after the exams but eh... Didn't expect this obstacle.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I think I may start up a toon for this ironman challenge when i get off work today, if my internet connection hasn't calmed down from last night enough for me to get into some MW3 (in a fps, 200ms latency is death, whereas it's totally doable in WoW) we'll see...
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