Are off server players better than Sister of Elune players?
Not initially, back when I played on Sisters of Elune I raided with some exception players. It's not surprising to see them still on the server in exceptional guilds. But there are better players than all of us on other servers.
A Guild is just a group of people who enjoying playing together, is it fair for a "Guild Achievement" to be accomplished using friends of members that are in the Guild?
Is it fair to the people who spend time, oh I don't know, learning all the other heroic boss fights and actually clearing the raid to get to a final boss? Nope, not really. I would rather earn my achievement then by asking friends to help me skip half the challenge.
It's common for Guilds not to complete Final Bosses on Heroic before the next patch/expansion on SoE, is it even a realm first after so many nerfs?
With the way the question is worded, yes it guess it would still be considered a "realm first". But then again it loses it's value to get to after all the nerfs and the increased ilvl of your raiders.
If Blizzard allows pulling members from elsewhere, then should you be upset with players or Blizzard? Maybe both?
If Blizzard really allowed this, then shouldn't you be doing it to clear H DS? Oh wait, you can't right? You needed to do it to clear content from a prior tier.
Should we black mark any Guild who recruits someone who has completed the content that a Guild is still in progression on?
I agree with Paulom on this one. It was your overall responses to things that really caused any drama. The "Oh, we're just as good and these other guilds", or "Another guild other than Apples, claimed a realm first." I'm sure that Apples hasn't claimed every realm first in it's existence. Maybe since Wrath, but probably not before that.
I see nothing wrong with recruiting players to with experience. But to do so, already use a cleared lockout and swoop in for the kill seems to be like you're trying to cut corners, doesn't it?
Also, what time span do you guys feel that a member must be in a Guild before they are considered a Guild "Member" and not off server "Carry-me-plox"? A day, A week? a month, 3 months?
Simple, did you just invite them to make it a guild achievement, or did they work with you to clear the content? Did you just invite them to the guild before your first pull with them or starting clearing trash?
Does a "Guild First" by your standards mean each player in the group should have never completed the progression content before hand?
No, a "Guild First" by my standard means each player in the group should be in the same guild. No off server friends that overshadow and outgear you to carrying you through the fight should something happen during the attempt.
I'm sorry, but this really isn't a legit kill. If you feel proud of yourselves, then you can give yourself a pat on the back. But when another guild actually clears the way to Rag from start to finish and kills him, at least they would have earned it.