Server First Ragnaros Kill

1 Night Elf Druid
So it's totally awesome, night sirens did the realm first kill ALL BY THEMSELVES. I love them from now on and I think they are totally of the same caliber than Apple EVEN BETTER because heroic firelands is way harder than Heroic Dragon Soul.

Don't let any haters tell you differently.
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Heroic Ragnaros is definitely harder than Heroic Madness with 15%-30% nerf of health AND damage dealt. I don't think anyone is going to try to dispute you.
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100 Orc Warrior
07/18/2012 02:01 PMPosted by Execution
Heroic Ragnaros is definitely harder than Heroic Madness with 15%-30% nerf of health AND damage dealt. I don't think anyone is going to try to dispute you.

Was it aslo done in 378 to 384 gear that wasn't from the HoT heroics nor from LFR?
Heroic Firelands had 15% nerfs all over the place, add 397 to 410 gear, and your argument becomes invalid.
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NS couldn't do H.Fls nor can they do H.DS. So it was done in 397 or lower. Afanasi, winner of the mount(props!) doesn't have a single other H.FLs kill. And Silvarincia has only downed H.Morchok, Ultra, Warlord. And something tells me, there friends that transferred here helped quite abit. Aw well, grats! Again, props on the mount Afanasi
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100 Troll Druid
Edited by Zultani on 11/8/2012 10:21 AM PST
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100 Troll Druid
Edited by Zultani on 11/8/2012 10:21 AM PST
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Not saying it is a impossible fight. But, from talking to players in NS raid groups all I heard is about how people would ask to do heroics only to get shot down. Hell, there's been many night's where raids were called early from what i've been told due to wipes on normals.
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100 Troll Druid
Edited by Zultani on 11/8/2012 10:21 AM PST
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Congratulation on the kill. Hopefully we will see more SOE Firelords soon!
Edited by Imperalix on 7/20/2012 7:55 PM PDT
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100 Troll Druid
07/20/2012 07:54 PMPosted by Imperalix
Congratulation on the kill. Hopefully we will see more SOE Firelords soon!

I agree. I hope we can get a lot more firelords on this realm, and hopefully we can get some more saviors of azeroth too :D
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85 Orc Warrior
07/20/2012 02:51 PMPosted by Zultani
I mean find me another boomkin who can pull 45k on H. Ultraxion in this gear ;)

Gotta say it, bursting 45k before a wipe doesnt count as 45k during the fight. Unless you downed it and have no recorded record of it? And another thing, I've heard same thing from friends in NS that wipe grinds are fairly common. Its sisters, how can you say you brought in pugs and did well? How? I call BS on that. =P I mean...its sisters... and... pugs.
That being said, why did some noob hiding behind level 1 remake this post? Sisters needs it drama , and this pointless topic has really seemed to catch most's attention I guess.
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07/22/2012 06:59 AMPosted by Bladeblitz
That being said, why did some noob hiding behind level 1 remake this post? Sisters needs it drama , and this pointless topic has really seemed to catch most's attention I guess.

Seems to be enough drama to attract a few people from other servers about as well!! Boy must be desperate to stir up some drama
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90 Human Paladin
I think the heroic rags kill needs a thread, and mentioning it shouldn't be what causes the drama.

@Zultani, I personally enjoyed your time here in Zen. It was unfortunate how things ended but I'm glad you are doing so well.

Pugging on this server isn't always that successful, but Silva pugs every week and gets through content. Terrible, old Bads GL, pugged current content back in Wotlk and cleared it most of the time.

Once again, Grats to NS for the Heroic Rags kill. I just hope this thread doesn't turn into what the last thread was.
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85 Orc Warrior
07/22/2012 11:01 AMPosted by Thorgunta
Seems to be enough drama to attract a few people from other servers about as well!! Boy must be desperate to stir up some drama

Well could just use one of my other 6 85's faces aio.
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1 Blood Elf Warrior
Edited by Fcvew on 7/23/2012 5:58 AM PDT
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07/22/2012 04:27 PMPosted by Bladeblitz
Well could just use one of my other 6 85's faces aio.

Yea not Aiona but good try, her warrior is a female and named Torgunta, so try again ;)
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100 Troll Druid
Edited by Zultani on 11/8/2012 10:22 AM PST
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100 Orc Warrior
07/23/2012 11:47 PMPosted by Zultani
I still don't understand why people are letting this stir up so much controversy. A guild not named Apples got a server first, but that shouldn't matter

Probably because how some of your lot immediately let it be known. It takes more than brushing it off and dismissing it as just one person blah blah blah... it takes public denouncement and a swift /gkick to show you don't tolerate that form of behavior (namely the pic of the kill that was MSpainted). That alone took it from whatever triumph you may have had [taking down old content), and turned it into a vicious attack.
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85 Goblin Mage
I think people are not upset about this because they think they all NS players are bad players, but that only three NS players were even in the group. Any semi-decent players could get a group of 7 other people from other servers to help carry them through H Rag when they barely have 4/8H down (not including Rag).
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90 Human Warrior
Gratz again NS. Other thread got deleted. I do love watching how some talk about the best on this server. Come now its a RP server. I here about peeps in 397GS pull 30K...My buddies on the Anub server told me that if you didnt pull that or more in 378GS you didnt cut the mustard. Its a game. And so what if they brought some friends from another server to get them through it....they were in the guild during that time correct. Its their 25 dollars to blow let em.
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