I see people are getting upset over the fact a casual raiding guild achieved a server first kill.
How petty ~
How petty ~
Oh wait… You mean Night Sirens set their sights on a guild goal of achieving a realm-first, and succeeded within Blizzard-legal parameters, and got it done?
Oh my, how utterly scandalous!!! Because certainly, no other guild would stoop to utilizing a little loophole or Blizz-allowed method of getting something done, right?
I mean… no other guild would find and utilize an entirely legal means with which to gain some sort of advantage or just get stuff done, right?
Oh, those terribad cheater-haxzors are just… well… Clever? Smart? Tenacious and work really hard to get stuff done? What?
Grats to Night Sirens on gaining a coveted Realm-First.
Like it or not, they got it done first. Crying is not going to change that, and Blizz is not going to strip them of the achievement. The only thing you can really do about it is to beat them to the next big thing.
Good luck with that, and know also that the Mighty Zen Raiding Guild is right there in the fight too… Night Sirens is probably the least of your worries, the Zen is always right up yer !@#$ and getting stuff done too =)
The guild leader of Night Sirens, to the best of my knowledge, does not read these forums. Posting here will not get any sort of message through to her. I suggest that this forum is barking up the wrong tree.
Leonarius has offered a good and fair summary of the entire situation. The lad is very good at analysis and expressing a neutral and honest view. If you want to get a good idea of the real-deal here, skip every post in this thread except for Leonarius’ posts. Yeah, he rambles on a bit, but you’ll see critical thinking and accurate analysis in his posts, as usual from Leo.
Again, congratulations to Silva and the entire Night Sirens guild for a job well done.
It really is a great feeling to have gained a realm-first achievement. I personally appreciate the fact that they earned this, and applaud them for getting out there and getting stuff done.
- Penelopae
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