My reaction to the Pet Battle System...

85 Human Warrior
When reading about it and raising an eyebrow over it:

"!@#$%^-it, not another Pokemon copypasta. If I want to play Pokemon, I'd grab my Game Boy!"

MoP launches and tested it out for one hour and a half:

"Imma Gottfried the Beast-type Tamer and I challenge y'all for a Pet Battle!!!" -juggles around three big wooden cages-
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Pretty much what I said.
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90 Troll Druid
It's one of my favorite things about the new expansion so far. I love it!
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85 Human Warrior
09/26/2012 12:43 PMPosted by Faeylin
It's one of my favorite things about the new expansion so far. I love it!

09/26/2012 12:16 PMPosted by Agmash
Pretty much what I said.

They get dangerously addictive... I'm feeling like a 10yr old again.
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^How I feel whenever a new Pokemon game is out.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
09/28/2012 06:30 AMPosted by Frostbitë
Woot more pokemon threads! Exuse me not to burst your bubble, but ya no one asked/cares about your "reaction" to this new pokemon era of the game. So please in your next post where you attempt to insult me please include the reason why you felt it neccesary to tell SoE your personal thoughts on pokemon. Because honestly This game is a Monarchy not a Democracy. Blizzard is the leader and does not care about your "reaction". Have a good day everybody!

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90 Human Warrior
easy there frost ...have a snickers...sometimes you get a little cranky when your hungry.
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90 Undead Warlock
Wow, Frostbite. You're kind of a ##@!#%#@, aren't you? :P

An aside, I keep trying to figure out what types to have as a spread on my team. Pokemon is actually a hindrance here since I want to have a move of each type represented in my battle team (so I can always attack Super Effectively), but that's... not really possible, since you have 9 moves total on your team.

Also, why is Hopling a humanoid!? He aughta be a critter. He's a kangaroo rat bunny straight out of the twilight zone movie. That's critter.

Undead pets (Frostwrym, I choose you!) remain the bestest, though. Sure, a one time rezz is neat but it removes your death action from the queue. I've lived so many times because Frosty lived one extra round to kick off a Frost Tomb, then its just waiting until your pet !@#$s up and wipes the raid.
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90 Pandaren Monk
09/28/2012 06:30 AMPosted by Frostbitë
Woot more pokemon threads! Exuse me not to burst your bubble, but ya no one asked/cares about your "reaction" to this new pokemon era of the game. So please in your next post where you attempt to insult me please include the reason why you felt it neccesary to tell SoE your personal thoughts on pokemon. Because honestly This game is a Monarchy not a Democracy. Blizzard is the leader and does not care about your "reaction". Have a good day everybody!

Now you know how everyone feels about your guild threads.
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09/28/2012 10:32 AMPosted by Kuruptionz
Woot more pokemon threads! Exuse me not to burst your bubble, but ya no one asked/cares about your "reaction" to this new pokemon era of the game. So please in your next post where you attempt to insult me please include the reason why you felt it neccesary to tell SoE your personal thoughts on pokemon. Because honestly This game is a Monarchy not a Democracy. Blizzard is the leader and does not care about your "reaction". Have a good day everybody!

Now you know how everyone feels about your guild threads.


Also, I asked about his reaction. Or I would have, if he'd come to me about it. No one ever talks to Agmash.
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85 Human Warrior
09/28/2012 06:30 AMPosted by Frostbitë
Woot more pokemon threads! Exuse me not to burst your bubble, but ya no one asked/cares about your "reaction" to this new pokemon era of the game. So please in your next post where you attempt to insult me please include the reason why you felt it neccesary to tell SoE your personal thoughts on pokemon. Because honestly This game is a Monarchy not a Democracy. Blizzard is the leader and does not care about your "reaction". Have a good day everybody!

Is that you, Aunt Fumigatus Angryticus?
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85 Human Warrior
Yep. Der Gottfried wins another tounge-in-cheek contest for the Gott Reich.

All hail Herr Gott. -stands straight up like a pole-

P.S. Agmash did ask me. Then again, I can't exactly blame someone with reading disabilities.
Edited by Gottfried on 9/29/2012 11:03 AM PDT
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Yep. Der Gottfried wins another tounge-in-cheek contest for the Gott Reich.

All hail Herr Gott. -stands straight up like a pole-

P.S. Agmash did ask me. Then again, I can't exactly blame someone with reading disabilities.

Yeah! -brofist-

09/28/2012 04:27 PMPosted by Frostbitë
Now you know how everyone feels about your guild threads.

Wow that would almost be relevant, but you forgot I don't make those threads :( so your statement is invalid, better luck next time pal.

easy there frost ...have a snickers...sometimes you get a little cranky when your hungry.

Cranky? I just informend him that blizzard does not care about his "reaction", and I said, "Have a good day everybody!" Please inform me of how I sounded "cranky".

Also, I asked about his reaction. Or I would have,

Or you would have... but you did not, thefore your statement is also invalid, mabye next time bro. :(

Sounds like something's got your jimmies in a rustle. I'll pokemon battle you bro.
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09/30/2012 07:01 AMPosted by Frostbitë
P.S. Agmash did ask me.

Also, I asked about his reaction. Or I would have, if he'd come to me about it

So which one of you is a liar? Agmash clrealy says "he would have" implying he did not :( better luck next time. Next time you try to prove someone wrong I would suggest you read their comments that way you don't end up contradicting the story.

Then again, I can't exactly blame someone with reading disabilities.

I feel the same way, why you think I am going easy on you bro? I mean Agmash does clearly say "he would have" but he did not :( so ya don't worry I wont blame you too much.

Listen, listen... Listen.

I don't know who got your jimmies in a rustle, but there really isn't a need to make a bigger fool of yourself.
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85 Human Warrior

I feel the same way, why you think I am going easy on you bro? I mean Agmash does clearly say "he would have" but he did not :( so ya don't worry I wont blame you too much.

Dang, last I checked my aunt is a beautiful lady who won a modelling competition despite being short tempered. Not a lawyer-wannabe who thinks reciprocating properly arranged sentences by two adults is fun.

Clearly not the person whom I thought.

-sips tea- Ahh, the things teenagers do to crave for attention...

P.S. All hail the Gott Reich. \w/ -_-
Edited by Gottfried on 10/1/2012 4:32 AM PDT
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