My reaction to the Pet Battle System...

90 Human Mage
10/03/2012 03:52 PMPosted by Ashiri
Frost kinda' came out of nowhere and started shouting and yelling.

I don't beilive I yelled/shouted at the screen, and if you count caps as yelling/shouting, than perhaps you should go back and read that I have not typed in caps :).

10/03/2012 03:52 PMPosted by Ashiri
Frost kinda' came out of nowhere

This whole thread came out of no where, no one again asked for his opion, and quite honestly no one is asking for yours. So that statement is hypocritcal

P.S. Define troll- cuz after readding what I have typed I have not been the one to call names, only thing I have done is point out that blizzard does not care about his "reaction". So I would like each one of your definations. Because I am sure we all have different ones.
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90 Human Paladin
The before post was mostly directed at Ashiri, not you Agmash.

There really isn't a good reason tho. Being behind the scenes and watching what happens, its sad how many people think of themselves and think a raiding guild is made only to gear up people and get carried through raids.

So once a guild has standards and doesn't want the needy give me everything attitude, they leave because there not going anywhere and they wonder why. Then, there in trade, giving their personal opinion on a guild that wouldn't give them anything or allow them to get carried in raids.

If you want a good representation of what Zen is, take a look at people like Farri, Leoshi, and Madness. There a good reason why i enjoy my life in Zen.

And saying now, as the highest ranking person in the guild (and former guild leader of), Frostbite does not represent 100% of what Zen is. Well, maybe he can be looked at as the token pvper.
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90 Human Paladin
Btw, have you ever in school had someone start something with you and when you react the teacher actually looks up and sees only you doing something, then punishes you because that's all they saw?

Same with Zen recruitment macros. Post, personal opinion, trade/general drama, misinterpretation of Zen.
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85 Human Warrior

This whole thread came out of no where, no one again asked for his opion, and quite honestly no one is asking for yours. So that statement is hypocritca.

I do -not- need the permission of a 16 year old attention-seeking durka derp to post something, if you dislike it then don't even bother commenting.

I'm not under any stupid law Blizzard creates either, because no such thing exists.

This thread has gone long way from what I intended it to be, back to Poketalk people.

I like Mudkips.
Edited by Gottfried on 10/4/2012 3:36 PM PDT
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10/04/2012 01:31 PMPosted by Biggestbear
The before post was mostly directed at Ashiri, not you Agmash.

I don't think you read Ashiri's post carefully.

Anyways, what are you using as your main team, Gott? I've got my Lil' Smoky, Onyxian Whelp and Ghostly Skull... Though, I might switch out one of them for a Magic type.
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85 Human Warrior

Anyways, what are you using as your main team, Gott? I've got my Lil' Smoky, Onyxian Whelp and Ghostly Skull... Though, I might switch out one of them for a Magic type.

Let's see... I got me a Pet Bombling, then there's the Proto Drake Whelp, and the..err...what's it called... Mini Razzashi Raptor?
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90 Human Mage
10/04/2012 03:34 PMPosted by Gottfried
if you dislike it then don't even bother commenting.
lol you seem to like giving people advice that you don't even take yourself. I could say the same thing back to you hypocrit. Don't like the fact that I pointed out that blizzard does not care about your "reaction?" Get over it, or as you would say it "don't bother commenting."
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90 Human Mage
10/04/2012 03:34 PMPosted by Gottfried
I do -not- need the permission of a 16 year old attention-seeking durka derp to post something,

Never in any of my posts have I taken/givin permission, I have merely satated that blizzard does not care about your "reaction". In the future please try to not twist words around :), thanks.
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90 Pandaren Monk
To note, if Blizz didn't care, there wouldn't have been things like a feedback forum for the beta. And some things did change (for better or worse) based on player feedback. Besides, this forum can use more topics anyway.

Also, currently training up pets that can beat up mechanical based pets. Rawr.
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90 Human Paladin
And now we see, why so many people hate Zen as a whole.

One, they do not know when to !@#$
Two, the majority of the trolls who think they rule the interwebs. <- Riiight interweb wars make you cool.

Pretty sure i read that first post pretty well. You guys where were handleing it alright till that post.
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90 Human Mage
10/05/2012 02:05 PMPosted by Sunjui
if Blizz didn't care, there wouldn't have been things like a feedback forum for the beta

Last time I check this is not the "feedback" forum. So if he wanted blizzard to pay attention he would have posted it there, but he did not so your statement is invailid.
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90 Pandaren Monk
10/06/2012 05:11 AMPosted by Frostbitë
Last time I check this is not the "feedback" forum. So if he wanted blizzard to pay attention he would have posted it there, but he did not so your statement is invailid.

Anything related to events, content and community pertaining to our realm is perfectly fine to post. But in regards to the supposed uncaring Blizz, my statement still stands, and therefore is not "invailid".

Yeah I know, /feedtroll.

Anyway, back to pokemon. Little Fawn. Discuss.
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90 Human Mage
10/06/2012 06:03 AMPosted by Sunjui
my statement still stands
You say your statement is not invailid, yet you give no prove that is not.

10/06/2012 06:03 AMPosted by Sunjui
Anything related to events, content and community pertaining to our realm is perfectly fine to post.
Also this thread is about one person's "reaction", and as I read the post he is not inviting anyone to any events, he is not informing us on any content, and last time I checked 1 person is not a community, so are you trying to say that this topic is not "perfectly fine" to post? Sense you know it does not fall into any of the catagories you mentioned. Because if so you are starting a whole new arguement. Because I only said that blizzard did not care about his "reaction." where as if you are saying he can't post his "reaction" because it does not fall into one of your catagories, and if you are saying that I will actually defend him.
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66 Blood Elf Death Knight
10/02/2012 03:14 AMPosted by Simis
Riiight interweb wars make you cool.

Only when you win them.
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90 Pandaren Monk
10/06/2012 04:19 PMPosted by Frostbitë
Also this thread is about one person's "reaction", and as I read the post he is not inviting anyone to any events, he is not informing us on any content, and last time I checked 1 person is not a community, so are you trying to say that this topic is not "perfectly fine" to post? Sense you know it does not fall into any of the catagories you mentioned. Because if so you are starting a whole new arguement. Because I only said that blizzard did not care about his "reaction." where as if you are saying he can't post his "reaction" because it does not fall into one of your catagories, and if you are saying that I will actually defend him.

Feel free to try to nitpick what isn't there. It's cool. I was clear with what I said. I'm gonna go back to talking about the real topic here. Have a good day. :3

So, in going around fighting all these tamers, do we eventually get to fight the Elite Four?
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100 Orc Warrior
Blackhowl think Pet Battles just like gladiator arena for cuddly animals. Blackhowl approves!
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Exuse me not to burst your bubble, but ya no one asked/cares about your "reaction" to this new pokemon era of the game.

Last time I checked the point of a forum is too see what others think about the said subject,

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45 Tauren Paladin
09/28/2012 06:30 AMPosted by Frostbitë
but ya no one asked/cares about your "reaction" to this new pokemon era of the game.

I care, Frosty. I care a lot.

10/01/2012 03:58 PMPosted by Gottfried
A cup of tea for you other folks, while we watch the funny man try to make himself important by hijacking someone else's thread? -comes back in with a tea cart-

Do you happen to have any coffee in that cart? It just goes better with my triple chocolate biscotti. I happen to have brought enough for everyone who likes talking about pet battles on forums. I... oh, sorry, Frosty... this is so very awkward. Um... *rifles through backpack* would you like an Oatmeal Raisin cookie?
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100 Orc Warrior
Blackhowl likes cookies.
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85 Human Warrior

So, in going around fighting all these tamers, do we eventually get to fight the Elite Four?

I'll be damned if the Elite Four turns out to be our racial leaders...
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