10/03/2012 03:52 PMPosted by AshiriFrost kinda' came out of nowhere and started shouting and yelling.
I don't beilive I yelled/shouted at the screen, and if you count caps as yelling/shouting, than perhaps you should go back and read that I have not typed in caps :).
10/03/2012 03:52 PMPosted by AshiriFrost kinda' came out of nowhere
This whole thread came out of no where, no one again asked for his opion, and quite honestly no one is asking for yours. So that statement is hypocritcal
P.S. Define troll- cuz after readding what I have typed I have not been the one to call names, only thing I have done is point out that blizzard does not care about his "reaction". So I would like each one of your definations. Because I am sure we all have different ones.