My reaction to the Pet Battle System...

85 Human Warrior
A cup of tea for you other folks, while we watch the funny man try to make himself important by hijacking someone else's thread? -comes back in with a tea cart-

Funny, I made this thread by stating in the end that I -love- the pet battle feature and some illiterate had to derail it.
Edited by Gottfried on 10/1/2012 4:02 PM PDT
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90 Pandaren Monk
*has some of the tea*

Lulz and pokemon? I like this show. Carry on.
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85 Human Warrior

Agmash? I'm jumping over this cliff. Tell my mother I love her.

Edit: Wow, I tried ignoring Frostbite and I checked other threads. Guess who on Azeroth..?

Archilleuis, the last time I checked the Retard-O-Meter you have top scores in both illiteracy and dumbass-ery.

This all make sense. This all make bloody sense. I've been castigating with one of the biggest, and brainless douchebags in my WoW career.

-runs back into the cliff-
Edited by Gottfried on 10/2/2012 2:03 AM PDT
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85 Human Warlock
And now we see, why so many people hate Zen as a whole.

One, they do not know when to !@#$
Two, the majority of the trolls who think they rule the interwebs. <- Riiight interweb wars make you cool.

Other can keep adding to the list...Back to the cave I've been hiding in for the past month or so, called Guildwars 2.
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85 Human Warlock
Difference in sugar coating stuff, and being a full flat out idiot, seeking attention as a whole. Worse then a three year old at that.

You guys aren't stuck up, you guys just don't know when to shut up, act your ages, or anything. But then again, that is the mentality of many in Zen. So ^-^ Butt-hurt, nope. I am not the one trolling almost everyone whom posts on this thread, as you, yourself are doing. So, the situation flops back around to you.
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90 Human Paladin
10/02/2012 05:13 AMPosted by Simis
that is the mentality of many in Zen

Can I request an example of a couple of such people or is that just not gonna happen? Other than Pen and Frostbite here pls.
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90 Human Warrior
10/02/2012 04:39 AMPosted by Frostbitë
alrighty lets clear up on who is illeterate. Considering I have proved that you have not said what you said you said, I have proved that you and your little helpers stories contradice,

This kid has been trolling the forums and trade forever. Nothing new here.

p.s. use spellcheck if you are going to troll about literacy.
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85 Human Warlock
10/02/2012 07:58 AMPosted by Macbride
alrighty lets clear up on who is illeterate. Considering I have proved that you have not said what you said you said, I have proved that you and your little helpers stories contradice,

This kid has been trolling the forums and trade forever. Nothing new here.

p.s. use spellcheck if you are going to troll about literacy.

<3 you for that so much Macbride xD
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90 Human Paladin
Guess its just not gonna happen. Personally, I am getting tired of the people that trash Zen because Frostbite is a troll. Its your fault for going on with his charade.

Like with you Simis, you have this whole apparently solid idea of what Zen is all about because of a few bad people or sour experiences. But I've had some negative reactions with Forgotten Soldiers members as well. I merely brushed them off and someone not angry at me but at someone else. And this isn't Kudriina's fault, who I've enjoyed their company every now and then, Its the person's fault for for lashing out at people and venting their anger at people that don't deserve it. So i ask, don't profile because of a few angry people.

Personal opinion on the pet battle system, I like it. It gives people something else to do than just farming mats and grinding dungeons.
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90 Human Mage
10/02/2012 07:58 AMPosted by Macbride
This kid has been trolling the forums and trade forever. Nothing new here.

Do we need to have a talk again on vent mister?

10/02/2012 05:13 AMPosted by Simis
You guys aren't stuck up, you guys just don't know when to shut up, act your ages, or anything.

well last time I checked I was 16 so techincally with his post about teenagers I am acting my age thank you :) So next time you pull out the age card I would suggest knowing people's ages...

10/02/2012 05:13 AMPosted by Simis
Difference in sugar coating stuff, and being a full flat out idiot, seeking attention as a whole. Worse then a three year old at that.

Technically a 3 year old is very good at getting attention so since you said I was "worse" at that you techincally gave me a compliement :) and I wanted to say thanks, and that your hair looks awesome today!
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Guess its just not gonna happen. Personally, I am getting tired of the people that trash Zen because Frostbite is a troll. Its your fault for going on with his charade.

Like with you Simis, you have this whole apparently solid idea of what Zen is all about because of a few bad people or sour experiences. But I've had some negative reactions with Forgotten Soldiers members as well. I merely brushed them off and someone not angry at me but at someone else. And this isn't Kudriina's fault, who I've enjoyed their company every now and then, Its the person's fault for for lashing out at people and venting their anger at people that don't deserve it. So i ask, don't profile because of a few angry people.

Personal opinion on the pet battle system, I like it. It gives people something else to do than just farming mats and grinding dungeons.

Responsible guilds don't let trolls stay around. Unless they're Trolls. Like me.
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90 Human Paladin
Mature people don't let trolls rustle their jimmies. Once i get some checks in the mail, I'll gladly start babysitting people.
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Mature people also don't troll. And we're really not rustled. Just... Frost kinda' came out of nowhere and started shouting and yelling.

Frost is a representation of what you allow into your guild while posting on the forums, whether you like it or not. It's why I (incase you hadn't noticed, this is also Agmash) take great care not to be a total jerk to people I think deserve it.
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90 Human Paladin
Frost said he was 16, teenagers are usually jerks and immature. Its a natural way of life.

Sibling of family are allowed into the guild, we support family to play together. If hes a troll, that's him being him. The fact your bashing a whole guild instead of talking directly to the troll makes you no better than he is. One of the main reasons Zen has a bad name.

Ive been in zen for 2 years, I enjoy it here. I don't like it when people speak ill of a guild I enjoy. Especially since I've led the guild for half a year.
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90 Human Paladin
If you have a negative opinion on what Zen is, you can join the wave of people in trade chat that are convinced that the gossip they hear about Zen is the honest truth when its just someone butthurt cause we wouldn't carry them in raid.

Or my more fav one, " My friends don't like Zen, so i troll Zen" - Porkflops
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90 Orc Mage

i have always hated the whole pokeman schtick also but not enough to start a flame war about it..(either defending it or hating on it)


err carry on all

Edited by Magebytch on 10/3/2012 7:19 PM PDT
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Frost said he was 16, teenagers are usually jerks and immature. Its a natural way of life.
Sibling of family are allowed into the guild, we support family to play together. If hes a troll, that's him being him. The fact your bashing a whole guild instead of talking directly to the troll makes you no better than he is. One of the main reasons Zen has a bad name.

Ive been in zen for 2 years, I enjoy it here. I don't like it when people speak ill of a guild I enjoy. Especially since I've led the guild for half a year.

I don't recall bashing Frost or your guild. I told him not to make a fool of himself. And I merely said that he was representing your guild, regardless of his age, that he's family, or anything. I'm not on the Zen hating bandwagon, but there's probably a good reason it exists.
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