RP Guild / Event Directory - Upd. 6/2015


<Scorched Earth>

Guild Leader: Gruzzexl
Guild Chat: In-character
OOC Channel: EvilOOC
Contact: Gruzzexl, Mombe, Akrita

Scorched Earth is a guild centered around characters that identify with either (or both of) the evil or chaotic alignment. We accept those with dubious morals, dreams of world conquest, and all other ne'er-do-wells. If you need a villain for an RP plot, we also offer our services as antagonists. Contact an officer or /join EvilOOC to request our participation in a plot.
Edited by Akrita on 11/3/2011 4:42 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I will update this by tomorrow. Sorry to keep everyone waiting, just been busy.
Edited by Araceli on 11/17/2011 1:44 PM PST
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I would love to get the guild information and weekly events updated. If I do a bunch of the leg work and get you the information, Araceli, would you be able to update your original post with it?
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Updated. Sorry. >.>
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No reason to be sorry, you're doing an amazing job!
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Thank you for maintaining this, I know from experience how tedious it can be!

<Tales of Eirnin>
Website: http://eirnin.wowstead.com
Guild Leader: Aibhne
IC/OOC Guild Chat: Guild chat is IC, Officer chat (which everyone has access to) is OOC.
Contact: Aibhne, Ellena, Carrig

We believe in fostering a welcoming family environment with adults who know how to relax and enjoy the game. Mutual respect and tolerance are a must... and of course a healthy appreciation for the Awesome That Is Eirnin. RP focused with PvE and PvP as interest dictates.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Updated. :-)
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100 Human Paladin
Please remove Pia from the thread. thank you.
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100 Human Paladin
Scratch the removal. We are recruiting again. Thanks.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Sorry I didn't see your post until just now. :-/ But glad to see you are recruiting again!
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Well, I think it's sort of obvious, but we're back! ;)

<Modas il Toralar>

Guild Leader: Aziel
Guild Chat: In Character
OOC Chat: Seperate OOC chat, we'll let you know when you join!
Contact: Aziel, Dreejin, Thelinna, Praeliir
Website: modas.guildportal.com

The Modas il Toralar is a heavy RP guild of (for the most part) ethically flexible characters. We have dark sorcerers, twisted cultist, cut-throats, sociopaths, selfish rogues, blackguard, assassins and all other likes. We seek out power of all kinds: magical, economic, political, militaristic, and a variety of other forms.
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67 Human Rogue
Would you kindly add...

<The NTE>

Guild Leader: JackNukenson
Steam Group: Nukenson Trade Enterprise
Guild Chat: OOC for now.

The Nukenson Trade Enterprise: Freelance merchants and notorious Capitalists. This organisation owes it's loyalty to thier profit margins first, and the Alliance second. The only people they won't deal with are Horde sympethisers.

(( Contact JackNukenson or MarkAllen for an interview. ))
Edited by Jacknukenson on 2/15/2012 4:45 PM PST
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100 Human Paladin
Please add us, too:

The <Azure Crusade>

Website: azurecrusade.guildportal.com
Guild Leader: Adinas (Jeremias is not the leader, just the Designated Guild Mouth)
IC/OOC Guild Chat: In-character. Private OOC channel is disclosed upon joining. We also participate in the AllianceOOC channel
Contact: Adinas, Jeremias (frequent alts are Dannan, Athanion, Tiltwhistle)

The Azure Crusade was founded by two former Argent Crusaders who believe that the Argents’ purpose (to fight evil) and political stance (neutrality) are in direct conflict. The Azure Crusade serves the interests of the Alliance, against both the Horde and external threats, with a mandate of conscience over convenience. ((OOC, we are something of an achievement-focused guild, and strongly support PvP. No DKs or warlocks, please.))
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85 Human Paladin
<Terra Incognita>
Website: tiguild.org
Guild Leader: Lahkin
IC/OOC Guild Chat: IC
OOC Channel: tiooc (civilized guests allowed)
Contact: Lahkin, Erelyn, Kordrion, Ronnad

"Here there be dragons." Terra Incognita is a somewhat secretive military order that is affiliated with the Argent Crusade and the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind. With their focus more on special ops than on any active duty, Terra Incognita has a wide variety of characters. Not your typical military order. RP, PvP, and PvE all have their niche here.
Edited by Lahkin on 2/21/2012 3:51 PM PST
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100 Gnome Priest
Next time you update, can you change the info for AAMS?

AAMS Guildleader- Yotingo
Please contact Yotingo or Kezrin

AAMS Alliance Guildleader - Derscha
Please contact Derscha or Sumira
Edited by Derscha on 3/31/2012 3:59 PM PDT
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The Northsea Brigade is a seeking crew members to Kill, Rob, Pillage and more for our own benefit. Escape the law with us and join our ranks! ((Heavy RP Guild)) Contact me on Keyesh or Vaedaris
Edited by Jerthon on 3/23/2012 5:01 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Updated most of it. If you requested your guild to be placed up, but you are still level 1, that is why you haven't been added yet.
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100 Human Paladin
Please update these events.

Sister Magdelyn Sermon--12:00 Sunday at the Stormwind Cathedral

Pia Presidium Knighting Ceremony--2:00 Sunday. We start out at Stormwind gates and make our way tot he Cathedral. While only members may take the vows, all are welcome to attend the ceremony and the trial by arms that follows. Occasionally we will change the date or place, but we announce the change in alliinceooc.

Pia Presidium Healing Clinic--Monday evening at 5:00 in the Mystic Ward of Ironforge. This alternates with the Troubadour Night. All are welcome, come to be healed, help heal, stand guard or just visit.

Pia Presidium Troubadour Night--6:00 in the Explorer's Hall of Ironforge. Come and sing a song or tell a story. All are welcome. This alternates with the Healing Clinic.

Pia Presidium Campfire Storytelling and Giveaway--Thursday evening at 6:00 near the Northshire Abbey. Come tell a story about yourself, history, old legends, new adventures. Join us as we introduce new people to role playing, give them equipment to start their adventures and just sit around a campfire and visit.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
May I add this guild to the list and add in a link to our general format of leveling to 85 without a death, and rping the journey on the forums at World's End Tavern. Weare a level 2 guild and cuurently led by Kelltira.

We are having a lot of fun and the rp seems to go in spurts with some interesting plot twists here and there. Summer is a bit slow of course and pre expansion blues are taking their toll, but we hope to get more interest as the days go by and someone needs an rp guild.


here is the journal thread.


Currently level 3 and having a helluva lot of fun rping some marvelous stories! We could use more even if you do not do the challenge. A few 85's would be nice and maybe we can field a 10 man team.

Updated as of 8/6/2012

Rising Sun Fellowship
Guild leader Kelletira
Co GM-Karamia

We are close to hitting level 5 and would love some more serious rpers. We are delighted to help new rpers as well. If you would like to join our OOC chat and say hello or investigate the current happenings we are delighted to share it with you. Join RisingSunOOC.

We also have a brand new website and vent. If we can find a couple of 85's who would like to help us form a casual raid team we can level the guild faster. Everyone likes those perks!


Hope this helps to get us out there and a few more to engage in our stories. We welcome all horde races, though the in guild basic concept is to return the Glory to the Sindorei. Most of us are blood elf. We are based in Silvermoon.
Edited by Karamia on 8/6/2012 2:50 PM PDT
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