RP Guild / Event Directory - Upd. 6/2015


85 Human Paladin
May I add this guild to the list and add in a link to our general format of leveling to 85 without a death, and rping the journey on the forums at World's End Tavern. Weare a level 2 guild and cuurently led by Kelltira.

We are having a lot of fun and the rp seems to go in spurts with some interesting plot twists here and there. Summer is a bit slow of course and pre expansion blues are taking their toll, but we hope to get more interest as the days go by and someone needs an rp guild.


here is the journal thread.


Currently level 3 and having a helluva lot of fun rping some marvelous stories! We could use more even if you do not do the challenge. A few 85's would be nice and maybe we can field a 10 man team.

May want to tweak this to the format, so it's easier on Araceli there. :) Love the guild concept, by the way.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
updated. :-)
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Edited by Dashadeash on 11/19/2012 5:48 AM PST
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90 Undead Warlock
Hello, I'd like to add another guild to the list, It's quite brand new, so I'm hoping this will help me get new members.

Shadows of the Past

A medium-level Roleplaying guild, there will be no true 'alignment' for this guild, remaining neutral in as many aspects as it can be. There are no restrictions on level, race or class, as long as you are polite, respectful, and eager to help a small guild grow. We have no vent or website as of this time, those might come at a later date as we grow larger.

"The shadows of our past often haunts us all, our mistakes, our victories, and all of those lost chances that plague our minds. I offer a home to those lost shadows who are plagued by their pasts, a place where the past can be locked away and buried, or it can be lifted up and into the light of day to be exposed for the wound that it is." -Cathrynal Shadowstar, Shadow's Mistress.
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100 Orc Shaman
(( Just realized you haven't changed the Doctas Clinic to reflect that we are now located on Spirit Rise in Thunder Bluff.))
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100 Gnome Priest
Finally getting around to posting that the AAMS has moved to a new website, aams.enjin.com

Also, the Horde Manager is now Arrayah.

Oooh... and I suppose I ought to mention that the <AAMS Alliance Branch> as a rule doesn't use /HordeOOC. Can't believe I never noticed that. :D

Website: aams.enjin.com
Guild Leader: Arrayah
IC/OOC Guild Chat: In-character, with an "AAMSOOC" channel for out of character chat. We also use HordeOOC.
Contact: Arrayah or Kezrin

The AAMS -- short for "Anytime & Anywhere Messaging Service" -- is a neutral organization that serves both the Horde and the Alliance, abstaining from conflict (PvP) involving either. They work as couriers, diplomats, translators, and occasionally smugglers between the factions. The <AAMS> and <AAMS Alliance Branch> function as a single guild, with a shared "office" (website), Vent server, etc.

<AAMS Alliance Branch>
Website: aams.enjin.com
Guild Leader: Derscha
IC/OOC Guild Chat: In-character, with an "AAMSOOC" channel for out of character chat. We also use AllianceOOC.
Contact: Derscha

The AAMS -- short for "Anytime & Anywhere Messaging Service" -- is a neutral organization that serves both the Horde and the Alliance, abstaining from conflict (PvP) involving either. They work as couriers, diplomats, translators, and occasionally smugglers between the factions. The <AAMS> and <AAMS Alliance Branch> function as a single guild, with a shared "office" (website), Vent server, etc.
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100 Draenei Mage
<The Wellspring School>
Website: wellspring.enjin.com
Guild Leader: Alniyat
Guild Chat: IC, officer chat is OOC.
Contact: Alniyat (battletag azetidine#1404), Zaium, Aquamerine, /join lotus for guild & friends OOC chat

The Wellspring School is Azeroth's finest research university. We boast an open curriculum that focuses on experiential learning - getting out into the world, doing hands-on activities, and making observations. Students, faculty, staff, and researchers in all fields (including combat) are welcome here. LGBT & feminist friendly, newbie gold/bag/RP help available. Weekly assembly Tuesday evening at 6pm, casual 10-man raid Thursdays.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
(( Sorry guys, took a break from WoW for a while. Will go through and update this tonight after work. ))
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
everything has been updated! If you host a new event, or old event, and it no longer runs, please let me know so I can fix it.
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87 Worgen Druid
I would like to add the following: I have, on my warlock Eveen, created a new RP guild called House Evans. It is a primarily dark/evil guild that has recently emerged from an IC civil war. The numbers of House Evans are very low IC (we are still gettin set up OOC) and I have an ad to advertise the guild IC and OOC. I will post when I get the time.
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54 Worgen Warlock
Felilly here. The OOC ad is as follows: <House Evans> is recruiting! We are a heavy RP guild focused on all things evil and dark. Contact Eveen or Zzakrul on Cenarion Circle for more information.

The IC ad: We are the villians in the shadows... We are what lurks in the shadows at night... We are House Evans. ((Contact Eveen on Cenarion Circle.))

I'm hoping to get one (or both) into The Macro of Doom if possible. Thanks in advance.
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100 Blood Elf Mage
About time I actually got around to doing this . . .

Guild: The Moose Has Failed Me
Website: None currently. Too small to really worry about it
OOC Chat: Guild/Officer Chat
IC Chat: MooseRoom
Voice: Teamspeak. We change servers there frequently, and often share the room with irl friends playing Minecraft.
RP Level: Moderate to Heavy.
Contact: Reandanis, Mokazum, Vereg, Dedcowbie, Subgumwanton, Marielaveau, Chiria, Ophireon, Birelis, Kholga, Charbroilled

The guild has been around on CC since BC as an Invader Zim joke(guild rankings are Tallest, Invader, SIR Unit, etc) and way for the guild leader to quickly share crafting goods between alts but at the very beginning of Wrath it shifted into an RP focused guild. It's never really had more than 2-4 members, with usually only half that being active.
The guild's RP tends to center around a minor aristocratic family of blood elves(House Highcomet) and their servants/allies. Most of the RP is done in lower level raids(Karazhan being a favorite) and instances(Mostly BC and Vanilla, though sometimes WotLK), or randomly in the world as opposed to anything organized.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Pardon, but it seems as if you stuck The Moose has Failed Me's contact list over Rising Sun Fellowship's Contact list. Let me do an update to our guild stuff, though, as long as we're here!

Rising Sun Fellowship

Website: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=458445&TabID=3946160
Guild Leader: Shade
IC/OOC Guild Chat: IC
OOC Channel: Yes, RisingSunOOC
Contact: Join our OOC channel and say hi!

Founded on the RP Ironman Challenge to level to max without dying while IC 100% of the time, our guild has grown and evolved. Our storylines are as diverse as the characters who are a part of it and we're always happy to meet new people. We have an IC and OOC thread hosted on the WET with all of the information to date!
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89 Blood Elf Rogue
Pardon, no longer necessary, if you already added it please remove Society of Shadows
Edited by Kallyenna on 10/21/2013 6:25 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Monk
Website: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=458445&TabID=3946160
Guild Leader: Kelletira / Karamia
IC/OOC Guild Chat: IC
OOC Channel: Yes, RisingSunOOC
Contact: Reandanis, Mokazum, Vereg, Dedcowbie, Subgumwanton, Marielaveau, Chiria, Ophireon, Birelis, Kholga, Charbroilled

Hope this helps to get us out there and a few more to engage in our stories. We welcome all horde races, though the in guild basic concept is to return the Glory to the Sindorei. Most of us are blood elf. We are based in Silvermoon.

This needs updating.

GM: Shade
IC/OOC Guild Chat: IC
OOC Channel: RisingSunOOC
Contact: Shade, Ratheron, Zackia, Kellatira

Concept: A conglomerate of different individuals all seeking a to create a stronger Horde and a more peaceful Azeroth.
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90 Worgen Hunter
Need you to add a guild to Alliance side please!

Guild Name: The Bláck Legion
Faction: Alliance
Website: None yet
IC/OOC Guild Chat: OOC
OOC Channel: Not needed, thinking on an IC channel
Contact: Silver and Silver (more to come)

Concept: The Black Legion is a mercenary company based out of Booty Bay and the tavern owned by two of its Captains, Silver Entreri and Ashok Longshadow. It is an organization based around the premise that the constant faction in-fighting is folly and will lead the whole of Azeroth down a dark path that it can't get away from. The Legion's objectives center around dealing with as many 3rd party threats (Old Gods, Burning Legion, etc) as they can while others of the Horde and Alliance waste their time fighting each other.
Edited by Silvèr on 11/12/2013 1:51 PM PST
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100 Orc Warrior
Legacy of the Warsong
Website: None
Guild Leader: Korigal Windaxe
IC/OOC Guild Chat: In-character with a separate channel for OOC.
Contact: Korigal

Concept: Following the revolution against Garrosh and the Siege of Orgrimmar, the Horde's forces have been severely weakened. As such, many enemies that had been swept under the rug will rise again to take advantage. That makes now the time to bite back with the greatest ferocity. And how better than to embody the legacy of that most ferocious of clans, the Warsong. Seeking make amends for Hellscream's tyranny, Korigal Windaxe, a veteran soldier of the Warsong, gathers champions with honor and courage in their hearts to give their all to defend Horde and Home against any who would threaten them.
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100 Tauren Shaman
I need to request an update to Homeland's info, please :)


Website: http://homelandcc.org
Guild Leader: Thaettir
IC/OOC Guild Chat: IC
OOC Channel: HomelandOOC
Contact: Thaettir, Irilin, Tankalo

We are the Homeland. We are mothers and fathers to the children of the Horde. We are daughters and sons to the parents and childless of the Horde. We are sisters and brothers to any who wish them. We are bound by love and respect, not by authority and rank. We are governed by consensus, not by static laws. We are free people. We are a home. No purpose greater; no people humbler.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Everything should be updated. Sorry it took a while, account was down and it wouldn't let me update.
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