May I add this guild to the list and add in a link to our general format of leveling to 85 without a death, and rping the journey on the forums at World's End Tavern. Weare a level 2 guild and cuurently led by Kelltira.
We are having a lot of fun and the rp seems to go in spurts with some interesting plot twists here and there. Summer is a bit slow of course and pre expansion blues are taking their toll, but we hope to get more interest as the days go by and someone needs an rp guild.
here is the journal thread.
Currently level 3 and having a helluva lot of fun rping some marvelous stories! We could use more even if you do not do the challenge. A few 85's would be nice and maybe we can field a 10 man team.
May want to tweak this to the format, so it's easier on Araceli there. :) Love the guild concept, by the way.