Ask Creative Development—Round IV Answers


Hope you accept questions from the original forum too. I can't fit too many questions in just a tweet! Here they go:

Certain half-breed (orc+draenei) in Nagrand says that before the orcs there were ogres only. What does he mean?

Do ogres have females or their supposed matriarchate only sends males outside of their "capital" to conquer new lands?

What was the name of Draenor before the Draenei landed?

Why the orcs obliged them and adopted this term instead of the old one, even after they broke in war against the Draenei?

We will ever know if the orcs are really from Draenor or from other place (planet/continent) like some imposters says and which might explain why the orcs never talk about Draenor by its ancient name?

Thanks for reading.
100 Draenei Mage
04/03/2014 01:48 PMPosted by Almerte
04/03/2014 01:43 PMPosted by Nyxana
It's magic. The original curse was enacted when the druids willingly submitted to the power of the Scythe of Elune; if not bitten, I would imagine that choice would play a large part in becoming cursed.

Which would be reasonable...except for the events in GIlneas where people are turned into feral worgen completely against their will via the bites. No blood there, at least not a ton, and the converts were completely unwilling in that case.

Unless theres something else going on then that I'm not aware of I'm calling shenanigans.

Bites don't transfer blood, though. So that removes the argument for their children being born worgen.
90 Night Elf Warrior
04/03/2014 01:28 PMPosted by Cirno
And finally, I just feel that this answer cheapens the worgen. It basically means that after the current generation of worgen die out, its highly unlikely that any will be around.

unless the ritual to retain their human mind costs them the ability to spread the curse, it should still be possible.
100 Draenei Mage

What was the name of Draenor before the Draenei landed?

We will ever know if the orcs are really from Draenor or from other place (planet/continent) like some imposters says and which might explain why the orcs never talk about Draenor by its ancient name?

Draenor had no name before the Draenei came, the orcs just called it "world".
100 Night Elf Druid
04/03/2014 01:53 PMPosted by Nyxana
Bites don't transfer blood, though. So that removes the argument for their children being born worgen.

The Hillsbrad humans drank Crowley's blood and became worgen, so blood does it too.
100 Draenei Mage
04/03/2014 01:55 PMPosted by Reignac
04/03/2014 01:53 PMPosted by Nyxana
Bites don't transfer blood, though. So that removes the argument for their children being born worgen.

The Hillsbrad humans drank Crowley's blood and became worgen, so blood does it too.

.... I literally just explained why that wasn't the case, did you not bother to read my other post?
55 Gnome Death Knight
04/03/2014 01:53 PMPosted by Nyxana
Bites don't transfer blood, though. So that removes the argument for their children being born worgen.

They actually can transfer blood, depending on the state of the biter's mouth. At the very least, saliva, though. So we've seen two different instances of it seemingly being transferred by bodily fluids (blood and saliva), which points to it being the vector of it.

So I would say it does not remove it.

04/03/2014 01:54 PMPosted by Meauxiq
unless the ritual to retain their human mind costs them the ability to spread the curse, it should still be possible.

I realize but I think most wouldn't willfully curse their children (after all, Crowley certainly didn't, and I don't think Greymane did either). So they'll mostly die out.
100 Night Elf Druid
04/03/2014 01:56 PMPosted by Nyxana
.... I literally just explained why that wasn't the case, did you not bother to read my other post?

To be honest nope

I learned a long time ago not to read the posts in Ask CDev threads. The vast majority (not saying yours necessarily) are whining about the answers.
100 Tauren Druid
04/03/2014 11:43 AMPosted by Nethaera
Nathaniel Woods @Azekiel: Do half-dwarves (i.e. human and dwarven parentage) exist?

CDev Response: There are currently no half-dwarves in the lore, but anything is possible with magic!

ugh so that means the half draenei/half human and half draenei/half tauren abominations I've seen can actually be a thing?

why must you hurt me in this way
100 Draenei Mage
04/03/2014 01:53 PMPosted by Nyxana
Bites don't transfer blood, though. So that removes the argument for their children being born worgen.

They actually can transfer blood, depending on the state of the biter's mouth. At the very least, saliva, though. So we've seen two different instances of it seemingly being transferred by bodily fluids (blood and saliva), which points to it being the vector of it.

So I would say it does not remove it.

The fact that it CAN transfer blood doesn't mean it will.

In any case, lore just stated that it isn't transferred to the children, and as the adult's blood is cycled through the child until their heart fully forms, and besides that the child is exposed to the blood as they exit the body, that means it is impossible to be a simple blood transfer. And if it were blood, that would mean that anyone who were to battle a worgen and get their blood on a cut or a wound or in their mouth would turn as well, which is clearly not the case.

It seems more likely that the curse set the rules for transfer to be "Drink blood" or "Be bitten". Those would be the magical requirements the curse is bound by, and have nothing to do with blood.
04/03/2014 01:55 PMPosted by Nyxana

What was the name of Draenor before the Draenei landed?

We will ever know if the orcs are really from Draenor or from other place (planet/continent) like some imposters says and which might explain why the orcs never talk about Draenor by its ancient name?

Draenor had no name before the Draenei came, the orcs just called it "world".

What if the ogres called it Gronndwana or Ogrevana? Still the orcs doesn't seem to comprise the full of the planet's population, and Earth was called many names before we adopted the new one (and still there are differences in between countries like Tierra/Jorden/Aarde/An Domhan, to put a few). I'll wait for a blue if you don't mind, but I accept the one about the orcs being so foreigners (or lazy) to the planet to call it just "world".
55 Gnome Death Knight
04/03/2014 02:00 PMPosted by Nyxana
In any case, lore just stated that it isn't transferred to the children, and as the adult's blood is cycled through the child until their heart fully forms, and besides that the child is exposed to the blood as they exit the body, that means it is impossible to be a simple blood transfer. And if it were blood, that would mean that anyone who were to battle a worgen and get their blood on a cut or a wound or in their mouth would turn as well, which is clearly not the case.

It seems more likely that the curse set the rules for transfer to be "Drink blood" or "Be bitten". Those would be the magical requirements the curse is bound by, and have nothing to do with blood.

I'm aware that this is now set in stone, but it doesn't mean I have to agree with it.

It seems more likely to me that the curse is merely transferrable via bodily fluids and thus the child should also become cursed. Even if a bite doesn't transfer blood, it certainly transfers saliva.
Once again, Blizzard demonstrates an inability to write a strong female character that isn't simply a foil for her male counterpart.
Edited by Dawnstríke on 4/3/2014 2:12 PM PDT
90 Goblin Priest
Ugh, don't mention Kalec to me Blizzard, I hate hearing his name. All he has become is a baby producer for Jaina and way for her to pass on her genes just like Thrall and Aggra. I remember when Kalec was going somewhere, but now he is falling the way of Aggra >-<.
100 Tauren Paladin

And finally, I just feel that this answer cheapens the worgen. It basically means that after the current generation of worgen die out, its highly unlikely that any will be around.

Except they won't. If you do the quests in Silverpine as Horde, Crowley transforms the remnants of Southshore into Worgen to save them from undeath. So it's quite possible to continue making worgen. If a child is born human they can be given the choice; (Like Crowley's daughter) to stay human or become Worgen.
Edited by Aevic on 4/3/2014 2:39 PM PDT
100 Draenei Paladin
04/03/2014 11:43 AMPosted by Nethaera
CDev Response: I'm afraid not. (Imagine that dinner conversation!) Darnassus is officially co-ruled by Malfurion and Tyrande, united with each other and with their people. A key thing to keep in mind is how their union allows them to work in tandem. These two leaders are focused on different aspects of governing their people, and this new method of governance truly suits them and the kaldorei nation as a whole.

So does this mean Malfurion will defend Tyrande when the Horde raids Darnassus now? Or will he keep just sitting on his butt doing nothing?
Edited by Honorata on 4/3/2014 2:41 PM PDT
91 Night Elf Druid
No disrespect meant, nut you folks should clarify that Tyrande Malfurion question.

Their Union has nothing to do with him leading. Stormrage specifically said Malfurion only leads because Tyrande forced him to.

That implies they ate not equals
04/03/2014 02:53 PMPosted by Ferliona
No disrespect meant, nut you folks should clarify that Tyrande Malfurion question.

Their Union has nothing to do with him leading. Stormrage specifically said Malfurion only leads because Tyrande forced him to.

That implies they ate not equals

Stop reading into it and enjoy that they are equal partners, whether it is by his choice to be or not.
100 Orc Warrior
Posted in the wrong thread earlier D:

Can we expect the Horde to keep their conquering attitude, or are they going to be pacified to a more thrallish perspective when WoD comes along?

Also, are there plans to reinstate the faction war in the future?
74 Human Paladin
Asked several times on twitter and other places, and still no answer.

What's the story with the Blood Knight Tabard / Order?

Liadrin is not wearing it in the Quel'delar Quest. She is wearing the Shattered Sun Tabard. Is she still Matriarch? Do the Blood Knights even exist at this point or are they something else now?

  • What is currently the official Blood Knight Tabard?
  • Traditional black and red? Or the SSO Tabard? Some info would really help.

    Thanks guys. :)
    Edited by Alicia on 4/3/2014 3:08 PM PDT
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