Ask Creative Development—Round IV Answers


100 Night Elf Hunter
05/26/2014 05:54 PMPosted by Grazzbek
Yes, but thing is Naaru don't want to be worshiped, Elune does. If anything, Elune is more like a loa

Loa don't even demand worship per se, they demand actions that align with their area of expertise. For example, Bwonsamdi the god of death just wants everyone killed...not even in his name.
100 Goblin Rogue
1) What is the last name of Grand Magister Rommath?

2) What class is Rommath?

2) Who is the Horde's greatest mage?
100 Night Elf Hunter
09/16/2014 04:48 PMPosted by Gwyzlin
1) What is the last name of Grand Magister Rommath?

2) What class is Rommath?

2) Who is the Horde's greatest mage?
1. His full name has never been revealed, if it is longer than "Rommath".

2. He is an Archmage, but he may also be a Blood Mage. He officially holds the rank of Archmage in Dalaran, but because he dislikes them, he instead is referred to as Grand Magister.

3. It is likely Rommath, Aethas Sunreaver, or Astalor Bloodsworn, as they all have vast magical power.
04/03/2014 11:43 AMPosted by Nethaera
CDev Response: Long ago, tribes of vrykul were scattered across ancient northern Kalimdor. One tribe in particular struggled against a terrible malaise that ravaged its people.

Combatting this affliction, this "curse of flesh," all but consumed the tribe. After exhausting all natural attempts, the tribe sought the aid of its priestesses. These women plumbed the world of spirits for answers, but they found only a malevolent entity lying in wait.

Their ritual went horribly wrong, as the entity further corrupted those that sought freedom from their curse. These eternally vengeful beings would later be called the Kvaldir.

Would "Bor" happen to be the name they gave that entity? (I always thought of it as their name for Neptulon with "Bor's Breath" being an old scar from when the Old Gods made him fight the Titans)
04/04/2014 11:41 AMPosted by Amandalynn
04/04/2014 12:06 AMPosted by Reignac
Didn't you know? If you don't kill Horde on sight then you're a filthy neutral who deserves to be killed!

Seriously though. There's a lot more to running a government than fighting its enemies. Malfurion has actively worked for the interests of Darnassus and the Alliance in Wolfheart and I think Seeds of Faith though I only read that once when it came out.

Well Malfurion does stand around preening his feathers and doing nothing when Horde players try to kill her wife.

The problem with Malfurion isn't that he doesn't kill Horde on sight.

The problem is that he's awful. He looks like he should be an attraction in the Darkmoon Faire ("Come see the amazing Chicken-man!") . There's the fact that he told Tyrande to hush up in Well of Eternity. He's just a horrible character, even before you get into how installing him as 'co-leader' undercuts a lot of what many of us liked about Tyrande.

How is telling her to chill out (Something she often needs to do.) all that bad? It's what he's BEEN doing since they were both created in Warcraft 3.
04/03/2014 06:50 PMPosted by Renrashin
04/03/2014 05:29 PMPosted by Reignac
I think the worgen curse not being passed down through children could provide an interesting parallel with the Forsaken. Both are incapable of replenishing their numbers naturally, so they have to curse others to increase population (whether forcefully or by choice).

The worgen were originally advertised as "the Forsaken of the Alliance", no?

Except unlike the forsaken the worgen "curse" doesnt really have that much downsides after the night elves "fix" it.

I really cant think of any real downside to it anymore really.

unlike being forsaken which sends you to wow hell

I thought that wasn't because Arthas and Sylvanus were Undead so much as it was because they were evil to various degrees.
04/03/2014 01:52 PMPosted by Yomiel
Hope you accept questions from the original forum too. I can't fit too many questions in just a tweet! Here they go:

Certain half-breed (orc+draenei) in Nagrand says that before the orcs there were ogres only. What does he mean?

Do ogres have females or their supposed matriarchate only sends males outside of their "capital" to conquer new lands?

What was the name of Draenor before the Draenei landed?

Why the orcs obliged them and adopted this term instead of the old one, even after they broke in war against the Draenei?

We will ever know if the orcs are really from Draenor or from other place (planet/continent) like some imposters says and which might explain why the orcs never talk about Draenor by its ancient name?

Thanks for reading.

WoD spoilers:

Gronn, Magnaron, Collosi and the like seem to have a connection to the Titans, which indicates they and the Ogres were seeded onto the world before the Orcs evolved organically.

(Though whether the Titans used flesh like the Uldum disks say all their creations were till the Azeroth experiment, or stone from shaping the world after Azeroth hasn't been announced, they all seem to have bits of stone AND meat)
04/03/2014 11:43 AMPosted by Nethaera
Bobby Vandenberg @Purpadude: Void creatures (Dimensius, particularly Voidwalkers, Darkened Naaru) are different than Demons. True or false?

CDev Response: True!

How does that apply to Voidhounds, they seem to straddle the line (And to have a good deal of Old0God style what with the eyestalks and such.

04/03/2014 11:43 AMPosted by Nethaera
Nick Rainier Santos @Ujimasa_Hojo: What is the current allegiance of Shadowforge City?

CDev Response: The home of the Dark Iron dwarves is currently in flux. Their leader, Moira Thaurissan, is preoccupied with maintaining the alliance with her former enemies. She hasn't had the chance to ensure the security of her son's future kingdom, as her "allies" on the Council of Three Hammers relentlessly seek out any signs of treachery.

It's highly likely that Shadowforge City will rise again and reclaim its former glory . . . when Moira has a single moment to spare.

That actually raises another question: Is her apparent alliance with the Thorium Brotherhood in Warlords mostly temporary in order to get revenge on the Iron Horde for preventing them from dealing with the remaining Twilight loyal Dark Iron and Dark Horde by interrupting the fight? (Also

(Speaking of new UBRS, Wrathion is such a bad leader, leaving all those poor downtrodden Dragonspawn out of work.)
100 Night Elf Hunter
First off, there are no Blues that will answer your questions in this thread. This thread was a compilation of replies to official twitter questions. But I will try to answer for you. :D

09/17/2014 09:42 PMPosted by Dantels
Would "Bor" happen to be the name they gave that entity? (I always thought of it as their name for Neptulon with "Bor's Breath" being an old scar from when the Old Gods made him fight the Titans)
The entity they found was the Old God Yogg Saron.
09/17/2014 10:47 PMPosted by Dantels
I thought that wasn't because Arthas and Sylvanus were Undead so much as it was because they were evil to various degrees.
The entire "wowhell" thing was from a vision Sylvanas was given by Val'kyrs while impaled on Yogg Saron's blood spikes. The entire thing is suspect. It's possible Sylvanas is going to wowhell because she's a jerk, because she impaled herself on "the god of death", because her soul was severed from her body and is being held by burning legion magic, or that wowhell doesn't exist at all.
09/17/2014 11:10 PMPosted by Dantels
How does that apply to Voidhounds, they seem to straddle the line (And to have a good deal of Old0God style what with the eyestalks and such.
Voidhounds, also known as Void Terrors are Burning Legion demons. There isn't really any other information about them, but they appear multiple places as part of Burning Legion armies.
100 Blood Elf Priest
I need to spam this whole thread to every worgen I see with a litter of fluffy puppies. :D
100 Night Elf Death Knight
SO how do we keep the worgen race alive? I would think it becomes a baptisim type thing when the Gilnean kid become like 13 or 14. They then drink the blood and ta da.
90 Blood Elf Mage
Old post, old post, I know. But I don't get why people are confused (in the first few pages anyway? Maybe it's been resolved but I didn't read ALL of the posts) about the worgen thing. It's spread through bite, not blood. It's a curse, not a disease. Magic, not saliva. That's why infants don't have it when they're born.


Folks, please be mindful of the date on a thread and do not resurrect/bump it if it is fairly old. If you wish provide feedback on a topic or participate in a discussion create your own or find one that is recent. This thread will now be locked.
Edited by Tarkaliun on 7/2/2015 10:26 AM PDT
100 Gnome Death Knight
06/10/2015 02:12 PMPosted by Kralthian
Old post, old post, I know. But I don't get why people are confused (in the first few pages anyway? Maybe it's been resolved but I didn't read ALL of the posts) about the worgen thing. It's spread through bite, not blood. It's a curse, not a disease. Magic, not saliva. That's why infants don't have it when they're born.

Because Crowley's blood turns people into worgen.
100 Night Elf Hunter
06/10/2015 02:18 PMPosted by Valko
06/10/2015 02:12 PMPosted by Kralthian
Old post, old post, I know. But I don't get why people are confused (in the first few pages anyway? Maybe it's been resolved but I didn't read ALL of the posts) about the worgen thing. It's spread through bite, not blood. It's a curse, not a disease. Magic, not saliva. That's why infants don't have it when they're born.

Because Crowley's blood turns people into worgen.
One wrinkle of the curse that is odd is that you have to willingly drink the blood in a ritual for it to turn you. Meanwhile the bite turns any unwilling victim that is bitten.
92 Night Elf Priest
I have a question, if you are still answering them. Why is it that players can't ride/fight on the boats after they have gained the shipyard in new 6.2 WOD? I think it would be more fun for people if they were more engaged in what was happening... ?
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