04/04/2014 06:31 PMPosted by
Smoe Malfurion is seen as incompetent because he is mostly neutral? The way I see it is like this: In cataclysm, Malfurion saw Ragnaros and Deathwing as the bigger threat because no matter who 'won' between the Horde and Alliance, they would still end the world. In this, he chose to form a temporary alliance with some horde faction members in order to root out the evil that would've plagued them after the war.
You read my threads right? He's not incompetent because he's neutral. In fact I don't think he is considered incompetent. People have varying opinions on this, and while I'm sure someone else would say he's incompetent for letting Leyara slip into madness and then proceeding to not show the slightest emotion to his failure, I think he might be a bit too perfect.
Have you read the WoW comics featuring Med'an? Most of the complaints about him came about because he was essentially what rpers call a Special Snowflake. He is a part Draenei part Orc part Human hybrid who had all the powers of every single class in the game and he was sent off to fight against the Old Gods while the rest of the world was concerned with the Scourge.
When you have characters like that, people become upset when they become literally too powerful for anyone else to handle. If he has all the powers of every single class in the game then what's the point of us then? Why not just send Med'an in there to blow whatever new villain away since he's so powerful that no one can beat him? You ever hear the old saying "Hardship builds character?" Well in this case it applies quite literally. If Med'an or Malfurion is so overwhelmingly powerful, he will never encounter any problems, and then his character development just ceases.
I've noticed this problem with both Thrall and Malfurion, as well as Varian now that I think of it. Now out of these three characters what do they all have in common? Chris Metzen, essentially the guy who's in charge of the Creative Development department that creates all the Lore holds favor with all three of them, explicitly saying that Malfurion was his favorite character and even voicing the other two.
And now let's look at their similarities: They are all leaders of extremely powerful factions (Malfurion of the Cenarion Circle), they all have superpowers even when it doesn't even make sense for them to have them, they all suck the character design out of any encompassing characters. Genn Greymane doesn't get any character development anymore and now just sits next to Varian doing nothing. Tyrande, primary leader of the Night Elven people for more then 10,000 years sits on her butt and does nothing all day expecting Malfurion to deal with the scary Horde for her. Even Aggra had a lot going for her until she married Thrall, now any new kind of lore we get about her is about her being a wife and a mother.
I think I've rambled on enough. Let's move onto the next quote.
04/04/2014 06:31 PMPosted by
Smoe Also, I don't think he's incompetent on the battlefield either considering he pushed back the burning legion twice and it was his idea to blow up the world tree to kill Archemond, thus saving all of Kalimdor from being engulfed by the scourge.
You're absolutely right. Malfurion is far from being incompetent on the battlefield. As mentioned from the above quote it should spell out his combat prowess. The problem lies in his neutrality, even despite being an Alliance leader. Even if Malfurion is overwhelmingly Alliance friendly and hates the Horde with a passion there will always be a reason why he's neutral, and that reason is his bane of existence: his power.
Because he is so overwhelmingly powerful, he could probably wipe out the entire Horde forces in Ashenvale if he tried, but in order to balance the game out, Blizzard made it so that could not happen. For balance reasons, they could either include Malfurion into the equation and explain how despite how Malfurion is fighting against the Horde he's not doing any good because of X. Or they could just not mention him at all, leave him out of the equation so people are left wondering if he is indeed neutral or not.
04/04/2014 06:31 PMPosted by
Smoe At the dawn of the Troll race, the ones who eventually became elves did so probably when they came into contact with Elune.
Actually it was because of the Well of Eternity.
04/04/2014 06:31 PMPosted by
Smoe Think of it as a dual-religioned theocracy where neither religion holds sway over the other because the vast majority of followers follow both religions.
So you're saying that Malfurion and Tyrande are taking advantage of Night Elves' tradition and are equating themselves to being Gods?
04/04/2014 06:31 PMPosted by
Smoe As for Tyrande being around Malfurion's arm at every turn, she spent 10,000 years of missing someone. They have catching up to do!
People's personalities don't change overnight. Even if Tyrande missed Malfurion as badly as you're portraying it, she wouldn't give up everything to be at Malfurion's side even if she says she will. She's been on the battlefield for over 10,000 years constantly fighting and defending her lands against unknown enemies.
Now with an organized threat of the Horde who has made their intentions clear on wanting to destroy their ancestral homeland in order to improve their own, you would think that Tyrande would be all over it. Even if her love for Malfurion is beyond words, you can't just place her into a subservient role. In that case, you'd be having Tyrande have to decide between the love of her husband or the love of her people.
If indeed her love for Malfurion is so powerful that it's able to change her from a heartless commanding general into a loving subservient wife, then I doubt she would have become a general at all. She would have spent the last 10,000 years doting over Malfurion's unconscious body worried that he might not ever come back.
04/04/2014 06:31 PMPosted by
Smoe Now, for that part where she gets second guessed in the trial of patience. She sees the Orcs that slaughtered many of her people and she wants to rush towards vindication knowing that their leader is somewhere in those lands and the only way to truly end the Warsong conflict is to end the Horde. It is in her best interest to kill those whelps and find their Warchief ASAP.
That makes sense, but it makes more sense that Blizzard realized that people preferred Warcraft 3 Tyrande to WoW Tyrande and were trying something new (or old) in order to change other people's opinions. That's probably also why we saw her destroying the gates to Orgrimmar when Malfurion was nowhere in sight.
04/04/2014 06:31 PMPosted by
Smoe Did you know that even though Illidain is called the 'Betrayer', Malfurion actually betrayed Illidain more times? Illidain was actually thinking of his people when he drew vials of the well of eternity and Malfurion probably created that misunderstanding in order to get Illidain out of the picture out of fear that Tyrande might view his brother as the better man. Why might Illidain be the better man? He's more compassionate than Malfurion! Before the sundering, Night Elves were second class citizens compared to the Highborn. After the destruction, Illidain sought to save his Highborn brothers from the catastrophic loss by taking some of the well water and making a new well to help them out. Another instance of Illidain's compassion is seen when he takes a curse upon himself in order to root out a Nathrazim and save his people. Malfurion then banishes his brother (probably to keep him and Tyrande separate). In doing so, he weakened his people greatly before the upcoming battle for the fate of Azeroth. Why? Because Illidain could've used the skull of Gul'dan to kill Archimonde without having to destroy the world tree and weakening the Night Elf race (and he would've sacrificed himself to do it if he had to). Despite joining the Legion, Illidain is a champion of all Elven kind be it the High, Blood, Naga, or Night Elves and Malfurion seeks to hide that in fear of losing Tyrande to the better man by keeping her in ignorance of it. Malfurion is an !@#$%^-, but a cunning one.
I'm not sure what you're trying to prove. You seem to be making my argument for me, that Malfurion's character should be remodeled into something different.
04/04/2014 06:31 PMPosted by
Smoe Tyrande is more compassionate than Malfurion,
Have you played any of Warcraft 3? While playing through the Reign of Chaos Night Elf Campaign it certainly seemed to me that Malfurion was far more compassionate than Tyrande, and seemed to make up the "hippy" character to balance out the "soldier" character that Tyrande was playing.
04/04/2014 06:31 PMPosted by
Smoe This is ultimately what drove Staghelm off the deep end,
Plus the death of his son.