Ask Creative Development—Round IV Answers


41 Gnome Priest
04/03/2014 08:02 PMPosted by Vynathlon
04/03/2014 11:43 AMPosted by Nethaera
R west @mrnerdzesq: Does Tyrande still hold enough authority over Malfurion to revert to being sole leader?
CDev Response: I'm afraid not. (Imagine that dinner conversation!) Darnassus is officially co-ruled by Malfurion and Tyrande, united with each other and with their people. A key thing to keep in mind is how their union allows them to work in tandem. These two leaders are focused on different aspects of governing their people, and this new method of governance truly suits them and the kaldorei nation as a whole.
*Cracks knuckles.*

Above are three threads that have recently been created, all debating how Malfurion should be dealt with. The players have expressed how they don't like the story right now, and most of them agree that Malfurion is the problem.

Obviously there are solutions to the problem: Malfurion could die, he could go insane, he could become an enemy, we could even make him disappear. The fact of the matter is that people don't like him, and they want Tyrande to go back to the way she was in Warcraft 3.

She was a complete and utter badass back then and now as other players have pointed out, she just goes to armcandy around Malfurion. Her character development goes down the toilet, but that's not all.

Malfurion, despite being considered incompetent from above threads, is overall neutral. He works alongside both the Alliance and Horde over different matters. We need an Alliance leader that doesn't work against its own team. It's called the Alliance and Horde for a reason.

For obvious reasons, we can't have an Alliance leader that is also the leader of a neutral organization, unless it's somehow discovered that Malfurion has split personality disorder or something.

We should keep Tyrande in charge of the nation of Darnassus, and Malfurion can take over leadership of the Cenarion Enclave, much like what things were like in Vanilla WoW.

All of this.
100 Orc Hunter
When does Malfurion work against his own team though? Being Neutral and cooperating during times of catastrophe (Cataclysm) is very different from Treason?
"CDevResponse" hedged a bit over some of those answers, imo, but it was interesting.

Historically (in RL, that is), kings often had their own tombs built during their lifetimes. I've assumed that Terenas' tomb was probably all ready for him. All a few citizens had to do was quickly install him there. Then they turned their attention to defending themselves or fleeing as the situation in town became more dire.

Setting aside any real life similarities of diseases transferred by body fluids --- because the Worgen curse is mostly magical --- it could be that the children of Worgen mothers are born with the potential to become Worgen. Perhaps it manifests itself as they enter adulthood. Perhaps they can consciously choose at that time. That option for rp or whatever isn't made entirely impossible by the Devs' answer "in theory.".
100 Night Elf Hunter
04/03/2014 11:06 PMPosted by Trilliam
"CDevResponse" hedged a bit over some of those answers, imo, but it was interesting.

I like them to leave room for interpretation. So when they said "NEs Abhor DKs" I read that as "NEs are plotting to cleanse their Alliance of these undead abominations! Any DK that has ever attempted to set a fel-powered foot on Teldrassil has never been heard from again."
Edited by Threeslotbag on 4/3/2014 11:22 PM PDT
100 Night Elf Druid
04/03/2014 10:43 PMPosted by Renrashin
When does Malfurion work against his own team though? Being Neutral and cooperating during times of catastrophe (Cataclysm) is very different from Treason?

Didn't you know? If you don't kill Horde on sight then you're a filthy neutral who deserves to be killed!

Seriously though. There's a lot more to running a government than fighting its enemies. Malfurion has actively worked for the interests of Darnassus and the Alliance in Wolfheart and I think Seeds of Faith though I only read that once when it came out.
Edited by Reignac on 4/4/2014 12:07 AM PDT
100 Draenei Monk
So, since night elves abhor death knights would it be safe to say that they and draenei abhor warlocks?
100 Night Elf Hunter
04/04/2014 01:25 AMPosted by Lena
So, since night elves abhor death knights would it be safe to say that they and draenei abhor warlocks?
Warlocks are not welcomed anywhere from what I gather lore wise, it's why all their trainers in general are hidden away in basements and such. Most warlocks are "in the closet" . Gameplay wise it makes no sense to limit one class like that.
100 Night Elf Hunter
04/03/2014 12:33 PMPosted by Newfierogue
No questions from red shirt guy?
wait till blizzcon.
100 Night Elf Hunter
04/03/2014 12:35 PMPosted by Cirno

I don't think mother and child actually share blood. Nutrients and oxygen are transported across the placental membrane but the blood itself doesn't mix.

Seems like it'd be enough to me, but I'll give it up.

Still seems stupid to me though. Where's the harm in letting worgen children be born. This just neuters (heh) the worgen, in my mind.
if you really want to, you can still nibble on the baby to make it a puppy. This way you can put your kid on a leash, and keep it in a cage, train it to bathroom in the yard, so no diapers.... hmm
100 Troll Hunter
I don't think blood mixes too much during pregnancy. Otherwise wouldn't children typically have the same blood type as the mother? For example, my mother is A- and I'm O+

Doesn't look like it mixed much.
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
04/04/2014 01:25 AMPosted by Lena
So, since night elves abhor death knights would it be safe to say that they and draenei abhor warlocks?

What about how they view Death Knights?
90 Pandaren Warrior
So why'd it take a year and a half to get another one of these out?
04/03/2014 08:02 PMPosted by Vynathlon
The fact of the matter is that people don't like him

You are very presumptuous that just because a vocal bunch don't like him, that that is grounds to have him removed.
100 Human Warlock
04/04/2014 11:12 AMPosted by Seebach
04/03/2014 08:02 PMPosted by Vynathlon
The fact of the matter is that people don't like him

You are very presumptuous that just because a vocal bunch don't like him, that that is grounds to have him removed.

You're right. He shouldn't be removed because of a vocal bunch. He should be removed because he's a ridiculous looking anthropomorphic chicken-man whose presence undercuts one of what used to be one of the few strong female characters in the game. She was leading the Night Elves just fine for thousands of years until Winnie the Pooh woke up from his nap.
100 Human Warlock
04/04/2014 12:06 AMPosted by Reignac
04/03/2014 10:43 PMPosted by Renrashin
When does Malfurion work against his own team though? Being Neutral and cooperating during times of catastrophe (Cataclysm) is very different from Treason?

Didn't you know? If you don't kill Horde on sight then you're a filthy neutral who deserves to be killed!

Seriously though. There's a lot more to running a government than fighting its enemies. Malfurion has actively worked for the interests of Darnassus and the Alliance in Wolfheart and I think Seeds of Faith though I only read that once when it came out.

Well Malfurion does stand around preening his feathers and doing nothing when Horde players try to kill her wife.

The problem with Malfurion isn't that he doesn't kill Horde on sight.

The problem is that he's awful. He looks like he should be an attraction in the Darkmoon Faire ("Come see the amazing Chicken-man!") . There's the fact that he told Tyrande to hush up in Well of Eternity. He's just a horrible character, even before you get into how installing him as 'co-leader' undercuts a lot of what many of us liked about Tyrande.
100 Night Elf Rogue
Has it ever occurred to anyone that maybe Blizzard purposely wrote Malfurion's character/plot that way? Like maybe they have some future plans for him and they want you to be frustrated with his current position?

It's always important to remember, authors and creators are often setting things up far in advance.
100 Night Elf Death Knight
04/03/2014 11:43 AMPosted by Nethaera
We cannot speak for every night elf on this topic, but it is safe to assume that the night elves abhor the death knights. Their very existence is unnatural, which goes against everything kaldorei culture stands for.

that hurts..

then you can say that dks nelf are seen something similar to Demon hunter in the nelf society
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