Roleplaying Question Collective


85 Blood Elf Mage
01/26/2011 5:21 PMPosted by Slywyn
Well, forgetting that First Generation Death Knights are almost all wiped off the face of the planet(s), they were essentially Orc spirits resurrected into the bodies of Human soldiers. Which means that they could, technically be alive. They weren't necromantically raised so much as just made alive in the wrong body.

And then Second generation were humans or other races who willingly gave themselves over to the Scourge to be given powers. Quite a few of them could be very much alive.

Hm, well I could see the latter being slightly different, as the body would be in a state of corruption but perhaps not yet death. I would argue the former to be just the same, as the souls are placed in the bodies of fallen soldiers.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
I guess that all comes down to how you define "Alive".

Breathing? They've got it. Blood flow? Yep. Can die? Yep. Desires, wants, needs? Yep.
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90 Human Paladin
In regard to the question about Death Knights being undead.

Undead definition:

Undead is a collective name for all types of corporeal and non-corporeal entities who were once alive in the normal sense, died, and then continued to exist in the world of the living, usually as a ghost or animated corpse. Undead of different varieties are featured in the legends of most cultures on earth and in many works of fiction, especially fantasy and horror fiction.

The term "undead" was invented by Bram Stoker, in his novel Dracula.

1st Generation
The original death knights were created for Orgrim Doomhammer by Gul'dan as powerful soldiers of the Horde. These death knights were created by placing the souls of the slain warlocks of the Shadow Council into the corpses of fallen Stormwind knights, the first of whom was Teron Gorefiend.

By definition the 1st generation were definitely Undead....

2nd Generation
Unlike Gul'dan's death knights, these dark champions do not possess free will and their minds are inexorably entwined with and dominated by the Lich King's vast consciousness. Despite the heavy costs of free will, some powerful mortals are intrigued by the promise of immortality and pledge their souls freely into the Lich King's service to achieve it. (Baron Rivendare is an example of this).

You have to argue if someone does not possess their own soul, then are they alive or dead? I think the 2nd Generation is Undead as well.

3rd Generation
The Knights of the Ebon Blade is a faction consisting of the renegade death knights that broke free of the Lich King's control after the battle of Light's Hope Chapel (in other words, player-created death knights).

It's revealed in a very subtle manner in interactions from Death Knight NPC's that they are cursed in some way. An important question to ask is this. If Death Knights gain back their free will, does that mean they gain back their souls? In either case since Death Knights retain their abilities and appearance I think it's safe to assume that the change cannot be undone.

Therefore I deduce that they still remain undead, but the argument for the 3rd generation would be the strongest. Clearly none of them have regained their humanity or former lives.

Just my two copper...

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85 Night Elf Warrior
I believe I touched on that in my earlier post. The 1st generation Death Knights were resurrected into their bodies. The 2nd never died. By your definition, at -least- the 2nd Generation could be very much alive.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
I got a sticky!

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100 Night Elf Priest
Yay, you're all sticky!
Eww, that's not such a good thing.
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Now you have immense pressure to maintain this at utmost quality! :P

Anyway, good, this should help things.
Edited by Meep on 1/27/2011 5:35 PM PST
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5 Human Priest
01/27/2011 4:20 PMPosted by Resileaf
Yay, you're all sticky!!
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85 Night Elf Warrior
01/27/2011 5:35 PMPosted by Meep
Now you have immense pressure to maintain this at utmost quality! :P

Anyway, good, this should help things.

I'll actually be adding a few things later today. Just have to get stuff done first.
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28 Worgen Hunter
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
ommm Nipples...... That is all
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71 Tauren Druid
01/11/2011 10:39 PMPosted by Slywyn
How do I deal with griefers?
-- Ignore, Report, move on. Don't antagonize them or respond as it only encourages them.

Your missing the most important thing. You tell them to stop if they don't then you report them. Because the first thing blizzard asks "Did you tell them to stop?"
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71 Worgen Rogue
Oh, hey.
What's going on in this thread?
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62 Worgen Death Knight
01/26/2011 12:14 PMPosted by Ci
Lol, I thought it was funny. Who thought this was abusive?

I thought it was well thought out and also an honest inquiry!


How did you get such a small name?
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62 Worgen Death Knight
01/27/2011 4:20 PMPosted by Resileaf
Yay, you're all sticky!
Eww, that's not such a good thing.

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85 Night Elf Warrior
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85 Night Elf Warrior
02/02/2011 5:27 PMPosted by Hyolia
Again, if (or rather, when) you run out of room I'll edit my post to extend the list.

I'll let you know. =)
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67 Goblin Death Knight
Erp is only umm..shall we say "accepted" if the character is married in the in-game society. other than that, i love the list!
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85 Night Elf Warrior
It's never been stated that Azerothians hold the same views as we do on monogamy.
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