Roleplaying Question Collective


86 Undead Warlock
Not sure if people still read this thread but I have a Worgen curse question.

If a human gets killed by a Worgen for food, is it impossible for the Val'kyr to raise that human?

I know that humans who drink Worgen blood become immune to Val'kyr resurrection but what would happen if, say, a Son of Arugal kills a human for food? Would he/she be infected with the Worgen Curse?
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This might be better as a separate discussion topic to (ideally) get different viewpoints, and maybe even examples of it working one way or the other (or the not-uncommon both).

Offhand I would think that the curse would be transferred while the worgen went nom nom, but traditionally in werewolf lore the lycanthropy curse only applies while the victim is alive. Far as I know worgen remain worgen upon death though (beyond game mechanics), so it's possible that the curse persists, "infecting" the remains. Dunno if there's enough evidence either way, or people who'd care about the details, or even enough canon about physiomagical properties of Azeroth necromancy.
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62 Pandaren Rogue
This question has been removed and placed into it's own thread.
Edited by Taimiko on 3/22/2016 2:19 AM PDT
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