01/25/2011 6:51 AMPosted by LorvinionI'm actually quite new to the whole roleplaying scene, and had a few questions about my class and how it pertains to the Warcraft RP world.
1. My character is a person I created a long time ago as the jaded reluctant hero. Reserved but not entirely sure that spending a vast majority of his life as a Paladin was the right choice for him, and being a veteran of two major wars doesn't help either, especially the disbanding of the Silver Hand, followed by The Scarlet Crusade corruption and finally the forming of the Argent Dawn.
2. I have read in lore that "the Light" has been known to sustain longer lives of users.
3. Would this attitude conflict with being a member of The Brotherhood of Light?
4. I've always felt that characters are more realistic and believable if they have intrinsic flaws and/or complicated relationships with others. Basically in a nutshell I'm a depressed war veteran, who happens to be a paladin.
5. is that lore conclusive?
2. I have heard that as well.
3. I don't believe that it would, being as they seem more militant than other Paladins and using the Light seems to be an afterthought to them.
I really don't know all that much about Paladins, so I can't really help you there.