Roleplaying Question Collective


85 Night Elf Warrior
Now, I've been on these forums a while. It never fails that many questions get asked over and over and over. I'm hoping to create some kind of resource for people to come to to get their questions answered. They'll include a question(In no particular order), with a general consensus of the forums/sources as to what the answer of that question is, and a link if applicable to where discussion on that topic was held. I'll update for better threads or different opinions should things change. I'm also open to suggestions or links, so post them if you have them.

ERPing and how to handle it should you see it.
-- Warn them(politely), report them, ignore them if they continue.
-- Thread:

Using the Vial of the Sands to RP a Dragon.
-- It's generally frowned upon, can be proven OoCly and ICly to not work, but if you can find an accepting group and you do it well, it can work. Don't expect wide acceptance.
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Languages, Translations, and where to find them.
-- While it's possible lorewise for characters to learn other languages, you have to turn to an addon to allow you to speak them in RP.
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"Breaking" and "Bending" Lore.
-- Many many people frown upon it, but there is a small community that supports it. Try to find them, don't expect people to accept you or your story/character. Most prefer to RP WoW in WoW.
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Death, Healing, and mechanics.
-- There are many ways to handle death and healing in World of Warcraft. One of the more accepted ways is that Death is final. You can also be ressurected, but you can't cheapen Death by making it easy.
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Races that don't exist in WoW, in WoW.
-- Much like breaking or bending lore to allow things that should be, roleplaying a race that doesn't normally exist(Dark Elves, other fantasy races) is generally frowned upon. You can find those that accept it but don't expect wide acceptance.
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Vampires in WoW
-- Classical vampires do not actually exist in WoW. There are vampiric creatures, there are also vampiric demons or other creations, but a Vampire like you would see in Dracula does not exist.
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Love in World of Warcraft
-- Love can strike anyone at any time. However, you must take into consideration ICly and OoCly genetics, cultural differences, age discrepancies, and physiology.
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Why Night Elves look different from Blood Elves, and High Elves.
-- Usage of Arcane magic drove the Highborne, Blood Elves, and High Elves from the rest of Night Elven culture. Arcane magic altered their culture and outlooks. High Elves and Blood Elves look differently from Night Elves because they were severed from the Well of Eternity.
-- Wiki: ; Section: Foundation of Quel'Thalas.
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Roleplaying a race that you aren't.
-- It takes suspension of disbelief, use of addons, and ingame items to pull something like this off, but it is possible. There's limits, but many options are within reach.
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Dealing with "bad" RP.
-- General consensus is that if you see someone RPing "wrong", -politely- inform them, in whispers, that they may want to rethink how they are RPing. Don't push them, but give them a gentle nudge to these forums or other Lore sites.
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Dealing with godmoders.
-- Much like "bad" rp, you can politely inform them that what they're doing may not be entirely correct. Refer them somewhere that they can use to help themselves out. Or you can simply ignore them if they don't listen to reason.
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Are Highborne Immortal?
-- Highborne, like normal Night Elves, are no longer immortal. They used to be, but were sustained by demons and other unsavory magics instead of being naturally immortal.
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Roleplaying as a Dragon.
-- Roleplaying as a Dragon is a touchy topic. Many will tell you to simply "DIAF". However, it is possible, and can be done. You must to a lot of research and be ready to take a lot of heat. I don't encourage or down it, it's an individual thing.
-- Thread:
Edited by Slywyn on 2/13/2011 2:10 PM PST
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85 Night Elf Warrior
Just how big are our bags?
-- By general consensus, adventurers usually carry around some type of magical bag that is larger than it seems. You can't carry a car, but alchemical equipment or a weapon is feasible.
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Does Homosexuality exist in World of Warcraft?
-- There have been many hints, but there is no proof either way. It is an individual characteristic rather than a racial one.
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Which RP server is the best?
-- The easiest way to tell which RP server is best for you is to make an alt on that server and try it out for yourself. Wrymrest Accord and Moon Guard are the largest servers. Farstriders, Venture Co, Ravenholdt and others are all viable options.
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How does Forum Rp work?
-- Forum RP differs from ingame RP in that the posts are generally longer and of better quality, and they tend to have farther-reaching goals than RP done in game, though they can also be short Tavern-style.
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How do I RP as a noble?
-- This, like other types of RP, is something that is generally done best in an accepting group. Don't expect wide acceptance. Be careful how you RP it, don't go overboard.
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Worgen RP, Lore.
-- Not all Gilneans are Worgen, not -all- Worgen are Gilnean(Though it's much more rare). The Worgen Curse only affects Humans, not other races. Worgen were originally created through Night Elven Druids of the Pack who were consumed by their form. The Worgen Curse doesn't have a definate timeframe as to how long it lasts, and can depend on the person.
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How do I deal with griefers?
-- Ignore, Report, move on. Don't antagonize them or respond as it only encourages them.
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-- Not widely accepted and hard to RP.
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Night Elves and lore.
-- Night Elves are not human. They're generally Xenophobic, withdrawn, and aloof. They have different cultural values and treat nature differently than others. They have a very druidic outlook.
-- Threads: , FROM THESE POSTS ON ONLY: (Most of the original 'guide' is wrong.)

How long does it take to get from place to place? Also: How big is Azeroth?
-- Obviously, like real life, travelling from place to place takes time. This is represented in-game but not very well. Azeroth is a very big place.
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How do I roleplay as a Dragon?
-- If you have to ask, you don't. But if you must know...
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Is cursing allowed?
-- Sometimes, yes. Often, no. Don't go overboard.
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How do Shadow Priests work?
-- Shadow Priests are generally using the complete opposite of the Light, which would be the Shadow. Their attacks focus on the mind.
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What exactly is a Death Knight?
-- Death Knights are soldiers either: A) Raised, or B) "Reborn" into the service of the Scourge. They are undead, as many of them have died, and were all at one point under the command of the Lich King. Also: Can Death Knights be good?
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How do you RP a race change?
-- It's often easier to not. Sometimes, however, it can be done. The easiest explanation is some kind of Engineering or Magical accident.
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How to be an Assassin. And other Rogue questions.
-- The thing about assassins is that no one generally knows you are one until it's too late to do anything about it. An assassin who broadcasts to everyone who they are is an assassin who doesn't usually live long.
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Where do I find neat RP accessories?
-- This thread v
-- Thread:
Edited by Slywyn on 5/27/2011 12:49 PM PDT
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85 Night Elf Warrior
Just what is "The Light"?
-- The Light(with certain exceptions) is more of a philosophy or religion than it is a real and physical power like Fel or the Arcane. The Light as a force falls more in line with those.
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How does Engineering fit into RP?
-- Engineering is something where many aspects of it can be left entirely up to your imagination. But you have to remember that some things can be OP, and almost everything in Engineering has a chance to fail, usually horribly.
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Just how old am I as a <Race>?
-- Ages in Warcraft can vary widely. Wowpedia is a great place to go look.
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Is my Blood Elf still addicted to Fel?
-- It's generally taken on a case-by-case basis, but the majority still seem addicted to some kind of magic or another.
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What reason does <pet> have for following me around?
-- It depends on the pet. Maybe you just bought that cat. Or you have some kind of familiar. Maybe there's a much more complicated reason for why that whelpling follows you?
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Is my Orc stupid?
-- Unless you're a Peon, no. Orcs are at -least- on par with Humans as far as intelligence is concerned.
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Can <Race> and <Race> interbreed?
-- Really, who knows. Humans can breed with Orcs, and they're from separate planets.
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More Worgen stuff.
-- Because it wouldn't fit in the first post. Lore about the "Curse".
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Forum RP guide.
-- Not really a question, but if you plan on RPing on forums, you should read it.
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How do I RP with a 'smart' mount?
-- Carefully. Not really. It depends on the mount. Drakes could very well hold full philosophical discussions. Nightsabers, while smart, are not such conversationalists.
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Can I RP a Priestess of the Moon?
-- Yes, it just takes a little imagination.
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Where can I find an In-Depth Character Development guide?
-- Right here!
-- Thread:

Is my character a Mary-Sue?
-- That's sometimes a hard question to answer, but you might just find what you're looking for here:
-- Thread:

Potential Blizzard RP enhancements(Not official/blue supported but you never know what happens when enough people get interested)
-- Thread:
Edited by Slywyn on 5/19/2011 5:32 PM PDT
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85 Night Elf Warrior
Unfortunately I don't actually know. It has something to do with reporting the post but other than that... _/(O.o)\_ You got me.
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70 Blood Elf Warlock
Very nice and very helpful *claps*.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
01/11/2011 11:46 PMPosted by Hyolia
Unfortunately I don't actually know. It has something to do with reporting the post but other than that... _/(O.o)\_ You got me.
I'm hesitant to try, the only option that I could see that might work is "other", and it'll still add the hazard mark to your post. Should I go for it?

I guess. I dunno how to do it otherwise.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
There. I dug through all 25 pages of this forum to try to collect everything I could. And I wish that I had reserved an extra post. Bah.
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98 Tauren Paladin
That's an amazing list Slywyn, thanks for putting in the effort. I hope this gets stickied!
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85 Night Elf Warrior
That'd be cool. Maybe I won't need another. Who knows. I'm still hoping they do away with this tiny character-per-post limit.

01/12/2011 12:11 AMPosted by Darkmane
That's an amazing list Slywyn, thanks for putting in the effort. I hope this gets stickied!

Thanks. :3 I'm hoping to do away with some of the forum clutter.
Edited by Slywyn on 1/12/2011 12:12 AM PST
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62 Troll Death Knight
I have one question; although this is a great post and everything, I noticed at the top of it there was a little symbol that when I placed my cursor over it, said,"This post has been reported." Why is that? I was looking at the answer posts to see if anyone commented but couldn't find any. I don't know why it would be there anyway.
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98 Tauren Paladin
01/12/2011 3:57 AMPosted by Alcatraxx
I have one question; although this is a great post and everything, I noticed at the top of it there was a little symbol that when I placed my cursor over it, said,"This post has been reported." Why is that? I was looking at the answer posts to see if anyone commented but couldn't find any. I don't know why it would be there anyway.

My guess would be that someone has reported it in the hopes that it will be stickied.
Edited by Darkmane on 1/12/2011 5:04 AM PST
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Thumbs up it for a sticky
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80 Goblin Rogue
Love the list!

I don't know if this should go here, but I feel this should be addressed though not worth making another thread.

Wild Worgen RP. As far as I've seen, it's generally frowned upon. A worgen that has not recieved the cure/blessing will be wild, savage, and appear to be nearly mindless with bloodlust. A worgen walking around in cities, dressed and holding conversations with people is not a wild worgen. Simply being short-tempered, argumentative, and an all around jerk is not being a wild worgen. Going on a rampage every once in a while is not being a wild worgen.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
Bumping for first page.
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