Roleplaying Question Collective


85 Blood Elf Priest
I'm not sure where else to put this really, so I'll just come out and say it.

I think it's fabulous that roleplaying is flourishing on some servers. I've heard wonderful things about Wyrmrest Accord in particular. I'm on Silver Hand myself - which although technically a RP server - is probably one of the worst RP servers I've seen to date. I wandered into Goldshire with my Alliance alt the other day and managed to start up something with somebody else, only to be ridiculed a short time later by some other players.

Reading up on Wyrmrest Accord, I was initially extremely skeptical that the roleplaying was as common as people were saying it was. Tonight I made a random character with the intention of perusing Stormwind to see just how common it was.

And I was totally blown away. Characters in "roleplay" clothes. Characters using SAY to carry out a conversation. Characters WALKING even!

I'd love to move to Wyrmrest Accord, but too many good friends are on Silver Hand, which is probably the only thing keeping me there right now.

Please press on, my beloved friends. It makes me so happy to see it happening.

(And a huge thank you to Slywyn for providing all this information!)
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85 Night Elf Warrior
New link!
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85 Night Elf Warrior
Updated a -couple- of things, and edited all the pages (Click Edit > Submit) so that the new feature of being able to auto-click links would implement itself.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
Edited a few things. =)
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
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85 Night Elf Warrior
You're welcome. =)
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90 Night Elf Hunter
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85 Night Elf Warrior
03/15/2011 4:55 PMPosted by Endlessocean

Come to WrA, nub.

Screw raiding.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Raiding is as good as rp. I get lots of lore from raiding. Least I did in ICC. I enjoy raiding as well.

I haven't had the time for rping lately. I haven't touched my rp chars in awhile. x.x Haven't even raided at all this week cause it's the end of the term.

P.S. Good arcticle.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
Raiding is as good as rp. I get lots of lore from raiding. Least I did in ICC. I enjoy raiding as well.

I haven't had the time for rping lately. I haven't touched my rp chars in awhile. x.x Haven't even raided at all this week cause it's the end of the term.

P.S. Good arcticle.

I think Nia got the boot for inactivity. Not sure. As you can see I'm not even there. :x
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Probably... I'll rejoin if I ever get an urge or time for rp.
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71 Human Paladin
If you still check this thread regularly, I would recromend that you add something about demon hunters. A lot of people ask about them.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
03/25/2011 7:15 PMPosted by Kasis
If you still check this thread regularly, I would recromend that you add something about demon hunters. A lot of people ask about them.

I'll do so. =) Maybe your thread if we get a good discussion.
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80 Troll Warrior
Oh this thread looks nice, could you add something about trolls and witch doctors maybe?
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85 Night Elf Warrior
03/27/2011 12:17 PMPosted by Zorjin
Oh this thread looks nice, could you add something about trolls and witch doctors maybe?

Start a thread! Get lore! I don't add things randomly. Have to have something to refer to. This is a roleplaying collective. Not "Slywyn's opinions on everything" collective.

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64 Worgen Hunter
hey if a blizzard moderator sees this can you tell your boss to think about putting tattoos in the game? like kratoses tatoos in god of war?
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85 Night Elf Warrior
04/24/2011 12:01 PMPosted by Deathkiler
hey if a blizzard moderator sees this can you tell your boss to think about putting tattoos in the game? like kratoses tatoos in god of war?

That's probably a question more for General than this. It's a feature and not quite an RP one(though it could definately be used for such).
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85 Orc Warrior
Hello everyone!

I have a question regarding fan fiction, you all seem helpful and this seems like it may be the correct place to ask, so I'll just do it:

Where should I post fan fiction? lol

I know it's not RP, and it's a comedy (not serious, may break lore) so I don't want to offend anyone by posting it here. Also, never really looked at RP seriously before, but what you all do looks like fun!
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