Roleplaying Question Collective


You can post fan-fiction right here in the RP forums. If you are posting a story about your character or the warcraft world. Make sure you clearly state whether you want criticism or not. If its not related to warcraft through, then you might need to find somewhere else.

is where I posted a story (never finished) of mine, and is a place where you could likely post any fan-fiction story.
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85 Orc Warrior
Okay, Thanks Meep!
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58 Blood Elf Death Knight
"Breaking" and "Bending" Lore.
-- Many many people frown upon it, but there is a small community that supports it. Try to find them, don't expect people to accept you or your story/character. Most prefer to RP WoW in WoW.

Okay. Here's something for opinion-givers:

There's a mod called Total RP now where you can "/say" and /emote on behalf of NPCs. I've seen guilds using this to RP physical lore characters into storylines. So...

A) Keep it within the guild and out of social/server events?
B) "WTF, knock that crap off." and /shun as hard as possible?
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85 Night Elf Warrior
"Breaking" and "Bending" Lore.
-- Many many people frown upon it, but there is a small community that supports it. Try to find them, don't expect people to accept you or your story/character. Most prefer to RP WoW in WoW.

Okay. Here's something for opinion-givers:

There's a mod called Total RP now where you can "/say" and /emote on behalf of NPCs. I've seen guilds using this to RP physical lore characters into storylines. So...

A) Keep it within the guild and out of social/server events?
B) "WTF, knock that crap off." and /shun as hard as possible?

IMO, take it on a situation by situation basis. And only people with TRP can see it, otherwise it just looks like a person is writing for an NPC, which they are.

If... they pull Varian down from his castle and RP him beheading someone, or something, that's probably cause for concern.

Having a bartender talk to a guild to give information? I see no problem.
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58 Blood Elf Death Knight
We're talking Alexstrasza, who I'll put on par with Varian. So yeah.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
04/28/2011 08:51 PMPosted by Sugarpuff
We're talking Alexstrasza, who I'll put on par with Varian. So yeah.

Still, that depends. Is it something in character for Alex to do? Or was she like, conferring some huge honor/responsibility/reward on the guild?
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58 Blood Elf Death Knight
The latter, of course. So far it's within guild I believe, but it's really... weird regardless.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
Without knowing what she's doing I can't say much else but that I frown on it. :/
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31 Night Elf Druid

Vampires in WoW
-- Classical vampires do not actually exist in WoW. There are vampiric creatures, there are also vampiric demons or other creations, but a Vampire like you would see in Dracula does not exist.

Talking bout "vampiric demons" I somewhat find Dreadlords to be vampires for some reason
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85 Night Elf Warrior

Vampires in WoW
-- Classical vampires do not actually exist in WoW. There are vampiric creatures, there are also vampiric demons or other creations, but a Vampire like you would see in Dracula does not exist.

Talking bout "vampiric demons" I somewhat find Dreadlords to be vampires for some reason

They're vampiric. Not Vampires. Big difference.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
Updated with a new link.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
Updated Night Elf section, removed a few dead links.
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100 Gnome Mage
Is there a list of rp gear anywhere? Like a website that easily lets you see what in game gear looks like and where it comes from? I am trying to put together several rp gear sets and am having a hard time knowing what gear is out there.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
06/16/2011 12:01 PMPosted by Zabre
Is there a list of rp gear anywhere? Like a website that easily lets you see what in game gear looks like and where it comes from? I am trying to put together several rp gear sets and am having a hard time knowing what gear is out there.

There isn't one as far as I know. And there's not a thread made for it that I can think of.
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13 Worgen Rogue
How up to date is this?
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85 Night Elf Warrior
06/24/2011 03:50 PMPosted by Kuraiyuri
How up to date is this?

I keep it as up to date as possible.

If you can point to a specific link I can check it out and get back to you.
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30 Blood Elf Mage
Umm I would love to rp. but I don't know how and is it still possible even if
I'm in a pvp sever
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85 Night Elf Warrior
Umm I would love to rp. but I don't know how and is it still possible even if
I'm in a pvp sever

You're much better off going to an RP server.

Or even an RP-PvP server(I hear Ravenholdt Alliance is still going strong).

RP is like pretending to be a character. It takes some getting used to, but eventually it comes naturally.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
I'm gonna be leaving WoW, so if anyone wants to attempt to keep this going, they're more than welcome.

The links all still check out, and the information in them is still relevant to my knowledge.

I just won't be updating it anymore.
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85 Worgen Hunter
*claps* Very good and well Put ty gonna have to click some of these links, Though generally i consider my self a semi good roleplayer some tips and ideas are always beneficial
I kinda would like to know if there's any good addons for spelling corrections
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