RP Guild Macro of DOOOOM! (Updated 09/21/12)

90 Human Death Knight
If you are the leader of an RP guild on Cenarion Circle, and would like your guild represented in the macro that gets fired off in AllianceOOC when someone new asks for a guild, please leave the name of your guild and a brief description (less than 235 characters, please) in a reply to this thread and I will add it to the macro.

Also, if any Horde side RP guilds are interested in starting this in HordeOOC, leave your info here and I'll write up a macro for my Horde main also.

Guilds already included:

AAMS Alliance Branch
Azeroth College
Azure Crusade
The Ebon Sanction
Esoteric Darkshire Cabal
Feathers of Iron
Heart of the Naaru
House Savelli
Lluchduu Ocheliad
Manus Ignota
Mihari no Hitoshii
Phlogiston Brotherhood
Pia Presidium
Rules of Acquisition
Shádow Knights
ShiftingSands Trading Co
Stormwind City Watch
Tales of Eirnin
Terra Incognita

Kablooey Incorporated
Modas il Toralar
Scorched Earth

EDIT FOR CREDIT: This project reflects the hard work of many dedicated RP community members, especially (to name just a few) Ehlina, Vasilia, and Galahn, all of whom inspired my own work in organizing this for the community and were instrumental in either developing the concept or seeing that it continues to be developed.
Edited by Verogoth on 9/21/2012 1:07 PM PDT
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88 Gnome Death Knight
I don't have to write the AAMS Alliance Branch up for you, do I...?
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85 Draenei Paladin
Rules of Acquisition is a light RP guild based on trade and in-game economics. We also look forward to (as we grow) raiding, etc. After all, you can't sell a treasure you haven't gotten yet.
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100 Human Paladin
Pia Presidium is a militaristic and heavy community support order similar to the Templar Knights. Though bound to a strict code of honor, the order believes in having fun while adventuring in dungeons and on the battlefield. Bring a sense of humor and maybe a keg. piapresidium.guildportal.com
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90 Human Death Knight
05/31/2011 08:23 PMPosted by Aeldgyth
I don't have to write the AAMS Alliance Branch up for you, do I...?

Nah, I think I can handle that one. :P
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90 Human Priest
Conclave is searching for answers in these tumultuous times. If you are on a quest of enlightenment, searching for guidance in these dark times, or one who defends the pursuit of truth and knowledge Conclave may be for you. www.conclaveguild.org
Edited by Genevra on 6/11/2011 5:42 PM PDT
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90 Human Death Knight
Bumpage for more RP guild leaders to get the wording they want for the macro.
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90 Human Paladin

Now do it!
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90 Human Death Knight
Bump again. C'mon guys, I need more guilds represented before I can put this thing into action!
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86 Troll Shaman
I guess you can write up one for Horde AAMS too? :D That's the only guild I can speak for, will try to give guildleaders I know a nudge..
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85 Human Rogue
<House Savelli> is a heavy RP guild representative of a family of human nobles and the men and women loyal to them. We are quite new and are currently seeking reliable "core" members to help the guild grow. Raid and PvP teams are likely to come in the future. All classes, levels, and races are accepted, but be aware that you may have to edit your character's backstory in order to fit in as a member of the family itself.
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The <Phlogiston Brotherhood> is a neutral Alliance guild founded in the rough reaches of Northrend. This guild was founded for those who identify more to their crafts and the art of philosophy than most other affiliations.

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88 Gnome Death Knight
06/25/2011 02:13 PMPosted by Yotingo
I guess you can write up one for Horde AAMS too? :D That's the only guild I can speak for, will try to give guildleaders I know a nudge..

I dunno if Vero's taking responsibility for a Horde-side macro here or not. I think Poni might still have one that's reasonably up-to-date? We have had people asking about RP guilds in HordeOOC, so it'd probably be worth throwing one together if hers has vanished.
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90 Human Death Knight
I am more than willing to put a macro together for Horde guilds also, but I'm not as active on that side so I would probably need to hand the reins over for the actual implementation of it.
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72 Dwarf Warrior
<Azeroth College> is now recruiting students. We are a moderate RP and leveling guild that focuses on teaching and learning how to RP. We accept all levels and classes, and hope you graduate with flying colors! Whisper any member for an invite.
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73 Troll Death Knight
<Scorched Earth> is looking for misfits, cranks, thieves, ne'er-do-wells, necromancers, unreformed apothecaries, budding serial killers, and those who generally like chaos and evil. Special bonus points if you are interested in the Void.

Also, Verogoth, I can help with the horde macro.
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100 Human Paladin
Please add your guild macro, so Verogoth can get this going.
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90 Human Death Knight
Due to lack of recent responses, I will be implementing the macro with the guilds listed. If you know of anyone who hasn't responded who would most likely want to have their guild listed, please direct them here.
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100 Draenei Hunter
Shiftingsands Trading Co is a new mid-heavy roleplay guild looking for new members. Accepting all levels, classes and races, will be focusing on Pvp, pve, and leveling. Rp isn't required; experienced members are looking to teach new rpers. whisp Mithara
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100 Human Paladin
{Stormwind City Watch} Is a heavy RP guild looking for new applicants to join our ranks. We serve as Stormwinds Police / Guard force and we act as the figures of authority within the RP community. Please send a message to Orwyn or Laman stating you are interested for further information.
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