RP Guild Macro of DOOOOM! (Updated 09/21/12)

Kablooey Inc. is a medium/heavy RP guild looking to hire some new blood. We are an own-all do-all company based around becoming a large economical conglomerate. While some of our methods may not be...up to par with the grunts we are an.."honest" guild. Mostly goblin guild though willing to hire others. Contact Rilvix or Truxxick(Though she is rarely online)
Edited by Rilvix on 8/4/2011 9:57 PM PDT
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90 Human Death Knight
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85 Goblin Shaman
Bumping FOR Great DOOM!

EDIT: Y'know, cause people wanted to add their guild info, and what not.
Edited by Zizzikky on 11/30/2011 8:53 PM PST
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100 Worgen Death Knight
The Reclamation can stand by no longer as the Horde continues their attacks! We're bringing the war to them! Weekly RP-PvP, Heroic & Raid Finder events. Join the "Home of the Casual!" Speak to Ragefang to learn more.
Edited by Ragefang on 12/1/2011 6:02 PM PST
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100 Human Warlock
The Esoteric Darkling Cabal are a close-knit group of people who harbour knowledge of things unseen by most. Our friendly guild members are helpful, social, respectful, and somewhat insane.
Edited by Kalleesti on 12/19/2012 11:32 PM PST
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90 Human Death Knight
Bumping for more guilds to submit info. (I'm looking at you specifically, Imp!)
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85 Goblin Shaman
Updated list to include all previous submissions.

See http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/3657609759 for the actual macros.
Edited by Zizzikky on 12/10/2011 10:56 PM PST
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Tales of Eirnin
We believe in fostering a welcoming family environment with adults who know how to relax and enjoy the game. Mutual respect and tolerance are a must... and of course a healthy appreciation for the Awesome That Is Eirnin.
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53 Blood Elf Rogue
I might be interested in this.
<Scorched Earth> is looking for misfits, cranks, thieves, ne'er-do-wells, necromancers, unreformed apothecaries, budding serial killers, and those who generally like chaos and evil. Special bonus points if you are interested in the Void.

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90 Human Paladin
Full version
Manus Ignota is an eclectic guild of RPers, Raiders, PVErs, and PvPers that seeks to experience all aspects of WoW. Members are diverse but share simple goals: protecting one another’s welfare, and the reputation of the guild. If you seek respect and are of a truly noble heart & mind, MI may be for you.

Manus Ignota is an eclectic guild that pursues all facets of WoW. Members are diverse but share simple goals: protecting one another’s welfare, and the reputation of the guild. If you seek respect and are of a truly noble heart & mind, MI may be for you.
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85 Human Paladin
Right thread? Wrong thread? Confusing with three of these floating around.

<Terra Incognita> is a military order allied to the Argent Dawn and the Cathedral. Secretive and special ops oriented, it has a penchant for picking up ne'er-do-wells and other shady characters seeking to serve the Light.
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100 Human Paladin
I might be interested in this.

<Scorched Earth> is looking for misfits, cranks, thieves, ne'er-do-wells, necromancers, unreformed apothecaries, budding serial killers, and those who generally like chaos and evil. Special bonus points if you are interested in the Void.

i think se merged with modas. i might be mistaken.
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85 Human Paladin

Edited by Lahkin on 3/5/2012 1:01 PM PST
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Thank you for your contributions. Terra Incognita has been added!

Keep 'em comin'!
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Full version: The Modas il Toralar is a heavy RP guild of (for the most part) ethically flexible characters. We have dark sorcerers, twisted cultist, cut-throats, sociopaths, selfish rogues, blackguard, assassins and all other likes. We seek out power of all kinds: magical, economic, political, militaristic, and a variety of other forms.


<Modas il Toralar> is seeking ethically flexible types who seek to assist in gaining power in various ways, be it magical, economic, political, militaristic, or by other means. Cut-throats, dark sorcerers, cultists, and more are welcome among our group.
Edited by Thelinna on 3/5/2012 2:37 PM PST
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90 Night Elf Hunter
The <Pillar of Honor> is a small, RP-heavy guild that's rebuilding after multiple leadership changes. IC, we're a military support-type group (Recon, healers, etc.) that takes members of many different faiths and beliefs.

EDIT: Please remove PoH from the macro, as we have disbanded.
Edited by Tyrynna on 8/1/2012 7:55 PM PDT
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Updated! I'm delighted to see a new Horde guild in there!
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100 Human Paladin
The <Azure Crusade> is formed to fight the evil that the Argent Crusade will not: that of the Forsaken, and the Horde that shelters them. If you believe that fighting the good fight means not closing a blind eye to any evil, then seek us out. We also honor the work of artisans and civilians.
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100 Draenei Shaman
New Submission time!

<Gambit> is a group of like-minded folks that have decided the Faction War has gone on long enough and are ready to use any and all means available to put a stop to it. Contact Tyrynna or Belpha with any questions.
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100 Human Paladin
Belpha I think Galahn has one that is more current. Let me try to find it. Also, grats on Gambit. It sounds like a fun guild.
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