RP Guild Macro of DOOOOM! (Updated 09/21/12)

100 Worgen Death Knight
I don't see we have an entry here, so here you go:

<The Ebon Sanction> is an Alliance branch of the Knights of the Ebon Blade, accepting members of all classes, moralities and pursuits who are interested in splitting their loyalties between the Ebon Hold and the Alliance . Walk in the sacred shadow of Acherus! Contact Ragefang for more info.
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90 Human Death Knight
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93 Night Elf Death Knight
(Lights Shadow) An Order dedicated to the Light and those that champion it. We take a relaxed approach to all aspects of the game. RP is our focus, Guildpage at http://lightsshadow.guildlaunch.com/
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Theres White Gambit, which is the Horde side version too.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
12/10/2012 04:10 AMPosted by Tasanya
Theres White Gambit, which is the Horde side version too.

...Heck, I don't even see regular A- side Gambit on this thread.

Maybe when I got some more time I'll change that.
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I'll update v. 3. Tyrynna, would you like to make an entry for Horde Gambit?
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93 Night Elf Death Knight
Drums her fingers on the table top and stares expectantly at the dwarf....
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90 Draenei Death Knight
/6 The {Ironforge Guard} acts as the law around Ironforge. Most of the time, that usually means we keep the drunks from rioting and the gnomes from blowing things up. But we do get some excitement from time to time. Contact Ethillian for more information.
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90 Gnome Mage
Cog of Genius: The Cogularity is Nigh! This cadre of big-thinkers and altruists is on a quest to change the Alliance into a more peaceful, intelligent, and creative society. Pester Zlatta if you are ready to face the future!
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The Guardians of Azeroth are a small but elite group dedicated to defending and aiding the poor, homeless, and weak all over Azeroth and Outland. Ask Aereath if you want an out-of-character or in-character invite!
Edited by Aereath on 2/14/2013 7:13 AM PST
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90 Worgen Druid
Alliance side (posting for Moonjade, he's our GM)

<Invictus Sanctum> is a guild of like-minded adventurers wishing to stem the corruption in the lands of Azeroth on both sides of a seemingly never-ending war. Our members honor each other and wish to show honor and friendship to all those around us.
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97 Worgen Death Knight

Avast, lubbers o' the Alliance! Wobbly Compass Crew is a merry band o' mismatched Privateers lookin' for more able hands to board wit' us. We're also offerin' our services t' anyone in'erested, for a fittin' price, o' course.

We're a new guild, Alliance side (obviously), focused on heavier RP as well as a light-hearted social atmosphere. All levels, classes and races are more than welcome to join. Please PM Brassbuckle, Faiythe or Nonadon for more information, or feel free to whisper any guild member. They can direct you to an invite.

Join our IC Channel (via Minor Glyphs of Communication found on our flyers) /join Compass, or visit out site >> wobblycompass.guildlaunch.com << for more information!
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99 Gnome Priest
[The B.O.O.K club] is mainly a RP guild looking for dark, shady characters to join their ranks. Operations on the black market and perhaps occasional brawls are involved in this guild's storyline. New RPers are welcome, aswell as experience ones!
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