If you are the leader of an RP guild on Cenarion Circle, and would like your guild represented in the macro that gets fired off in AllianceOOC when someone new asks for a guild, please leave the name of your guild and a brief description (less than 235 characters, please) in a reply to this thread and I will add it to the macro.
Also, if any Horde side RP guilds are interested in starting this in HordeOOC, leave your info here and I'll write up a macro for my Horde main also.
Guilds already included:
AAMS Alliance Branch
Azeroth College
Azure Crusade
The Ebon Sanction
Esoteric Darkshire Cabal
Feathers of Iron
Heart of the Naaru
House Savelli
Lluchduu Ocheliad
Manus Ignota
Mihari no Hitoshii
Phlogiston Brotherhood
Pia Presidium
Rules of Acquisition
Shádow Knights
ShiftingSands Trading Co
Stormwind City Watch
Tales of Eirnin
Terra Incognita
Kablooey Incorporated
Modas il Toralar
Scorched Earth
EDIT FOR CREDIT: This project reflects the hard work of many dedicated RP community members, especially (to name just a few) Ehlina, Vasilia, and Galahn, all of whom inspired my own work in organizing this for the community and were instrumental in either developing the concept or seeing that it continues to be developed.
Also, if any Horde side RP guilds are interested in starting this in HordeOOC, leave your info here and I'll write up a macro for my Horde main also.
Guilds already included:
AAMS Alliance Branch
Azeroth College
Azure Crusade
The Ebon Sanction
Esoteric Darkshire Cabal
Feathers of Iron
Heart of the Naaru
House Savelli
Lluchduu Ocheliad
Manus Ignota
Mihari no Hitoshii
Phlogiston Brotherhood
Pia Presidium
Rules of Acquisition
Shádow Knights
ShiftingSands Trading Co
Stormwind City Watch
Tales of Eirnin
Terra Incognita
Kablooey Incorporated
Modas il Toralar
Scorched Earth
EDIT FOR CREDIT: This project reflects the hard work of many dedicated RP community members, especially (to name just a few) Ehlina, Vasilia, and Galahn, all of whom inspired my own work in organizing this for the community and were instrumental in either developing the concept or seeing that it continues to be developed.
Edited by Verogoth on 9/21/2012 1:07 PM PDT