All gnome guild?

38 Gnome Priest
I'm curious. Is there an all gnome guild on this server? Maybe if there isn't, is there interest in starting one?

I just love all my fellow hyperactive bundles of joy brethren. Be nice to hang with them and raise gnome awareness through tours of New Tinkertown & other goofy fun.
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100 Human Mage
“Hundreds of gnomes all in one spot?” *Thinks for a moment with her eyes brightening* “I like this idea”
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100 Human Paladin
There have been some. Gnome Depot, Gnomeran Empire, Mozarella Mafia, Fashion Police, Small Frye. I'm not sure any are active now. Small frye opened the doors to everyone. The other three are mostly dead.
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38 Gnome Priest
What killed them?
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79 Gnome Mage
Not lack of Gnome love. THere's never any of that.

/love gnomes
/hug Sizy
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38 Gnome Priest

/hug Dakiro's kneecaps.

Ugh. Too tight. Too tight. I'm small!
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20 Gnome Monk
I think what ultimately causes these types of guilds to vanish is they become alt heavens. I love the RP aspect of an all gnome guild (so would my main Noikona -evil grin-), but I fear growth would be limited and sporadic at best. The gnome race lacks druids, paladins, hunters and shamans, which needs to be taken under consideration and is why I believe such guilds, just become a place to play an alt every blue moon.

I still like the idea, but how to make it grow and sustain itself overtime would be a difficult endeavor.
Edited by Ziestra on 2/18/2013 8:10 AM PST
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100 Gnome Priest
/waves at Sizy
/adjusts goggles

I've had the same thought on several occasions. I even went through a phase where I almost recreated all my alts as gnomes :D , but I eventually came to a similar conclusion as Ziestra.

Even so, I think Gnomes cover enough of the basics to be able to form at least a solid 5 man. /shrug

I'm interested!
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38 Gnome Priest
I know it's possible to successfully raid with only gnomes because Gnomeregan Forever on Wyrmrest Accord has a hugely successfully raid team and their little Gnome Guild has hundreds of active members and a level 25 status.

With all the class changes, no one class is required to finish an encounter so I don't think that would be difficult to swing, but really the focus would be RP first. Other things second.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I could definitely see the fun and joy of being in such a guild. I'm willing to create an alt and play in sucha guild, once every two/three months. (joke)

I would like to see something come of this.
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100 Human Paladin
Race or class restricted guilds have always been difficult to keep going here. Bael Modan Regiment was one of the most successful. It was a dwarf guild with a dynamic leader.

Gnome Depot, Gnomeran Empire, Mozzarella Mafia and Fashion Police were largely alts, but they were quite active for a while. It just takes a lot of work. More work than what a generic guild takes. If you listen to people who start new guilds and then admit they are having lots of problems getting members, you get the picture. Now multiply those problems by accepting only one race.

It would be a fun concept and certainly worth a try, but the rules still apply for new guilds. It takes a tremendous amount of work and patience.
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79 Gnome Mage
Ok, first of all...
<---No longer Dakiro. Race changed this morning.
My name is now Microlux, and should update and become redundant after tomorrows re-sets.
(EDIT: See, moot point)

I've been pondering starting an all Gnome guild. With Monks now in play, along with getting Priests in Cataclysm, we have all the bases basicly covered.

I've been trying to come up with a name.
Of course I'm all for the RP aspects of it.
And in time getting the Raiding aspects of it going as well, and not just the new stuff and what's coming, but All the raids.

As I've said, I've been really mulling it over...
Edited by Dakiro on 2/22/2013 7:00 AM PST
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20 Gnome Monk
I was not trying to discourage the creation of such a guild as I think it has enormous potential to be an exciting contribution to the RP world. I was attempting to stress that his would be allot of hard work to keep it successful. Your guild members would need to be committed to their race and class for a span that might be too long for some.

Even keeping in mind that the guild would be RP centric, bragging rights of being able to successfully take on any 5 ‘gnome’ pug would be fun to have and or even 10 ‘gnome’ raid.
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38 Gnome Priest
Part of the fun of being in an all Gnome guild is the challenge that comes from those aspects that you point out Zie. But I'll be honest, I wasn't particularly looking to start up another guild to run. Only one to participate in. My plate is pretty full helping with a raid guild on Earthen Ring and getting my other characters on this server to raid worthiness as well.

Gnome events like offering a coffee & energy drink cart once a week or tours of New Tinkertown. I'm all game for and would love to help with and participate in, but running a full guild is too much for me at this point in time.

I also think that one of the strongest ways to build a guild like that is with friends. A group of 5 friends are much more likely to get many things done and keep the guild going for long time than starting it from scratch with unknown people.
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79 Gnome Mage
And that's the part that hinders me from actually starting an all Gnome guild.
The fact that everyone sais, "well it would be fun for my ALT."

The members would have to make a commitment to the guild and their character.
I've had guilds before. I was the original GM of Demonique on (or used to be on) Killrogg.
It was established at the beginning of TBC, and I was playing my first Shaman Hellfyre.
It started out great, but then the members started missing their "mains".
Sadly, it fell apart. And it's something I'd like to avoid going through again.

But there is always that spark of hope...
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100 Gnome Priest
I smile a little when I pop on the forums and see this topic still near the top :) It gives me hope.
In truth all this talk makes me want to announce "I'm making a guild!", but sadly I'm not. I can't. BUT! Its often fun just to brainstorm a little :)
To that end, what kind of a theme would work for this all-gnome-guild?
    Search and Rescue?
    All of the above :D ?
    Something else?

I can say this for certain. Right now my main is an undead warlock, but if this guild ever formed I would most definitely bring Cail back as my main and join. It's about time Dr. Malher'D got back to his medical practice.
Edited by Caileanmor on 2/24/2013 10:28 AM PST
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38 Gnome Priest
Okay, you guys are seriously making me consider this. I must be a glutton for punishment. The way I see it is there are way way many military guilds and Holy guilds. What might be good would be something light-hearted and fun. Quirky and Gnomish. My initial thought was a gnome PR team trying to raise alliance awareness to New TinkerTown's stunning development since the assault began. That way you could do all sorts of things like R and D or run a coffee cart to raise awareness.

The main events I could think of were:
Booster Coffee Cart Gnomish style - because gnomes don't sleep when there is science to be done.
New TinkerTown guided tours - because gnomes are full of pride.
Racecar races - pinebox derby gnome style.

Really, they aren't weekly events, but you could do a lot with gnomes. It'd just be what everyone was interested in doing. I think they if there is considerable interest the first thing we should do is a test event like gnome collectively get together from the various guilds to come together to show off their latest inventions. Like a science fair or talent show. What are your thoughts?
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100 Gnome Warlock
((*waves at Raven and Sizzlin' Sizy*

Also, if someone starts up this gnome guild I would LOVE to put my monk in there <3
Sizzle would definately show off one of her latest bots at a science fair! What a fun idea :) ))
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20 Gnome Monk
You have my support :)
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38 Gnome Priest
We should totally RP setting it up Stylin' Siz! Maybe tonight?
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