All gnome guild?

100 Gnome Priest
((*waves back at Sizzle, mustache curling into a grin*))

Looks like I missed the RP, if it happened. Drop me a mail/calandar invite/whatever if you plan on doing some more :) I'd love to be there.
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79 Gnome Mage
I fell asleep on the couch...What happened?
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38 Gnome Priest
You didn't miss anything. Maybe we can try again during feathers tavern night.
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79 Gnome Mage
*Looks down at the scrolled lettering on the parchment in his tiny hands. A touch of a smile plays across his face. He wonders, a bit nervouse, should he show the others?*

*Across the top of the parchment, in elegant scroll, reads the word "Enchanted"*

((I had thaught <Gnomeregan Council> as well))

((Just ideas, mind you))
Edited by Microlux on 2/25/2013 7:56 AM PST
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100 Gnome Warlock
((Shoot I missed seeing your post Sizy! I am usually online from 8pm server and onward, not sure if that works for RP :) This week I wasn't on much due to RL stuff. I will most definately be at the Feathers tavern night on begins at 6:30pm but I am usually fashionably late but others will be there on time!

For those that don't know, the Feathers of Iron host a tavern night at the Salty Sailor in Booty Bay every Tuesday night at 6:30 pm server and ends when the last plate of food has been served. Every week Cup and Kixek create a new and exciting feast of delicious treats! Nomnomnom! *shameless plug over*

But yes if you want to talk about it IC Sizy I will be there :D ))
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90 Night Elf Druid
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20 Gnome Monk
((Looks up, ah your just jealous))
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38 Gnome Priest
Runs up to the furry bear and slaps a tube over her muzzle that could be mistaken for a breathing apparatus but clearly appears to be sucking instead of inputting air into the bear.

"Don't worry you cute bear you. This Defoaming Tube should help calm your nerves and prevent hyperventilation. I invented it when Pippo first got large enough to eat me. Silly, bear. Gnomes are friends not food. Besides if you eat me, I can't make you a portable mascot device to shoot streamers and confetti from your rear to distract the big baddies you face."

((Hrmm... I may not be on that late Tuesday. I'll try to catch you tonight then or some other time, but it sounds like the idea of a science fair slash invention display event is intriguing for many. Except Lerrielin, she's nearly comatose with excitement.))
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79 Gnome Mage
I unfortunately will be at work at that time. I work Tuesday 1pm-930pm, and don't get home until 10pm... Bleh.
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79 Gnome Mage
OMG! I've got it!!!

< C O G >
(Citizens Of Gnomeregan)
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38 Gnome Priest
That's cheeky and fun. What type of theme were you imagining?

I think sizzle and I were thinking a Saturday after 8pm server for the science demonstration. Sometime mid to late march. I'd like to find a famous inventor's birthday to tie it too.
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79 Gnome Mage
Well, Dear Lady, as you and all Gnomekind knows, our once beautiful and industrious city now lies in a fog of radiation. And those blasted Troggs are the hardest things to get rid of.

I say we raise awareness to the rest of Azeroth of our on going struggle to retake our city.
Our intentions, and inventions will always be of the top notch sort! (As they always are, of course!)

We need to bring back the Pride of Gnomeregan in every Gnomes heart!

I do believe that, though we have persevered through out our history against all that has come our way, we truly have become disenfranchised from our home for far too long!

((We could hold cellebrations periodicly outside the very gates of Gnomeregan. We could also have rp forages into the instance it's self, each time trying to rid every irradiated denizen from it's glorious walls.))
((Also, liasons, Ambassadors if you will, could be dispatched on missions to strengthen our relations with the rest of the Alliance, and perhaps gain their help in our endevours.))

((EDIT: Well, I need to be getting some sleep now, but I'll check in in the morning. I've got ideas for guild rankings as well. And other RP event ideas, I'm just too tired to type it all out at this point. As I stated earlier, I've been mulling this over for a long time now.))
Edited by Microlux on 2/25/2013 11:32 PM PST
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38 Gnome Priest
I agree and with all this war that Varian leads us to there seems to be less humor in our ranks than ever before. Not only should Gnomes share their pride as much as the humans do, but we should also share the join we derive from our existence and our creations.

(( I'll let you & anyone else post your ideas before I come in with a few of my own. Sort of want to see what others like and want more than anything else. I was thinking if we go forward with a full guild that it would be a good day to get signatures from fellow interested Gnomes at the science demonstration. Which I was thinking Saturday, March 16th at close to 8pm server since Einstein was born on the 14th. ))
Edited by Sizy on 2/26/2013 9:04 AM PST
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20 Gnome Monk
((I like the ideas that you are putting together. Let me know if I can help in anyway. Even if I am just needed to pen my name in on the guild roster.))
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79 Gnome Mage
I wish we could give out balloons, that would be a cool party favor.
And unfortunately both of my engineers are Horde, or I'd make up a bunch of mecho-pets to give out...

The 16th is quite a ways away, and I'd hate to lose any interest people have in this venture.
I've had a guild charter stewing in my backpack. Last night I went ahead and changed the name on it to C O G, just in case. (But I don't want to step on anyones tiny toes).

I was thinking to get the guild name established, then perhaps during the entirety of the week end of the 16th we could hold an event to recruit and add members. Gnomeregan style. (EDIT: I also have a tabbard design in mind as I was fooling around with it yesterday. We could get some basic tabbards to hand out to the new members)

Helping run others through Gnomeregan could be a good way to not only strengthen the Gnome Pride, but also get to know the recruits.

Also, I'm not opposed to starting a Vent server. I can have it up and running by the 8th. (I don't get paid 'till the 7th =P)
Edited by Microlux on 2/26/2013 7:30 AM PST
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79 Gnome Mage
As for ranks, I was putting something together like the following:

The Mayor: GL
Vise Mayor: AGL
Secretary of G: The person who makes sure events go off with out a hitch, the "Party Planner", if you will)
Sheriff: Raid leader
Deputy: PVP organizer (For those that want to either start WPVP events, or what have you)
Noble: Higher ranking members (Those putting in the most effort into their characters and the guild)
Citizen: Standard members (Those that put what time they can into their characters and the guild)
Refugee: New recruits (Those that want to take a look at the guild before making a true commitment)
Edited by Microlux on 2/26/2013 7:52 AM PST
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79 Gnome Mage
Once or twice a month we could have the Gnomeregan Galla (sp?).
With Steam Tonk Races, Robot battles (Pet battles using the little warbots), Picnics (With the picnic baskets) and RP.

What do you think so far?

(I know at work this afternoon/evening my mind will come up with more)
Edited by Microlux on 2/26/2013 7:56 AM PST
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38 Gnome Priest
(( If you want to set up the guild and run it Microlux. Go for it. I'm in no rush because I like to plan things out and get my bearings properly before I dive in, but I'm more than happy to support your vision as well. Would be better for me in that way anyway since I already run one guild on my main. Anyway ideas!

My initial thought was that you should probably set the ranks so that the GL is a guildbank character since Gnome society believes in using pairs to rule. (Mekgineer Thermaplugg and High Tinker Mekkatorque for instance. Those are their real titles.) That way your real leaders would be on the co-GM rank. And I'd structure the rest of my leadership similarly. So PVP & Raids would share rank as officers and have a compatible title system. I haven't given this a whole lot of thought since I've been thinking about a few other things and dealing with raid guild issues, but it would look similar to this.

Co-GMs: Tinker Supreme & Mekgineer Supreme
Officers: War Tinker & War Mekgineer (Raid & PVP)
--All of these guys would be in charge of RP events and what not since to me that would be the first priority.--
Tinkers: your high ranking standards although I'm always cautious with this since I hate trying to distinguish without clear cut parameters.
Mekgineers: Your normal members.
Refugees/Contaminated: People going through their trials and absent for a period of time so you can lock them out of the guild bank to prevent hacking as best as possible and the raid the bank and leave members.

Also the guild names I had were something goofy like TinkerTown Tourism Board,
Gnomish Inventors Club, and Remember Gnomeregan. The crest being a simple cogs in purple and green or gold.

I love the idea of a ROBOT WARS event that you could host each week or month. Essentially it'd be a pet battle bracket system centered around using only mechanical or robot pets. You could give out a small prize to the winners each time. Something a gnome would find precious. Like ore or another pet.

Gnomeregan Gala seems to me to be an anniversary type event more than anything. I'd have to hear more. I would totally get Cup to cater any of these though.

Mechanostrider, Gyrocopter, Mechanohogg Maintenance Day. Go over your zen and art of mechanical transport care with a possible hand out of something as well for attendees. Like a shirt that's been GryphonHearted to say I attended MGMM Day.

TinkerTown Tours as a possible interguild event where you take another guild that might be interested around New TinkerTown to show the progress of the Gnomes since the take back fight a few years ago.

Science Demonstration Day. Explosions and a way for all the tinkers and engineers to gather and discuss their latest inventions and show them off to their allies. Could rotate cities and be hosted once a month.

A weekly hosted Gnomeregan run. Could always do it and others towards the Classic Dungeonmaster achievement.

Otherwise I like integrating into the other events other guilds are hosting like story or tavern night. Then you could do guild only events and the like. ))
Edited by Sizy on 2/26/2013 9:36 AM PST
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79 Gnome Mage
The Pairs to Rule, I thaught of (in my own small way, haha) by making the two top ranks Mayor and Vise Mayor. My thinking on the idea was that we, as Gnomes, would be rebuilding our society, City government fashion.

The High Tinker is our King, so I think leaving that title out of it would be appropriate.

I think between all these ideas, we most certainly could come up with enough to keep things interesting on an RP level.

(EDIT: Also as a society, we Gnomes have broadened our horizons and thinking. We must keep in mind that now we are not only Tinkers and inventors. We as a nation have taken on aspects of "The Light" and "Zen", and of course we have always been magicly inclined. We should keep this in mind as to not make anyone feel as though they must rp in a strictly mecho-fashion.)
Edited by Microlux on 2/26/2013 9:48 AM PST
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100 Gnome Priest

(EDIT: Also as a society, we Gnomes have broadened our horizons and thinking. We must keep in mind that now we are not only Tinkers and inventors. We as a nation have taken on aspects of "The Light" and "Zen", and of course we have always been magicly inclined. We should keep this in mind as to not make anyone feel as though they must rp in a strictly mecho-fashion.)

((That's a good point.

I personally wouldn't feel ostracized, but it's something to consider at least. ))
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