Well, Dear Lady, as you and all Gnomekind knows, our once beautiful and industrious city now lies in a fog of radiation. And those blasted Troggs are the hardest things to get rid of.
I say we raise awareness to the rest of Azeroth of our on going struggle to retake our city.
Our intentions, and inventions will always be of the top notch sort! (As they always are, of course!)
We need to bring back the Pride of Gnomeregan in every Gnomes heart!
I do believe that, though we have persevered through out our history against all that has come our way, we truly have become disenfranchised from our home for far too long!
((We could hold cellebrations periodicly outside the very gates of Gnomeregan. We could also have rp forages into the instance it's self, each time trying to rid every irradiated denizen from it's glorious walls.))
((Also, liasons, Ambassadors if you will, could be dispatched on missions to strengthen our relations with the rest of the Alliance, and perhaps gain their help in our endevours.))
((EDIT: Well, I need to be getting some sleep now, but I'll check in in the morning. I've got ideas for guild rankings as well. And other RP event ideas, I'm just too tired to type it all out at this point. As I stated earlier, I've been mulling this over for a long time now.))
Edited by Microlux on 2/25/2013 11:32 PM PST