All gnome guild?

79 Gnome Mage
I'm only on for a minute. I've got a turn around shift at work. Closed tonight, open tomorrow, yuck...

I will be on for a little while in the morning.
Anyone that sees me on ingame and would like to throw ideas around, please feel free to whisper me.

Sizy, I really look forward to talking to you more. I think we've both come up with some great starter ideas. And I can see you have the same passion as I do about our Gnomeregan Pride!

And for those that would like to add me, Microlux#1441 (I think this is ok...isn't it?to post my battle tag that is...)
Edited by Microlux on 2/26/2013 11:13 PM PST
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38 Gnome Priest
02/26/2013 09:43 AMPosted by Microlux
(EDIT: Also as a society, we Gnomes have broadened our horizons and thinking. We must keep in mind that now we are not only Tinkers and inventors. We as a nation have taken on aspects of "The Light" and "Zen", and of course we have always been magicly inclined. We should keep this in mind as to not make anyone feel as though they must rp in a strictly mecho-fashion.)

I know Cail said he wouldn't feel ostracized by the old ideas, but I feel it by this idea. I think the reason being is that I look at Gnome adoption of new ideas like this:

To me they never adopted the Light or Zen attitudes on a large scale but as a minor one they embraced its magic.

Which then comes to the ideas of removing the Tinkering aspect of their culture and using very human honorifics. To me, it almost feels like you've stripped a significant identifier from them. Maybe because I see it as a quick underpinning that describes their curiousity, inventiveness, intelligence, and communal nature. The priests that adopt the holy magicks to become medics and surgeons are tinkering with the Light. The frost mage who develops a new frost bolt I a tinkerer. The dress designer. The cook. They all tinker. They name themselves after their inventions. They vote for their rotating elected by evaluating their inventions. It's a huge part of who they are. I couldn't cut it out.

Side Note: I still think the 16th is a good idea for the Science Demonstration since it's during Spring Festival and should be signed up for then, but setting up the guild prior to recruit at it would probably be a smarter idea. I won't be around that much the next few days on the server. Raiding, but if I see you, I'll try to snag you.
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100 Gnome Priest

And for those that would like to add me, Microlux#1441 (I think this is ok...isn't it?to post my battle tag that is...)

:D ((I'll add mine in here so you don't feel alone Microlux! Mine is Caileanmor#1151, should anyone want to add me.))
Edited by Caileanmor on 2/28/2013 10:39 AM PST
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100 Gnome Priest

((I love this. A good share! :D ))
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79 Gnome Mage

((I love this. A good share! :D ))

Yes it was , and I read it. Very interesting indeed.
However, I was talking on the broader scope of things. I guess I was a little too tired to be more specific. I was thinking more of the players mind set. And though I do see your point of view Sizy, on the "Tinker" aspect of things. The article cannot be upheald as the be-all end-all of how other players percieve their particular characters.

Oof, on my first cup of coffee, hope this is making as much sence typed as it is in my head. Haha!

Added you Cail! =)

I personally, would never strip anything from the Gnome society, or their absolutely awesome personalities. How ever, as a person who tries to keep a very open mind, as a person interested in forming a guild should, I have to accept that there will be players who take their Gnome counterpart to an extreme. After all, it's their game time and fun too =)
And I would not want to stop their personal creativity.

(I'm rambling now, aren't I? Sorry...)

I will be in game for a very breif time this morning before getting ready for work, but will be on and ingame after 630ish pm server time for longer. Don't hesitate to whisper me, any of you. I'm really looking forward to seeing where this all goes!
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38 Gnome Priest
I'm less concerned with accommodating every type of gnome because you can't appease them all. You aren't even the appropriate fit for each person. The different human military orders are a good example. Some gnomes are a better fit in LO and some fit better in Pia and some in the Sister's of Elune, so what distinguishes an all-gnome guild beyond race restriction should deal with that. I think an appeal to the essence of gnomes is the most important distinguisher.

Does that mean a non-engineering gnome will have a home with us?
Of course, because they can play their character in the guild just like they do now. Terrified of tech? That's great because you can still be considered a curious explorer of ideas for your chosen field from cooking to medicine. Prefer to be an arrogant somber infiltrator? Okay, that's weirdly human but you can still have a role as a scout of Gnomeregan or a spy on the goblins. The society doesn't need to change to fit people in. It needs to be distinct enough that people want to be apart of it and see how their characters fit in as foils to the norm or as reinforces of that idea.

The point is that I don't think you should change the existing culture too drastically, because 1) it doesn't evolve that quickly. 2) you homogenize it to the other races making you less distinctive and distinction is the attractor. You want that identity to be something people can immediately recognize. Take what's there and build on it, don't change it.

Your guild could be different than the one I envision and that's fine. I just think that the appeal of gnomes when you role one should be carried by the guild and I think the prepackaged culture is that appeal.
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100 Gnome Priest
I'm going to throw this out there for whatever its worth :D

Perhaps there could be a slight compromise? Something that nods to the past (Tinker) but acknowledges the present condition and future of things (Arcane Tinker?).

I come from a very strange position, because I agree with you both :P. I love the Gnomish culture and society, so would prefer keeping to the core of what makes a Gnome, Gnome. However I see that Gnomes are indeed changing. It seems that they're adapting to their new condition in the world and alliance, so it would be neat to recognize that change to some degree.

Lets consider that we're not trying to redefine the culture as a whole, but rather reflect it. As player characters we're the exception to the norm, so it would also be important to also recognize that.

From an RP perspective Cail wouldn't ever call himself a Tinker, though he would acknowledge that "Tinker" is essentially what he dose. He's a medic/doctor/surgeon. However! being that he's a proud Gnome he's not going to turn down such a title as "Tinkerer" if given to him in some form :D

So perhaps a compromise would look like a rank title of "Master Iatricist" for "Head Medical Officer". idk. Just brainstorming here :)

In the end, which ever way it goes, I'd still love to join!
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100 Gnome Priest

Added you Cail! =)

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79 Gnome Mage
You misunderstood me. I wasn't saying stray from what makes us gnomes, I'm saying that to confine it to someone elses ideals limits the members feeling of being able to build and explore their character in the way they see fit.

I understand the concept of "This guild does this, this is our connection and story."
But then those guilds also encourage their members to flesh out their characters as they see fit. It keeps things interesting. And makes for some interesting rp story lines to be played out.

I for one see Microlux as a progressive Gnome. He has the curiosity of a gnome, the creativeness, and ingenuity of all gnomes, but he sees the reasoning and benifit behind change and has an open mind when it comes to the beliefs and motivations of those other races around him.
He wants to rebuild a society that can strengthen its' self by adapting. Nothing ventured, nothing gained as the saying goes. Why turn ones mind away from something if it can help, even if it isn't Gnome Doctorine?

As a player point of view, most people I would say do not actually roll a Gnome simply because of their Mecho-nature. Most people, I would venture to guess, roll a Gnome because of the following reasons:
A:) We are really cute =P
B:) Something this small packing such a huge whollop is just awesome.
C:) PVPers love the fact that they are harder to target.
D:) RPrs may roll them for their mecho-nature, but they also roll them because of A&B

This is just my point of view on things. I would never presume to say the way I see things is ever absolut.

Structure with in a guild is absolutely neccessary. However freedom for the players to enjoy themselves without comletely going off kilter from the basic ideals of the guilds mission, will keep them around.

EDIT: We are basicly saying the same thing.
Edited by Microlux on 2/28/2013 7:00 PM PST
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90 Night Elf Druid
*adjusts his top hat and fake mustache

Day 0: crikey, there are a lot of gnomes here, like a buffet of cheerfulness. I shall attempt to fit in here but I belive the only real chance it to hope they are too obsessed with the random pieces of shiny metal that have been scattered about the area to be aware of my fur coat and tail.
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79 Gnome Mage
*Eyes the Druid with curiosity, and thinks to himself, "Hm, that thing looks like it's hungry."
*Conjures up a plate of cupcakes and places it on the ground.

*Tottles back to his meeting with Cail and Sizy.
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100 Draenei Mage
Broodin, why you wander here?

*Notices all the Gnomes.*

So many tiny people.

*Picks up Sizy and squeezes in an almost hug-like gesture.*

And so soft. They like little animal companion for bedtime. I take this one. Which one you take Broodin?
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38 Gnome Priest
*Squeals about being a stuffed animal for a Draenei and struggles against the woman, pushing at her lips and shoulder or anything she can get a hand on really. After a few moments, she settles into her new perched, dejected.*

Whelp. Gonna have to make the best of it I suppose.

Cail, that compromise is more in line with what I was talking about in every sense of the word. It maintains their cultural identity while still shifting it forward and evolving.

*Rests her face on her arms as she dangles from Izby's grasp.*

Hrmphf. This hurts. Makes talking hurt too. I'm not talking about confining anything though, Microlux. As Cail recognized, my point is merely that by starting closer to the base lore and ideals, people don't have to change much about how they play their characters within gnome society because they are already doing those things naturally. You're only giving them a home with like-minded people and I think the titles are an easy way to reflect that is all.

We agree on principle, but our approach is vastly different. You fit in your vision. I do not and that is a problem when we want to encourage all gnomes to find their home with us.

((Side note: I took a look at Gnomeregan Forever over on WrA and they are pretty much a casual guild. They RP some but they don't have a real system or anything distinctive. Their ranks are just Gnome titles found throughout the game and that's it. Maybe, just go a bit like that. But instead of ranks having a specific function like mayor which implies a particular storyline. Do things like Toshley, Erdund, Mekkatorque, Thermaplugg and rank people based on names of famous Gnomes? ))
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79 Gnome Mage
*Looks up at Sizy, dangling in the Draenies' arms like a perturbed, yet resigned, rag-doll.
/gnome chuckle

"Well, let's see which one of your inventions is getting you out of THAT!"

*Side note: The one thing about GF is that they are lasting. That does say something.
However, you and I are not so far removed from ideals as you may think. I never said Microlux isn't interested in other peoples tinkering, nor their inventions. He has the same love of ingenuity as any gnome does. He however keeps an open mind to everything around him. This is a character trait, not how he thinks all Gnomes should be. He knows very well what gnomes as a whole are all about. However he also knows, times have changed, and will continue to do so. And we, as a race need to change or at least be open to that change, should we wish to survive as a nation and species.

Those titles were drawn up in theory to reflect that. Being a Tinker, inventor, or theorist is what a Gnome is in every sence of the word. But it is not everything that they are. Guild titles don't neccessarily need to reflect only things of a mecho-nature. It's all in the envisioning of what you, as the player percieve how you wish to rank your players with in the confines of your guilds sub-structure.

I'm rambling again..../gnome giggle
Oh my!

EDIT for more rambling:

As stated those were titles I thought of as a way of making a Township frame of mind on the rebuilding of part of our Gnome society.

Titles such as:
Gear Master
Wing Nut

Could also be used. And in fact, are kind of Gnome-cute. I just don't want to be a part of a guild that comes across as one line thinking. After a while, rp story lines of "I just invented this", "I need to go look for this to help in my newest invention", "So and so's new gizmo just did this", will stagnate a guild faster than three week past expiration date milk.

For an rp guild to survive the test of time, they must keep avenues open for the players to explore.

*rubs his little booted foot across the top of his little soap box.
Looks back up at Sizy still in the arms of the Draenie and giggles again.
Edited by Microlux on 3/1/2013 10:31 AM PST
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100 Gnome Priest
*Glares up at the draenei, then shoots a cautious glance at the large fuzzy thing wearing a curiously stylish top hat. He grumbles in his thick beard while he searches his belt pouches.

*grumble* "...I know I have it here somewhere..."

*Lifts an eyebrow up at Sizzy

"You let me know dear if you require assistance." *grumble* "I may have something just for this sort of incident."

[Edit Note]
((lol, Wing Nut. I almost want that guild title now :D ))
Edited by Caileanmor on 3/1/2013 10:52 AM PST
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79 Gnome Mage
*Glares up at the draenei, then shoots a cautious glance at the large fuzzy thing wearing a curiously stylish top hat. He grumbles in his thick beard while he searches his belt pouches.

*grumble* "...I know I have it here somewhere..."

*Lifts an eyebrow up at Sizzy

"You let me know dear if you require assistance." *grumble* "I may have something just for this sort of incident."

[Edit Note]
((lol, Wing Nut. I almost want that guild title now :D ))

Those are actually the original guild titles I had come up with.
You should see my desk and all the papers for ideas on it!

edit: <C O G> came from one of them =P

2nd edit:

*Looks over at Cail. /clears throat
"Why don't you just "Leap of Faith" her? If nothing else, it would be entertaining to watch!"

3rd edit: Off to work now!
Edited by Microlux on 3/1/2013 11:28 AM PST
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38 Gnome Priest
"...which one of your inventions is going to get you out of THAT."

Sizy placed her hands against her face and squeezed her cheeks trying to remember which inventions were in her belt. There had to be at least one that might help her get out of this predicament. There was her InstaSafeShieldZone that would protect her from injury but not necessarily from being held up. There was the KickStep, but there wasn't enough space for her to squeeze it between the arms and then activate it. Maybe one of her prototypes was still in there. One that would allow her to send the Draenei screaming in delight in some other direction. Or maybe something cute and cuddly that perhaps she'd want to pick up instead. Then it dawned on her. Pippo, her bear, was cuddly, but might scare her too much. Nutbolt on the other hand was a small squirrel machination that could provide her freedom.

She wiggled an arm underneath the Tall One's and pushed her receiver button attached to he belt for calling Nutbolt to her aid. Hopefully, this idea worked.

(( I like those titles/honorifics. And I think so long as the goal is to inspire and support the Gnomes in your guild with their stories, then you never have to worry about the stories stagnating.

Random thought: if we are setting up a new gnomish "station" like Toshley to some extent. Would we be citizens of Gnomer?

Event idea that needs an all Goblin guild ally. 1k Needles has the races. Maybe we could do a friendly comp that way.

Public 'JumpStarter' campaign to fund research for some projects to improve lives of Gnomes in Stormwind by installing certain inventions around town with auctions and rewards for donations. ))
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100 Draenei Mage
A tiny silver squirrel runs up Izby's legs and jumps onto Sizy's head and looks right into the draenei's eyes. She squeals and places the young gnome upon her shoulders so she can play with the squirrel more. The gnome grabs onto the horns and steadies herself. Looking down, she wished she had invented spring loaded boots.

"Out of the Nuclear Food Warming Device and into the Fusion Reactor Core." Then sighed wondering why she hadn't packed her F.E.A.T.H.E.R.S.
Edited by Izby on 3/1/2013 11:44 AM PST
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79 Gnome Mage
"...which one of your inventions is going to get you out of THAT."

Sizy placed her hands against her face and squeezed her cheeks trying to remember which inventions were in her belt. There had to be at least one that might help her get out of this predicament. There was her InstaSafeShieldZone that would protect her from injury but not necessarily from being held up. There was the KickStep, but there wasn't enough space for her to squeeze it between the arms and then activate it. Maybe one of her prototypes was still in there. One that would allow her to send the Draenei screaming in delight in some other direction. Or maybe something cute and cuddly that perhaps she'd want to pick up instead. Then it dawned on her. Pippo, her bear, was cuddly, but might scare her too much. Nutbolt on the other hand was a small squirrel machination that could provide her freedom.

She wiggled an arm underneath the Tall One's and pushed her receiver button attached to he belt for calling Nutbolt to her aid. Hopefully, this idea worked.

(( I like those titles/honorifics. And I think so long as the goal is to inspire and support the Gnomes in your guild with their stories, then you never have to worry about the stories stagnating.

Random thought: if we are setting up a new gnomish "station" like Toshley to some extent. Would we be citizens of Gnomer?

Event idea that needs an all Goblin guild ally. 1k Needles has the races. Maybe we could do a friendly comp that way.

Public 'JumpStarter' campaign to fund research for some projects to improve lives of Gnomes in Stormwind by installing certain inventions around town with auctions and rewards for donations. ))

*Chuckling to himself, "I knew you'd think of something..."

Hm, Those are interesting ideas. I wonder if we could "over take" someplace like Toshley or The Speed Barge as a home? Wish there was a place for Gnomes like the Goblins have. You know, that spa area?
<B I N G O>
(Builders Inventing *a* New Gnome Order) ?
Edited by Microlux on 3/1/2013 10:37 PM PST
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79 Gnome Mage
Well, tomorrow is another "turn around" shift at work for me, so it's off to bed I go.
I'll check back in the morning for any updates, and I'll log in as well before getting ready for work.

After 6pm tomorrow though, I'm off 'till Monday. I'm usually off on Sundays.
Let me know if you like <C O G> or <B I N G O> better. Seems we keep missing each other here on the forums.

And anyone else that reads this thread, please feel free to mail or message me ingame. Or even add your two copper here as well.

My gears are a turnin'!!!
Edited by Microlux on 3/1/2013 10:47 PM PST
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