All gnome guild?

100 Human Priest
Caileanmor wrote:

To that end, what kind of a theme would work for this all-gnome-guild?
    Search and Rescue?
    All of the above :D ?
    Something else?

Clearly, the answer is "hotness." There is a reason why Siz sizzles. I'm jes sayin'.
Edited by Lucemichael on 5/5/2014 11:49 AM PDT
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47 Gnome Warlock
Got To Love Gnomes
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well if there is a gnome guild out there i would love to join it as long as it is active and only has gnomes
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100 Gnome Priest
03/22/2016 09:43 AMPosted by Heghound
well if there is a gnome guild out there i would love to join it as long as it is active and only has gnomes

Holy Nero'ing Negro-major!
You're 2 years too late on this one. This ship has already sailed, for the most part.
There are a couple gnome, gnome-dwarf, specific guilds out there BUT the few I know of are mostly for the roleplays, and are not all that active.
If you do happen to come across one please let us know! ^.^
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94 Gnome Mage
03/22/2016 10:33 AMPosted by Caileanmor
03/22/2016 09:43 AMPosted by Heghound
well if there is a gnome guild out there i would love to join it as long as it is active and only has gnomes

Holy Nero'ing Negro-major!
You're 2 years too late on this one. This ship has already sailed, for the most part.
There are a couple gnome, gnome-dwarf, specific guilds out there BUT the few I know of are mostly for the roleplays, and are not all that active.
If you do happen to come across one please let us know! ^.^

JEEBUZ! I was reading along the first few posts, then saw my name and an old avatar, and thought "How in the h@ll is there 2 Microlux's on the same server????". Then I looked over at the date...LOL And almost woke the house with laughter! (Yes, I know I haven't leveled much, I'm an atloholic)
Edited by Microlux on 4/12/2016 10:45 PM PDT
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