[H] Story Night (RP) - Tuesdays 8pm EST
Edited by Shaw on 2/5/2012 11:10 AM PST
Edited by Shaw on 4/22/2012 11:18 PM PDT
Who can come?
This is an open RP event, meaning anyone can come, even Alliance if safely able to do so without killing NPCs. Roleplayers and non-roleplayers are welcome equally. Just mind your manners! *wink*
Given your choice of locations that's rather difficult.
But then again given the current state of affairs, that's probably for the best.
Hi Drahliana,
Not EVERY location is going to be friendly to Alliance folks dropping in. But I do have them. Every Darkmoon Faire Tuesday is Neutral, like this evening's gathering.
Cataclysm chewed up some of my better spots, so I make do with what I have. I will look into more Neutral locations that make sense to the event ICly and see what I can do. Locations are picked with certain conditions: such as NPC spam, mob hazards/safety to lowbies, phasing concerns and if the vanue makes some sense ICly for being there.
I did say "if" in that statement that was quoted - so that should make it understandable. However, I added something to help make things more crystal to some folks.
If any Alliance folks are really wanting to sit in, let me know - I'll try to add more such places. Presently, it's Summer, Diablo 3 and other games are competing with turnout - so I just do my best. :)
Hope that helps.
Not EVERY location is going to be friendly to Alliance folks dropping in. But I do have them. Every Darkmoon Faire Tuesday is Neutral, like this evening's gathering.
Cataclysm chewed up some of my better spots, so I make do with what I have. I will look into more Neutral locations that make sense to the event ICly and see what I can do. Locations are picked with certain conditions: such as NPC spam, mob hazards/safety to lowbies, phasing concerns and if the vanue makes some sense ICly for being there.
I did say "if" in that statement that was quoted - so that should make it understandable. However, I added something to help make things more crystal to some folks.
If any Alliance folks are really wanting to sit in, let me know - I'll try to add more such places. Presently, it's Summer, Diablo 3 and other games are competing with turnout - so I just do my best. :)
Who can come?
This is an open RP event, meaning anyone can come, even Alliance if safely able to do so without killing NPCs. Not all locations will be "Alliance-Friendly", so keep that in mind. Roleplayers and non-roleplayers are welcome equally. Just mind your manners! *wink*
Hope that helps.
Edited by Shaw on 6/5/2012 4:19 PM PDT
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