[H] Story Night (RP) - Tuesdays 8pm EST
>.<Calm down old man, i got your thread covered :D
/bump for Tuesday Night!
/bump for good folks and food stories. The roleplay is still about one week away, but it's one of the longest-running here on Earthen Ring and has earned recognition.
Bumping this, Shaw does an amazing service to the community by keeping this event one of the longest running in Server history.
Much <3
Much <3
Shaw is my hero!
Shaw for Warchief
Shaw for Prez
Shaw to have a pizza party with ice cream cake!
Shaw for Warchief
Shaw for Prez
Shaw to have a pizza party with ice cream cake!
Shaw is my hero!
Shaw for Warchief
Shaw for Prez
Shaw to have a pizza party with ice cream cake!
Shaw of Hugs.
Shaw the Hugalon!
Bumping this, tuesday is coming up!
*levitates this to the top, cause its Tuesday!*
I love this event! I encourage everyone to attended it!
Is it Tuesday already?
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