Street Market?

85 Night Elf Mage
Alliance side people, to volunteer please:
  • Contact me in game -or-

  • Reply to this post -or-

  • Shoot me an e-mail or PM through the SoE site

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Alliance side people, to volunteer please:
Contact me in game

Hi Sarielyn, for your convenience go ahead and copy what I started for Alliance into one of your posts.

I'll take the Alliance info out of my post then and just track the Horde-side event. Should make things easier. Thank you so much for helping get this off the ground!

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85 Night Elf Death Knight
I would like to add "Aera's Accessories" to the Alliance side booths. I didn't choose Jewelcrafting just for the gems. I picked it because ICly Aera used to do piercings for her friends growing up. I'd be happy to add some RP flavor (play out the process) while providing as many of the rings and necklaces I can craft. And as always, I'll cut any raw gem you bring me for free.
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85 Night Elf Mage
For those who have already volunteered for either event, thanks. I have another request for you.

Please reach out to others who may not read the forums. For example, people in your guilds or even at RP events who you think may be interested in participating. If you're at an event, such as our upcoming fishing event, toss out a general "I hear that there is a new Street Market coming to (wherever) soon. Would anyone be interested in selling their wares?"

If you get a yes, please ask them to let us know however they wish.

The worst they can do is say no.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
...ICly Aera used to do piercings...

I see xfaction RP possibilities with this.

Heeeeeeeeeeee. :3
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Please reach out to others who may not read the forums. For example, people in your guilds or even at RP events who you think may be interested in participating.

I shamelessly plugged it during storytelling in Thunderbluff last Sunday. Made up some flimsy excuse of how the vendors in Orgrimmar as suffering and needed our support since money is so tight after all the resources were poured into rebuilding the city...

Another possibility is to promote it in the /rpchatter channel - I will probably do some of that in the two weeks prior to the actual event.

Also thinking about sending my mailman around and literally handing out flyers (using the trade option to pass notes to other players with the event information).

Thanks to everyone for getting the word out.
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Okay let's stick with the following two dates:

Date: Saturday, May 28
Location: Stormwind Harbor district

Date: Saturday, May 14
Location: Orgrimmar, around Grommash Hold

How do you feel about a 4:00 PM starting time? It can run as long as people are willing to keep going, but a set time when a couple of players are around to get the ball rolling is probably needed.

Thoughts? Too early? Too late? Just right?
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Horde roleplayers tend to gather a lil' later than that Rongar, or at least we're used to events starting at around 7pm or later. Perhaps moving it to 6pm?

Just tossing ideas out there :)

I'll be joining /soeooc later today to promote the event even more!
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Fixed the date on the SoE board announcement.

We have a 6:00 PM Saturday evening on the table.

Going once...
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Also, you going to be around later this eve?

We could probably put our heads together and come up with a snazzy macro to promote it on general.
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04/20/2011 07:56 AMPosted by Kalico
Also, you going to be around later this eve?

Sounds good. And yes, probably after 10:00.
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Thank you - list is now updated through Saressiae.

Per Kalico's suggestion we're looking at a 6:00 PM starting time. Please let me know if you'd prefer a much different starting time or day.

Going twice...
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90 Blood Elf Paladin

I need to poke you. I made a goblinesque advertisement for the event, Bells helped me tweak it, I think you'll like it :]
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I'll be pokeable at about 10:00 PM tonight.

Wait... that came out all wrong.

Looking forward to the splashy goblinesque ad.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Bella made an awesome one for Kali >< But I forgot to write it down.
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Heard from you, heard from Daphne - 6:00 PM seems to be a good time all around.

Since you are already working on macros and ads, we might as well lock in the date and time.

Horde: Saturday, May 14, 6:00 PM Orgrimmar
Alliance: Saturday, May 28, 6:00 PM Stormwind

I'll update the original post.

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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Bella made an awesome one for Kali >< But I forgot to write it down.

Notepad, woman! Notepad.
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85 Gnome Mage
Horde: Saturday, May 14, 6:00 PM Orgrimmar
Alliance: Saturday, May 28, 6:00 PM Stormwind

I won't be able to attend the Horde one as I'm flying out of town to visit a friend, but barring any disasters I'll definitely be at the Alliance one.

Thanks for pushing this forward. I'm really excited about it!
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
I have an excess of bags, a few garments, and some elixirs if you'd like for me to be a vendor. :) I'd do it on Ellorah since she has all of the RP Auction experience. I also can make GHI or TRP2 items (She's a perfumist in hobby) for those interested.

I work until 7 ST on Saturday though, but I can have someone hold the booth for me until I can get on. :D
Edited by Ellorah on 4/21/2011 7:18 PM PDT
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