Street Market?

Updated through Ellorah.

I'm not sure we've specifically stated it, but if you want to craft items using GHI or TRP2, by all means, please do. I think that would add tremendously to the event, and perhaps get some folks to download these RP add-ons for ongoing role playing activities.

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85 Draenei Shaman
Hurray! Rongar and Sari, I waggle my tail at you!

uh....I mean salute!
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Thanks Anainn - and thank you for kicking this whole forum in gear with this thread and the "Random Encounters" thread

Also thanks to Kalico for big-time assistance Horde side.

Yesterday, we discussed adding another wrinkle: we started a guild Horde side called <Street Fair Organizer>. I am hoping that folks can donate one of their unguilded, low-level alts, and we can walk around Orgrimmar in person to talk about the Fair.

Any takers? Let me know (let Kargar know) - I'll have uniforms and tabards for you.

Will start one Alliance side after my 85 faction changes.
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85 Night Elf Mage
04/23/2011 06:46 AMPosted by Anainn
Hurray! Rongar and Sari, I waggle my tail at you!

You deserve the credit, Anay. You kicked this whole thing off! And Rongar has been absolutely brilliant throughout this process.

Yesterday, we discussed adding another wrinkle: we started a guild Horde side called <Street Fair Organizer>. I am hoping that folks can donate one of their unguilded, low-level alts, and we can walk around Orgrimmar in person to talk about the Fair.

Any takers? Let me know (let Kargar know) - I'll have uniforms and tabards for you.

Will start one Alliance side after my 85 faction changes.

Yet another brilliant idea, Rongar. I should have an unguilded toon in the next few days, so if you'd like, I can start the guild up, then hand it off to you when you're ready.

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Yet another brilliant idea, Rongar. I should have an unguilded toon in the next few days, so if you'd like, I can start the guild up, then hand it off to you when you're ready.

Cool - you're welcome to run it too. Let me know when you are ready so I can contribute my guild signature on Larren.

I'll set-up a guild bank for us next week to store tabards, uniforms, posters, etc.

I am hoping to keep the two guilds around after the event. Should we do another Fair, we'll have all of it in place.

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85 Night Elf Death Knight
04/23/2011 06:46 AMPosted by Anainn
I waggle my tail at you!

Ok, gotta take more initiative as an event coordinator. I want me some waggle too!
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85 Draenei Shaman
Aera, all you have to do is ask ;3
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85 Night Elf Mage
So...are there any other volunteers for vendors/performers? For either side? Maybe?
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Bumping for philanthropy! \o/
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Reposting the list of participants from page one. Two weeks away from the first event!

A great big "thank you" to Sarielyn and Kalico for volunteering. If anyone wants to help promote the event (in game, on the forums, to their guild), please do.

Date: Saturday, May 14, 6:00 PM Starting Time
Location: Orgrimmar, around Grommash Hold (where the other vendors already are)?
Contacts: Rongar, Kalico
  • Rongar, probably switching to Kargar for the actual vending
  • Mercoxti (Nocxia): Fortune telling to support the Orgrimmar orphan fund
  • Kalico's goblin
  • Nyda: Purveyor of exotic good
  • Saressiae: Various items
  • Ellorah: Potions, elixirs and perfumes

Date: Saturday, May 28, 6:00 PM Starting Time
Location: Stormwind Harbor district (per Nozz' suggestion)
Contacts: Sarielyn, (Rongar - not very active alliance side yet, but if you have characters in both factions, contact me Horde-side to be added to the list for Alliance)
  • Jinnicky (Nozz): Fortune telling
  • Larren (me): Shoe vendor and tanner
  • Anay: Herbs and Potions
  • Katie: Pets and Pet Supplies
  • Sarielyn: Tailor (bags and RP clothes)
  • Aeralynn: Aera's Accessories (gems and jewelcrafting)
  • Aveline: Magic charms
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90 Blood Elf Paladin

Nyda: Purveyor of everything under the Azerothian sun (including but not limited to body parts)
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Sent out a first batch of invites last night just to get the Horde event on the calendar.

If I missed you, my apologies - I have a baby-tired brain at the moment. I'll scour the forums for folks who expressed interest, and add them to the list.

For now, everything is a "go" for the 14th for the Horde. If you want to participate as a vendor, by all means let me know. I'd be happy to include you in this thread.

A while back, we discussed vendors offering GHI or TRP2 crafted items as well. Since patch 4.1, those two add-ons still seem to be kaputt (at least for me). Hopefully, they'll be up and running in two weeks, and y'all can go crazy selling all kinds of doodads and gizmos. And moonshine.
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100 Worgen Druid
I'm fairly new at RP and would like to participate as an elixir seller. O the joys of being an elixir master. lol
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You got it, Kärd. This is exactly what this is all about - giving some exposure to RP on this server, and offering players a chance to give it a try. And if you make some in-game gold oof of it by trading your Alchemy skills, good for you.

Added you to the list!
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85 Night Elf Mage
And here I am to throw a small wrench into things.

I found out last night that I'll be having out of town company the weekend of the 28th. Because of that, we're going to move the Alliance market to the following Saturday, June 4th. Time and location will stay the same.

I'll be sending out invites sometime today. Please let me know if you need one and didn't get one. Also, if anyone else would like to be a vendor or performer, please post here to let us know.

Apologies in advance if I'm messing anyone up. Real life can really sneak up on you sometimes.

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Sorry for any inconvenience.
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Horde Street Market is tomorrow (SAT, May 14) at 6:00 PM.

See you there (I hope)!
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Thanks to everyone who came and participated - as vendors, buyers or spectators.

Looking forward to the Alliance Fair on June 4th.
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85 Night Elf Mage
Sorry to everyone in advance (again). Let the bad mage bashing begin...

Now my company isn't leaving until this Wednesday. Then, I'm out of town the 11th. So...the 18th will be the new date.

I'm going to turn off my phone, lock my doors, and hide that day until we do this!!!
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Thank you, Sari - original date post is updated.

Any more participants, please keep adding to this thread!
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