Street Market?

85 Draenei Shaman
Alright, so on Wyrmrest yesterday eve, there was a street market in Darnassus put together by Orravar of Kaldorei Shanre. It was a ton of fun with plenty of people there to rp with along with get some goods for great prices! I've also done this sort of event back when I played Aion and it was a blast.

My question to my fellow RPers, is if there was something similar done here, would anyone like to participate? We'd need merchants of course, maybe some form of entertainment as well! It's just an idea, but I'd really like to do something like this.

So what do you all have to say?

EDIT: Thanks to the lovely Sarilyn and Rongar, we have dates and times! I'd encourage people (unless there's a listing elsewhere) to make a separate thread for vendors and such. GHI and TRP2 items are encouraged!

Horde: Saturday, May 14, 6:00 PM Orgrimmar
Alliance: Saturday, May 28, 6:00 PM Stormwind

Be there or be an isosceles triangle!
Edited by Anainn on 4/23/2011 6:45 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
That's actually a good idea, when I had a wee lil' goat shaman there was a roleplayer here on SoE that would do something similar.

This person would bring things s/he had found while traveling (IE: Vendor recipes that have a respawn timer) as well as her/his own crafted items.
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04/17/2011 09:38 AMPosted by Anainn
Wyrmrest yesterday eve, there was a street market in Darnassus put together by Orravar of Kaldorei Shanre. It was a ton of fun with plenty of people there to rp with along with get some goods for great prices!

That. Idea. Rocks.

I volunteer something for Horde, but it would have to be on a weekend. Next weekend is Easter, then I'm away on family stuff. How about three weekends from now (May 7/8)? If this is well-received, I can see this become a traveling market: one month in Orgrimmar, then in the courtyard of Undercity, etc. - like our own version of the Darkmoon Faire.

Would be great to have a mix of "real" tradesmen (i.e. "Get your transmutations here!"), to people resellin vendor items (like fruit and drinks), stuff for fun (fortune tellers - looking at you, Noxcia) and maybe even some guild representatives who want to do some recruiting.

Have to think who I would bring... Maybe Kargar, who's still trying to get his singing telegram and delivery service off the ground.

Anybody want to take the lead for Alliance?
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85 Night Elf Mage
04/17/2011 09:57 AMPosted by Rongar
Anybody want to take the lead for Alliance?

I'd be willing to give it a shot. Unless Anay wants to set it up. =)

Really, though. I think this would be loads of fun to do, and would love the challenge.
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85 Gnome Mage
This would be a good excuse for me to bring Jinnicky along and do some fortune telling.
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((Post being edited continuously))

Alright, let's just say we're doing this. I will try to gather participants in this post, we'll figure out the details later. Reply here or contact Kalico or me Horde-side or Sarielyn Alliance-side in game to get added to the list. Let's see if we can make this happen.

Date: Saturday, June 18th, 6:00 PM Starting Time NEW DATE
Location: Stormwind Harbor district (per Nozz' suggestion)
Contacts: Sarielyn, (Rongar - not very active alliance side yet, but if you have characters in both factions, contact me Horde-side to be added to the list for Alliance)
  • Jinnicky (Nozz): Fortune telling
  • Larren (me): Shoe vendor and tanner
  • Anay: Herbs and Potions
  • Katie: Pets and Pet Supplies
  • Sarielyn: Tailor (bags and RP clothes)
  • Aeralynn: Aera's Accessories (gems and jewelcrafting)
  • Aveline: Magic charms
  • Kärd: Elixirs

[will keep adding]

Date: Saturday, May 14, 6:00 PM Starting Time
Location: Orgrimmar, around Grommash Hold (where the other vendors already are)?
Contacts: Rongar, Kalico
  • Rongar, probably switching to Kargar for the actual vending
  • Mercoxti (Nocxia): Fortune telling to support the Orgrimmar orphan fund
  • Kalico's goblin
  • Nyda: Purveyor of everything under the Azerothian sun (including but not limited to body parts)
  • Saressiae: Various items
  • Ellorah: Potions, elixirs and perfumes

[will keep adding]

A great big "thank you" to Sarielyn and Kalico for volunteering. We could certainly use a few more players to help promote the events and get the word out. I'll put the word out on the SoE forum page as well, but this right here will be the "master list".
Edited by Rongar on 6/4/2011 7:57 AM PDT
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85 Gnome Mage
@Rongar, Depending on when it's held (weekends are the best for me, too) I can make a Hordie to do some fortune telling over there. It'll most like be a Troll shaman, but if this does take off I can get him started and send you the name later.

@Alliance Darnassus would be a nice alternative, and I think the Stormwind Harbor district just begs to be used as a venue for something like this. Whatever the case, I'm all for it!
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04/17/2011 11:42 AMPosted by Nozz
@Alliance Darnassus would be a nice alternative, and I think the Stormwind Harbor district just begs to be used as a venue for something like this. Whatever the case, I'm all for it!

I would love for this to grow into a traveling fair. Let's start in Stormwind Harbor, then move to Darnassus for the next go-around?

I do have a friend I'd like to talk into bringing her troll shaman for the event as well. Her fortune telling is a regular fundraiser for the Orgrimmar orphanage. But by all means, bring your future teller Horde side as well, Nozz. I just don't want to you go through the effort of leveling one only to find out that other future tellers might already be at the event - but if that doesn't bother you, please come.
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85 Night Elf Mage
04/17/2011 11:29 AMPosted by Rongar
I hope I didn't overstep, Sarielyn, just looking to see if we can get something going. Maybe we can team up on the Alliance side of things?

You didn't overstep at all. I thought I might be since Anay is the one who made the suggestion. But if we're going to do this on both sides of the fence, it should probably be two different weekends, since a lot of you play both sides.

As for teaming up - I won't say no to help, that's for sure. Snag me in game or e-mail me through the forums to chat!

I can also participate as a vendor. I can make some bags and some RP clothes to sell there.

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85 Gnome Mage
04/17/2011 11:50 AMPosted by Rongar
@Alliance Darnassus would be a nice alternative, and I think the Stormwind Harbor district just begs to be used as a venue for something like this. Whatever the case, I'm all for it!

I would love for this to grow into a traveling fair. Let's start in Stormwind Harbor, then move to Darnassus for the next go-around?

I do have a friend I'd like to talk into bringing her troll shaman for the event as well. Her fortune telling is a regular fundraiser for the Orgrimmar orphanage. But by all means, bring your future teller Horde side as well, Nozz. I just don't want to you go through the effort of leveling one only to find out that other future tellers might already be at the event - but if that doesn't bother you, please come.

That's an awesome idea (on both counts!). If your friend is already doing fortune telling, I might have my troll do some other kind of entertainment since it's a bit intensive. Regardless, I'd like the idea of just hanging out with you all :)
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm totally up for it Rongar :)

Truth be told I'm more interested in participating on my goblin x3 But farming stuff for her to sell with my hunter
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90 Blood Elf Priest
OK, Now that I am now not SWIMMING IN TAX FORMS \0/ I can look at the forums again =D. I personally would be in favor of a Saturday evening over a Sunday, but we can worry about dates later on.

I think farseer Mercoxti would love the chance to raise more orphan funds XD
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85 Draenei Shaman
04/17/2011 10:27 AMPosted by Sarielyn
Anybody want to take the lead for Alliance?

I'd be willing to give it a shot. Unless Anay wants to set it up. =).

Sari, I'd say go for it! Until the beginning of May, I have finals and other such nonsense to deal with. I'm still here to help though! I'm so happy that you, Rongar, and everyone else have shown interest in this!

You can definitely put down Anay as a vendor for an alliance market! I'll be selling Herbs and Potions.

As for preparing, I'd say give plan for this to be in three weeks on both sides. The street market that Orravar did on WrA was planned a month in advanced and over 130 people showed up. Not saying we're going to get that kind of crowd, but the more time allotted, the more time vendors can get organised and what not.
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85 Night Elf Mage
I can also participate as a vendor. I can make some bags and some RP clothes to sell there.

I will be more than happy to tailor for the market.

04/17/2011 02:02 PMPosted by Anainn
As for preparing, I'd say give plan for this to be in three weeks on both sides.

At least three weeks. And, while I can probably swing a Friday or Saturday evening, a Sunday late afternoon/early evening might work better for me. But again, we can settle on definite dates later. I'm mostly flexible.

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85 Gnome Mage
What a great idea! I'd be happy to participate as well, Katie would love to sell pets/pet supplies.
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Thank you so much, guys!

Updated through Katie. If I missed anything, let me know. And please keep adding. Unless you tell otherwise in the post, I will add you under the character name and faction that you post as.

Only question: where's my Hordies? Genna (Bella), are you up for some Karaoke to entertain the crowd? Here, I'll get you started:

"I'm just a lonely man,
Born and raised in Dalaran.
Took the midnight drake going anywhere..."
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85 Goblin Shaman
This sounds like a lot of fun! I'd like to sign myself up as a vendor as well. My guild bank could really use some spring cleaning.

I'll be selling a variety of exotic goods.. And probably buying up everything in sight ;)
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85 Blood Elf Warrior
The idea sounds great and hopefully it'll bring the other 'closet RPers' out of their shells. Most of the RP I see in major cities is down in hushed needs to be out in the open for everyone to see, it'll certainly help people who don't RP see that we're not just a bunch of perverts who e-sex one another in SMC.

Let me know if I can do anything to help (On one of my OTHER toons of course lol)
Edited by Kiuas on 4/17/2011 6:14 PM PDT
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71 Blood Elf Hunter
LOVE this idea! And since it's in Org, I can actually bring Avi! (She has issues with some people in Silvermoon right now...) YAY! Hope to see you all there :) This should be fun..
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Hi Kiuas - thanks for busting my chops during storytelling.

Yes, I'd love your help. Maybe your alt could be event security? Keeping malcontents like Kiuas at bay? Kidding, kidding. But in all seriousness, any role you can think of in terms of a fair is great, including panhandlers, anyone doing gambling, the town drunk...

Welcome aboard Kiuas and Avianna. If you want to be "crowd", that's great. If you want to be vendor or actor, send your name and "job" my way. Spread the word among friends and guildmates.

Thanks everyone!
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