Street Market?

100 Worgen Druid
Thanks for the update. I still haven't gotten an invite though. I'm not complaining about it. I'm just making sure whoever's handling them didn't forget about me. :)
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85 Night Elf Mage
Alliance Street Market: It's happening tomorrow evening. I'm looking forward to seeing everybody there!

Edit for bad typo :)
Edited by Sarielyn on 6/17/2011 6:36 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Best of luck with you street market Sari! <3
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85 Gnome Mage
Unfortunately, Jinnicky’s player will not be able to attend as she will be out of town. I’m also not sure how well drunken fortunetelling would go over >_>

Have fun, everyone!
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100 Worgen Druid
I'll be there. I might be a tad late. Dinner at a friend's house before I transfer out of the area I'm in now and then overseas.
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85 Night Elf Mage
Thanks much to everybody who came to SW Harbor this evening. It was good to see!!
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