04/03/2014 04:13 PMPosted by AmandalynnWas Fandral portrayed as Tyrande's equal while ChickenWings was missing? He was a jerk who tried to undermine her, but he still technically was under her control. And if the druids are awake and integrated into Night Elf Society, it makes even more sense for there to be one definitive leader, and for that person to not be someone who slept through the past 10,000 years.
Druids don't just simply sleep though, their spirits leave their body and travel through the emerald dream. We call it sleeping but in a way they are awake just in another dimension. If you and your friends are druids who have been wandering the emerald dream for ~5000-6000 years and were more familiar with Malfurion (who has also been wandering with you for ~10000 years) wouldnt you be more inclined to follow his orders than Tyrandes? Also Malfurion would know more about the capabilities of druids than Tyrande would and vice versa for priests and sentinels. To me it makes sense that they are co-rulers because their society is divided into two very different parts who they each rule over.