Roleplaying Question Collective


85 Night Elf Warrior
01/21/2011 3:36 AMPosted by Hyolia

I honestly wouldn't.

Maybe you were in/around Ulduar the time Yogg-Saron died? How about in/around Icecrown?

There fighting Arthas? I wouldn't go there.
Generally taking part in the battle outside of the various boss lairs inside the instances isn't considered mary-sue, they're huge battles, a hero could have easily taken part in it.

That's what I was saying. Take part in the giant battle. Not the actual battle against the big bad.
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36 Blood Elf Priest
I have a question for RP'ers, I've been curious about it for a while. Like in the Dranei starting area there's a quest where you have to heal with your gift of naaru. You only need to heal 1 or so of the npcs. Are there any RP'ers who feel they need to heal all of the npcs?
Do you feel the need to skip quests because you feel you wouldn't do that?
E: I hope my babble is understandable, I'm a bit tired. :P
Edited by Agnostique on 1/21/2011 5:01 PM PST
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85 Night Elf Warrior
01/21/2011 5:01 PMPosted by Agnostique
I have a question for RP'ers, I've been curious about it for a while. Like in the Dranei starting area there's a quest where you have to heal with your gift of naaru. You only need to heal 1 or so of the npcs. Are there any RP'ers who feel they need to heal all of the npcs?
Do you feel the need to skip quests because you feel you wouldn't do that?
E: I hope my babble is understandable, I'm a bit tired. :P

There are actually certain quests I don't like to do on certain characters. I always heal more NPCs than required on quests like that, and sometimes when on healer characters I randomly throw heals/buffs to NPCs/Players that I see.
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36 Blood Elf Priest
:) That's pretty cool, I'm kind of jealous about the amount of immersion you have. I doubt I'd have time to get into it like that.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
01/21/2011 6:58 PMPosted by Agnostique
:) That's pretty cool, I'm kind of jealous about the amount of immersion you have. I doubt I'd have time to get into it like that.

It's not a constant thing, really. It depends on the character. It makes you think.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
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<-- Feydran here.

I like this thread, and I have a question, so I thought I'd ask it here.

As you can see I am a gnome warrior. But at least 3 of my abilities seem physically impossible for a fully armored shorty. That is - Shockwave, Thunder Clap, and Heroic Leap.

I don't want to say it's just a matter of strength. Tresdon here is fit, but I like keeping the idea that his armor is still encumbering, making even simple things like a bow or salute stiffened under the burden. I think it's a good quirk, and makes sense for someone who wants to further improve their endurance.

But I would still like to provide a solution to these abilities, assuming the solution itself is clever rather than forced. My idea was that Tresdon, in his many years adventuring, has developed a theory about the functions of socketed gems. He notes that modern adventurers and even the warriors of some primitive tribal communities would socket gems onto their armor for some kind of benefit. But Tresdon also observes that a warrior with gems does not appear any bulkier in build, and a mage with red gems does not actually become more intelligent.

Therefore, Tresdon as a jewelcrafter concludes that gems contain some kind of power (based on the quality of the gem and the geometry of the cut) that, rather than passively, situationally channels through the user in a more external fashion. And taking this theory, he develops some unique gems that store kinetic energy that can be released, thus consuming the gem's power.

I was also thinking of a gem for Tresdon's belt that amplifies or dampens the potency of gravity on the user, not so I can be immune to any kind of knockback but so I can make Heroic Leap as natural as it looks or modify my character's weight to become more like that of a dwarf or human. Because, I'm a warrior, I think I deserve some leeway from being punted. :(

And I post this lengthy idea because I wanted to see some opinions other than my own, and hear some feedback on anything I can change or fix or add. If my gems make me sound like an Iron Man wannabe or a godmode Kirby imitator who floats in the air only to shift to stone and crush people below, you can tell me that. I personally don't plan to use it at all other than in my class abilities and in the unlikely scenario that someone tries to use my character's stature as an unfair advantage in combat.

With those uses, I wouldn't even need to note my "special gems" in an RP addon or in every emote. It would just be a way for me to flesh out my character and explain some minor details that were bothering me.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
I've always RP'd Warrior abilities that aren't purely physical(Thunderclap, Shockwave, Charge, Heroic Leap) as the Warrior using their very will to shape the world around them and perform borderline magical feats.

Think of it as something like this: With enough focus, and enough willpower, not to mention raw physical strength, you are able to bend the laws of physics to your benefit, at least temporarily.

You are able to create a Shockwave or a Thunderclap created, not out of magical power, but pure manifest will. You will it be done, and so it is.

I also like to think it lends a bit of an edge to the idea that "Warriors are all stupid brutes" because we can do these things that seem to defy how the very world around us works.
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01/23/2011 2:33 PMPosted by Slywyn
I've always RP'd Warrior abilities that aren't purely physical(Thunderclap, Shockwave, Charge, Heroic Leap) as the Warrior using their very will to shape the world around them and perform borderline magical feats.

Think of it as something like this: With enough focus, and enough willpower, not to mention raw physical strength, you are able to bend the laws of physics to your benefit, at least temporarily.

You are able to create a Shockwave or a Thunderclap created, not out of magical power, but pure manifest will. You will it be done, and so it is.

I also like to think it lends a bit of an edge to the idea that "Warriors are all stupid brutes" because we can do these things that seem to defy how the very world around us works.

Hmm. I never thought of it that way, and it does make sense. I'm glad you responded as that's something I started to question for even characters of medium or large sizes. Do you think I should scrap the jewelcrafting idea then? I understand if it's a sort of outside the box creativity that goes more than slightly outside the boundaries of JC mechanics.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
I've always RP'd Warrior abilities that aren't purely physical(Thunderclap, Shockwave, Charge, Heroic Leap) as the Warrior using their very will to shape the world around them and perform borderline magical feats.

Think of it as something like this: With enough focus, and enough willpower, not to mention raw physical strength, you are able to bend the laws of physics to your benefit, at least temporarily.

You are able to create a Shockwave or a Thunderclap created, not out of magical power, but pure manifest will. You will it be done, and so it is.

I also like to think it lends a bit of an edge to the idea that "Warriors are all stupid brutes" because we can do these things that seem to defy how the very world around us works.

Hmm. I never thought of it that way, and it does make sense. I'm glad you responded as that's something I started to question for even characters of medium or large sizes. Do you think I should scrap the jewelcrafting idea then? I understand if it's a sort of outside the box creativity that goes more than slightly outside the boundaries of JC mechanics.

I actually think your Jewelcrafting idea is a really good one. My explaination wasn't so much refuting yours as just offering an alternative if you decided to dump yours.

The way I see JC working from a lore standpoint is much the way you presented it. We're socketing these magical gems into our armor to enhance our magical/natural abilities while we wear them.

Much like your example, using these gems doesn't make a Mage with them in his armor any smarter than he was before, but with the gems in his armor he -seems- smarter. He can think faster, and his mind works harder. But only while the gems are present.
Edited by Slywyn on 1/23/2011 3:35 PM PST
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01/23/2011 3:34 PMPosted by Slywyn

Hmm. I never thought of it that way, and it does make sense. I'm glad you responded as that's something I started to question for even characters of medium or large sizes. Do you think I should scrap the jewelcrafting idea then? I understand if it's a sort of outside the box creativity that goes more than slightly outside the boundaries of JC mechanics.

I actually think your Jewelcrafting idea is a really good one. My explaination wasn't so much refuting yours as just offering an alternative if you decided to dump yours.

The way I see JC working from a lore standpoint is much the way you presented it. We're socketing these magical gems into our armor to enhance our magical/natural abilities while we wear them.

Much like your example, using these gems doesn't make a Mage with them in his armor any smarter than he was before, but with the gems in his armor he -seems- smarter. He can think faster, and his mind works harder. But only while the gems are present.

Cool! In that case, I think I'd prefer to use that idea for Tresdon's case as I feel it adds to the character. Thanks for the time and feedback Slaye! :D
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28 Worgen Hunter
Good job Sly, it makes some threads easier to find.
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5 Human Priest
I have a question. With non-combat pets, ingame you just click and it randomly appears. How would you explain it in a RP? Like would you be walking with it always, and feed it and stuff like a RL pet? Or do you just randomly pull it out of your backpack?
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85 Night Elf Warrior
01/23/2011 3:47 PMPosted by Gëtmastiffd
Good job Sly, it makes some threads easier to find.

Thanks! That was the idea behind it, after all.

01/23/2011 4:08 PMPosted by Pressence
I have a question. With non-combat pets, ingame you just click and it randomly appears. How would you explain it in a RP? Like would you be walking with it always, and feed it and stuff like a RL pet? Or do you just randomly pull it out of your backpack?

In my case it actually varies by pet, and you can get -very- creative with how you handle it. On my Death Knight, she has the Horseman's helm and the sinister squashling. I play it, whenever I feel like taking the squashling out, she keeps an enchanted look-alike in her bag. The Squashling lives inside the helmet, and sometimes when she takes the helmet out to make it laugh(She thinks it's hilarious) the Squashling falls out.

In the case of my Teldrassil Sproutling, I just RP it that it's -always- following Sly around, but it gets shy around lots of people. However, it will come if she calls for it(Me taking it out).
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5 Human Priest
Aaah ok. cool ty!
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28 Worgen Hunter
Found the sticky button, its in the top upper right corner.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
Lol I can vote my own thread for sticky. Win.
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28 Worgen Hunter

01/24/2011 5:10 PMPosted by Slywyn
Lol I can vote my own thread for sticky. Win.
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90 Human Paladin
I'm actually quite new to the whole roleplaying scene, and had a few questions about my class and how it pertains to the Warcraft RP world.

1. My character is a person I created a long time ago as the jaded reluctant hero. Reserved but not entirely sure that spending a vast majority of his life as a Paladin was the right choice for him, and being a veteran of two major wars doesn't help either, especially the disbanding of the Silver Hand, followed by The Scarlet Crusade corruption and finally the forming of the Argent Dawn.

2. I have read in lore that "the Light" has been known to sustain longer lives of users.

3. Would this attitude conflict with being a member of The Brotherhood of Light?

4. I've always felt that characters are more realistic and believable if they have intrinsic flaws and/or complicated relationships with others. Basically in a nutshell I'm a depressed war veteran, who happens to be a paladin.

5. is that lore conclusive?
Edited by Lorvinion on 1/25/2011 6:53 AM PST
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