Roleplaying Question Collective


85 Night Elf Warrior
01/25/2011 6:51 AMPosted by Lorvinion
I'm actually quite new to the whole roleplaying scene, and had a few questions about my class and how it pertains to the Warcraft RP world.

1. My character is a person I created a long time ago as the jaded reluctant hero. Reserved but not entirely sure that spending a vast majority of his life as a Paladin was the right choice for him, and being a veteran of two major wars doesn't help either, especially the disbanding of the Silver Hand, followed by The Scarlet Crusade corruption and finally the forming of the Argent Dawn.

2. I have read in lore that "the Light" has been known to sustain longer lives of users.

3. Would this attitude conflict with being a member of The Brotherhood of Light?

4. I've always felt that characters are more realistic and believable if they have intrinsic flaws and/or complicated relationships with others. Basically in a nutshell I'm a depressed war veteran, who happens to be a paladin.

5. is that lore conclusive?

2. I have heard that as well.

3. I don't believe that it would, being as they seem more militant than other Paladins and using the Light seems to be an afterthought to them.

I really don't know all that much about Paladins, so I can't really help you there.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
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And people.

Press the sticky button!

It's up the top right!

Do eeeet!
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100 Night Elf Priest
Small sticky button is friend!
Come! Visit friend!
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72 Blood Elf Death Knight
Its not letting me press it multiple times :(
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85 Night Elf Warrior
01/25/2011 5:49 PMPosted by Noranx
Its not letting me press it multiple times :(

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85 Night Elf Warrior
Small update.
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100 Night Elf Priest
I believe this thread deserves a bump, for RPs sake.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
Trying too hard to be funny and failing imo.
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28 Worgen Hunter
Yea....No. That isn't a story.

It's an epic one..................epic meh or fail.
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85 Undead Death Knight
I would like To add to this Actually..

For Death Knights Depending on which Phase Of Death Knight you are Roleplaying..

Following Lore Death Knights were Created by putting a Orc's Soul into a Paladin Hence, Creating a Fallen Paladin.

Yes they are Undead, No they do not have Rotting flesh they are quite Alive and Breathing making them Reborn or, Ressurected as a Death knight which brings you to phase 2 of Death knights following lore of the Ebon Blade which are Not Paladins But Sheer, Less powerful Versions of those From Warcraft Lore.

Just saying, if your RPing a DK

Do your Homework of Which Kind of Death Knight u want to be One from Past lore, Or The Lichking's (arthas's) Abomination of Death Knights
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85 Undead Death Knight
Edit: Delete this for Accidently Double Posting
Edited by Lockstare on 1/26/2011 4:14 PM PST
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85 Night Elf Warrior
01/26/2011 4:13 PMPosted by Lockstare
I would like To add to this Actually..

For Death Knights Depending on which Phase Of Death Knight you are Roleplaying..

Following Lore Death Knights were Created by putting a Orc's Soul into a Paladin Hence, Creating a Fallen Paladin.

Yes they are Undead, No they do not have Rotting flesh they are quite Alive and Breathing making them Reborn or, Ressurected as a Death knight which brings you to phase 2 of Death knights following lore of the Ebon Blade which are Not Paladins But Sheer, Less powerful Versions of those From Warcraft Lore.

Just saying, if your RPing a DK

Do your Homework of Which Kind of Death Knight u want to be One from Past lore, Or The Lichking's (arthas's) Abomination of Death Knights

I -believe- the first kind of Death Knight you were speaking of has been all but wiped out. I believe Teron Gorefiend was the last.

The Second generation of Death Knight was actually those like Arthas and Baron Rivendare, in that they were willingly created.

The Third generation that the player-created Death Knights are, is actually a mass-produced version of the Second generation. Killed and then raised into Undeath.

Edited because me + tired = gud typink
Edited by Slywyn on 1/26/2011 4:26 PM PST
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85 Blood Elf Mage
Yes they are Undead, No they do not have Rotting flesh they are quite Alive and Breathing making them Reborn or, Ressurected as a Death knight

they are quite Alive and Breathing making them Reborn or, Ressurected as a Death knight

Alive and Breathing

Death knight


You're telling me something that starts with "death" is actually alive? If we were physically in a room together, I would be laughing to your face.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
01/26/2011 4:27 PMPosted by Feydran
Yes they are Undead, No they do not have Rotting flesh they are quite Alive and Breathing making them Reborn or, Ressurected as a Death knight

they are quite Alive and Breathing making them Reborn or, Ressurected as a Death knight

Alive and Breathing

Death knight


You're telling me something that starts with "death" is actually alive? If we were physically in a room together, I would be laughing to your face.

He's correct, though.

First and Second generation Death Knights could actually be alive.
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85 Blood Elf Mage
01/26/2011 4:36 PMPosted by Slywyn

He's correct, though.

First and Second generation Death Knights could actually be alive.

Maybe. I could be easily wrong. But do you have a source? I haven't been able to find any evidence for that.

I'm very outspoken about third generation DK roleplayers who claim to be resurrected or alive in some way. Dark magic just doesn't do that. And I can't find any other reason than foolishness or denial for someone to ignore the word "Death" standing out on their class name and yet claiming they are something else.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
Well, forgetting that First Generation Death Knights are almost all wiped off the face of the planet(s), they were essentially Orc spirits resurrected into the bodies of Human soldiers. Which means that they could, technically be alive. They weren't necromantically raised so much as just made alive in the wrong body.

And then Second generation were humans or other races who willingly gave themselves over to the Scourge to be given powers. Quite a few of them could be very much alive.
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