I'm not sure what you hoped to accomplish in a week, but that's not a lot of time to get things done. Especially with a major patch that was sure to distract everyone, but best of luck.
I wasn't expecting anything. I certainly wasn't expecting to be told that our realm wasn't the type to think about progression, even in the future. Or that I should consider a different realm by the same guild member because what I had hoped for the guild, wasn't what an RP realm did. That RP realms were just for having fun. And all because I mentioned my worry of the state of mages, or the way people may shy away from them or drop them from group because they nolonger (at this time) pack the DPS punch they once did...
(Edit: Don't mean for that to come across as harsh, Just giving a brief rundown of what happened. There was a bit more detail to it, but it get's the point across )
*Rolling clouds darken the sky. Lightning flickers in the darkness. With a loud thunder !CLAP! the rift which had previously swallowed Caileanmor reopened.*
The little Doctor falls out of space, landing with a jarring thud. His goggles askew, he sits up suddenly, hair partly charred and wildly frizzled.
"Lux! *cough* ....where have you *wheeze* gone?!"________________________________________________
((You left C O G !?!
This....makes me sad. I am a sad Gnome. :.(
I know you didn't post the whole conversation (nor would I want you to...some things just don't need to be posted) but of what you mentioned above, I disagree.
I was with Stormwind City Watch for about month (perhaps a little more), and I can say that they did a ton of pvp'ing, raiding, dungeon runs, all the PVE content you could ever want, along with the regular RP'ing. In fact, I leveled Cail up to his 70s in SWCW, and it was a blast :D. I know it can be done, its just a matter of time and patients my Gnomreganian brother. One key thing that SWCW had was a stable base of players, which takes time to build.
Don't let other's bad experiences get to you.))
((One more thing! RP realms are just for having fun. Every realm is just for having fun. This whole game revolves around just having fun. So to whomever said that, I say to them: lol! and gtfo! (Gnome the F- Up!...or Out!...whatever, you get the idea :P) ))