All gnome guild?

72 Gnome Warlock
"A SPY!" Grim points at the non-gnomic, tail-bearing, spying, fur-covered except for the upper lip with its faux-fur (fox fur?), likely elf-loving, probably gnome-baiting personage with a tophat and then begins (well, really, continues) flailing his hands around intending to cast a flamestrike on the foul interloper.

Instead, after a rather quiet "pop", a bored bunny lands beside the druid and begins to groom its right ear.

((been following this and while Grim is not a joiner - at least for any length of time - freeing Gnomergan is definitely one of his life priorities & he'd be interested in helping out.))
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79 Gnome Mage
That little visual made laugh. Thank you.
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100 Draenei Mage
(( If you can only get to 50 Alniyat, something is wrong. I can get that number from 3 guilds. Easy. Now I will grant you this is a smaller server and that is a logistical opportunity, but it is not impossible to overcome. I appreciate your input, but if you find you are struggling with your guild I feel empathy but won't find it discouraging. Sorry. Which I don't say to be mean just that your experiences don't mirror my own. That said I'll gladly take an education on your guild & some of it's members to RP with when I meet them at the BR. I've only seen 2-3 members there during weeknights when I poke my head inside. If you see me looking in, grab me,i'l ltalk))

I'm cheering for you, really. We're just getting started - not really having any problems at all. I'm just leading with the things that I've observed in mind. My estimate of 50 people is based on those who hang out in public channels and venues like allianceooc and and who I recall to have been active in RP outside their guild at one point or another. I know there are guilds who don't really RP with people outside their guilds or have stopped RPing. If you'd like to introduce me to more RPers so that I have a better estimate, I'd love it. :D

Good luck and have fun, gnomies! <3
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100 Draenei Mage
(( I think the biggest key to finding more folks is event attendance. never was all that popular it seemed. Pia & Conclave's forums are more active. I rely on guild OOC channels more to find than Allyooc since that's more just people in general chat. Nights in the Blue Recluse can be hoppin' as well. Friday after 8pm server time it had probably 15 people or more (you'd have to ask Sizzle) in there doing three or four stories at a time. Got a little hectic. So timing is also important since I've poked in & been the only person for ten minutes or more before I went off to level.

But yeah, events. You can find 10 or so people at tavern night that aren't at troubadour night who aren't at the clinic who aren't at the blue recluse who aren't at mass who aren't at the Light ceremonies. You get the picture. It adds up. ))
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79 Gnome Mage
((Thanks for the tips.

And guess what my next day off is? Yup, Friday! Until then, the few of us there are at the moment are getting things like vent (which was donated, and up and running), etc. set up.

I will be talking to the others about our events for "Rallying the Gnomes", and then posting info on them as well.

This isn't my first trip around the block as a GL, and some of the little things have definitely changed. But, luckily, people are people, and the one thing about people of WoW, we are all here to have a good time =).

I will be getting hold of Conclave as well, as I think the Hystory books may just come in handy. And Pia, perhaps as well. Well, most likely... I really not only want to have this guild be successful on it's own, but I want to help build CCs RP community as well. And the ties between the rp guilds.))

*A determined look came across the little mages face as he said:
"The Gnomes stood alone, once...That was a mistake.
It won't happen again."

EDIT: hahahaha! I forgot it was patch day! First time in 7 years I've forgotten a scheduled patch! Guess I'll work on setting up the guild website instead of morning dailies!
Edited by Microlux on 3/5/2013 5:58 AM PST
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100 Draenei Mage
03/05/2013 05:36 AMPosted by Microlux
I will be getting hold of Conclave as well, as I think the Hystory books may just come in handy. And Pia, perhaps as well. Well, most likely... I really not only want to have this guild be successful on it's own, but I want to help build CCs RP community as well. And the ties between the rp guilds.))

Don't forget the other RP guilds :)
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90 Night Elf Druid
*snickers as the little bunny tickles his ear
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79 Gnome Mage
03/05/2013 07:30 AMPosted by Alniyat
I will be getting hold of Conclave as well, as I think the Hystory books may just come in handy. And Pia, perhaps as well. Well, most likely... I really not only want to have this guild be successful on it's own, but I want to help build CCs RP community as well. And the ties between the rp guilds.))

Don't forget the other RP guilds :)

Oh, of course not! That last line should have read "And the ties between all the RP guilds."

People are starting to show more interest as I get whispers ingame.
Had a very nice chat with someone yesterday morning. If I've seemed inCOGnito the last few days, that has been due to a really borked work schedule, and I've been crashing on the couch without any warning.

I'm off tomorrow however, and will be dropping by New Tinkertown and the area.
You may catch a few of us fishing and chatting. If you do, please feel free to join in on the conversation.
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79 Gnome Mage
Sadly, after just a short few days, I've left my own guild.

When I started this adventure, it was to make a fun and progressive, in all respects, guild.
Unfortunately, I realized something, The forboding of others' was correct.
The few people interested in the guild were only there to park an alt., or just do the "Fun leveling" thing. I learned this after a conversation that started taking a rather bad turn.

So instead of making matters worse, I decided to turn the guild over to one of the members.
Hopefully they can make it the all gnome, just for fun, guild that they hope to create.

Microlux is being retired for the fourth time (Yes, I've leveled him that many times, one became Notamorta of The Scryers, one became Taolux on WRA, and the third was deteled)
I will leave him slightly intact this time. But he will be left to his own devices in Stormwind.

I'm going back to my beloved Horde, where I belong.
I love my Gnomes so much, but Horde is where the Heart is...
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100 Draenei Mage
I'm not sure what you hoped to accomplish in a week, but that's not a lot of time to get things done. Especially with a major patch that was sure to distract everyone, but best of luck.
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79 Gnome Mage
I'm not sure what you hoped to accomplish in a week, but that's not a lot of time to get things done. Especially with a major patch that was sure to distract everyone, but best of luck.

I wasn't expecting anything. I certainly wasn't expecting to be told that our realm wasn't the type to think about progression, even in the future. Or that I should consider a different realm by the same guild member because what I had hoped for the guild, wasn't what an RP realm did. That RP realms were just for having fun. And all because I mentioned my worry of the state of mages, or the way people may shy away from them or drop them from group because they nolonger (at this time) pack the DPS punch they once did...

(Edit: Don't mean for that to come across as harsh, Just giving a brief rundown of what happened. There was a bit more detail to it, but it get's the point across )
Edited by Microlux on 3/10/2013 10:42 PM PDT
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38 Gnome Priest
Why put that much faith in what they say? It's an opinion of someone in the guild. One that is incorrect since there are several progression guilds on this server. If he wanted just fun, provide it, but don't let that be the only thing you are about. Don't let one person scare you away to the safety net of your horde toons.

((side note: mages still pack that punch, it's just more gear dependent at the upper end and skewed towards arcane and fire again.))

I just find it disheartening that your complaint is that you are being an alt parking spot after 1 week and then you do the very same thing to the new GL. It's one thing to admit that you aren't equipped or connected to the realm enough to really grow this thing and pass control to someone better capable. It's unfortunate you chose a different route.
Edited by Sizy on 3/10/2013 10:59 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
03/10/2013 10:37 PMPosted by Microlux
I'm not sure what you hoped to accomplish in a week, but that's not a lot of time to get things done. Especially with a major patch that was sure to distract everyone, but best of luck.

I wasn't expecting anything. I certainly wasn't expecting to be told that our realm wasn't the type to think about progression, even in the future. Or that I should consider a different realm by the same guild member because what I had hoped for the guild, wasn't what an RP realm did. That RP realms were just for having fun. And all because I mentioned my worry of the state of mages, or the way people may shy away from them or drop them from group because they nolonger (at this time) pack the DPS punch they once did...

(Edit: Don't mean for that to come across as harsh, Just giving a brief rundown of what happened. There was a bit more detail to it, but it get's the point across )

*Rolling clouds darken the sky. Lightning flickers in the darkness. With a loud thunder !CLAP! the rift which had previously swallowed Caileanmor reopened.*

The little Doctor falls out of space, landing with a jarring thud. His goggles askew, he sits up suddenly, hair partly charred and wildly frizzled.

"Lux! *cough* ....where have you *wheeze* gone?!"
((You left C O G !?!

This....makes me sad. I am a sad Gnome. :.(

I know you didn't post the whole conversation (nor would I want you to...some things just don't need to be posted) but of what you mentioned above, I disagree.

I was with Stormwind City Watch for about month (perhaps a little more), and I can say that they did a ton of pvp'ing, raiding, dungeon runs, all the PVE content you could ever want, along with the regular RP'ing. In fact, I leveled Cail up to his 70s in SWCW, and it was a blast :D. I know it can be done, its just a matter of time and patients my Gnomreganian brother. One key thing that SWCW had was a stable base of players, which takes time to build.

Don't let other's bad experiences get to you.))

((One more thing! RP realms are just for having fun. Every realm is just for having fun. This whole game revolves around just having fun. So to whomever said that, I say to them: lol! and gtfo! (Gnome the F- Up!...or Out!...whatever, you get the idea :P) ))
Edited by Caileanmor on 3/11/2013 12:36 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
11735 mage still packs a wallop! :D
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79 Gnome Mage
Over the past week I've run into some very rude people (Well, I always run into rude people, but that's MMOs). This week it really started to home in. I don't expect every single person I meet to be happy go lucky. But I do expect one guild member to treat another guild member with some semblance of grace. And being put into a possition of feeling like I'm being chastised for simple theorizing, and being told "Well maybe you should just leave, RP realms don't seem to fit you." was the last straw.

I have played on RP realms for years. I know they aren't all about sitting around typing. THat was actually one of my points in the conversation that I got reprimended about. That there is no progression on RP...Well, I'm not going into the whole thing.

I didn't rage quit the game. I'm still here.

I'm back to the Horde. I will play my monk and my hunter.
And if it goes no where, so be it.
There's always alts...

EDIT: Cail, while clearing my F-list, I think I accidentally removed your name. Re-add me huh? (There were alot of people I used to have on it that stopped playing the game.)
Edited by Microlux on 3/11/2013 7:33 AM PDT
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100 Draenei Mage
((Sounds like you got a bad egg in your nascent guild, Microlux. I agree with Cail that this is super sad, and I think the solution, should you ever want to start a guild again, is to seek out a few friends to help seed the guild culture you want. Plus, friends can help you with roleplay and promotion. I started Wellspring out with four or five people knowing I was going to do it; of those, three were there for the charter signing and helped out a ton in the first week or two. Wellspring is just six weeks old, but we're in a pretty good place, thanks to the hard work that multiple people put in. Other successful new guilds I've been a part of the last year, like Heart of the Naaru or Terra Incognita, also started with a group of friends: people willing to move characters they were active on into the guild. I tried starting a guild solo about two years ago (the Gilnean Liberty Brigade), but I didn't play the GM toon as a main and the friends who'd joined weren't active on their alts either.

So, next time (don't let this stop you from ever forming a guild!), find people you want to play with and who will be active before the charter is signed. If you all agree on what you want out of a guild and work together, you should have more success.))

Don't let other's bad experiences get to you.))

((One more thing! RP realms are just for having fun. Every realm is just for having fun. This whole game revolves around just having fun. So to whomever said that, I say to them: lol! and gtfo! (Gnome the F- Up!) ))

((also a million times this ^ XD ))
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100 Gnome Priest

EDIT: Cail, while clearing my F-list, I think I accidentally removed your name. Re-add me huh? (There were alot of people I used to have on it that stopped playing the game.)

Sure thing my Gnomerian compatriot! I'll re-add you :D
I have two horde alts that I'm leveling as well, so if you ever see me on the other side feel free to hit me up for some dungeon randoms or even some RP!

* squeaky gnome voice* "We'll be seeing you!"
Edited by Caileanmor on 3/11/2013 12:39 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
Notwithstanding the sad turn of recent events, I'd still like to keep the conversation of an All Gnome guild rolling!

(too soon?)

I won't be forming one myself. I just don't have what it takes to build and run one at the moment. However! I'd like to help and support anyone that is willing and wanting to give it a go :)

What says you Sizzy!?
Edited by Caileanmor on 3/11/2013 2:09 PM PDT
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38 Gnome Priest
I'll be honest. I hesitate because Sizy is an alt. An alt that I primarily run around to RP with which means she gets a lot of face time, but an alt all the same. There are a few things I'd like to do before I move further on this idea if you don't mind.

1. I'm still open to an idea of a gnome event that is merely a gathering of gnomes. That way gnomes of all sort from all guilds can do their thing within their guild, but also spend time with their fellow gnomes. It wouldn't be every week. Maybe once a month we have TinkerTime. That way alts are even more likely to attend as well since it's not a huge RP commitment.

If a guild though.

1. I want to gather starting gnome packs. I know a lot of people plan for this when they roll an alt, but still. MoP was a gamble to bring in new, younger subscribers and I think it doesn't hurt to have a few starter packs ready to go. In past guilds, it was always a pet, bags, tabard, and a few gold starting capital. Not much like 10g. I never had an RP guild before though so maybe I'd add more things to it like new recruit costumes. I'll listen to ideas on this.

2. I want to see if I can sit down with Gnomeregan Forever's leadership to ask them a few questions. One distinct advantage they have over us is time & size. WrA is huge giving them more gnomes to collect. Their populace is a fraction of a percent. And it took time to get there. I want to do something smaller because we are a smaller server, but also not push anyone to hard for trying to recruit by aiming for something still too big. This is delicate because you have to manage expectations in the beginning without being unrealistic and I don't want a repeat sour offense like Micro endured.

3. I really, really, think Alniyat is right in that you need a core group that are willing to go at this together. My first guild was a 40 man raider. It started with a core group of 5 but we knew each other in real life and that helped the 5 of us stick together. I think a group of 5 is a good size number to start with, but they all have to be dedicated to the idea and passionate about it. Pushing it and working together. Which is hard to consider when we really only had 3 here discussing it and one left for the horde. Which brings me back to point 1 being most reasonable.

It would be easier to discuss if everyone who was formerly in COG was in here discussing as well.
Edited by Sizy on 3/11/2013 9:30 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
I like what you have here, so I'll just break up the quote and respond in kind :)

I'll be honest. I hesitate because Sizy is an alt. An alt that I primarily run around to RP with which means she gets a lot of face time, but an alt all the same. There are a few things I'd like to do before I move further on this idea if you don't mind.

I don't mind :). Please, proceed....

1. I'm still open to an idea of a gnome event that is merely a gathering of gnomes. That way gnomes of all sort from all guilds can do their thing within their guild, but also spend time with their fellow gnomes. It wouldn't be every week. Maybe once a month we have TinkerTime. That way alts are even more likely to attend as well since it's not a huge RP commitment.

I like this. I'm game.

I was apart of the G.U.E.S.S. convention we had not too long ago. It was fun so something similar to that (but obviously not guess related) would be great. Tinker Time sounds like a great idea, but yes we need more input.

If a guild though.

1. I want to gather starting gnome packs. I know a lot of people plan for this when they roll an alt, but still. MoP was a gamble to bring in new, younger subscribers and I think it doesn't hurt to have a few starter packs ready to go. In past guilds, it was always a pet, bags, tabard, and a few gold starting capital. Not much like 10g. I never had an RP guild before though so maybe I'd add more things to it like new recruit costumes. I'll listen to ideas on this.

Gnome starter packs? How novel! I love it! I think that's a great idea.

I'd be more than happy to throw in 5 or 10 gold in each for a nice buffer...though 10g can go a long way. I'd also be more than happy to do some grinding for costume pieces, uniforms or what have ya. Bags are always a welcome treat when you start out. I have a tailor that can do bags so I'm happy to lend that service as well.

2. I want to see if I can sit down with Gnomeregan Forever's leadership to ask them a few questions. One distinct advantage they have over us is time & size. WrA is huge giving them more gnomes to collect. Their populace is a fraction of a percent. And it took time to get there. I want to do something smaller because we are a smaller server, but also not push anyone to hard for trying to recruit by aiming for something still too big. This is delicate because you have to manage expectations in the beginning without being unrealistic and I don't want a repeat sour offense like Micro endured.

Hmm...interesting. A good idea, seeking their advice. I'd be interested in being a silent fly on the wall with that conversation, or at least hearing of the out come. Some good thoughts there.

3. I really, really, think Alniyat is right in that you need a core group that are willing to go at this together. My first guild was a 40 man raider. It started with a core group of 5 but we knew each other in real life and that helped the 5 of us stick together. I think a group of 5 is a good size number to start with, but they all have to be dedicated to the idea and passionate about it. Pushing it and working together. Which is hard to consider when we really only had 3 here discussing it and one left for the horde. Which brings me back to point 1 being most reasonable.

I agree with you on Alniyat's thought. If / When we get something started it would be good to have at minimum 5 players organized and dedicated. A new guild really needs that solid base to succeed, or at the very least endure.

Bringing it back to point #1, the Tinker Time gathering would be a good start. For my part, I can say that I'll be here in whatever capacity I can be, to help where ever I can. I'm excited for this, but I'm also in a very patient place about it all, so if this (the guild/ the gathering) takes months to organize and get off the ground then I'm good with that. Just throwing my stance down on the table :).

It would be easier to discuss if everyone who was formerly in COG was in here discussing as well.

Edited by Caileanmor on 3/11/2013 11:26 PM PDT
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