All gnome guild?

100 Gnome Priest
It would be fun, assuming we could find 5 solid members that we're all close too or acquainted with, to each roll out a fresh gnome for the purposes of doing guild runs.

A group of deadly gnomes clearing out Deadmines or Stockades would be sooo much fun.
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100 Draenei Mage
That is usually easier to accomplish when content is getting old or at the start of a new expansion. So it'd be something to work toward. Could always ask in allyooc for any gnomes near your level looking to dungeon though.
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100 Gnome Priest
Be that as it may, I was merely daydreaming, speaking from the assumption that we're able to eventually get a guild started with 5 solid members. At any rate, asking in allyooc would defeat the purpose of a "guild run".
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100 Draenei Mage
Does it?

If you can get 5 people at your level to start doing dungeons consistently together after a reroll of characters, you can determine if you guys want to start a guild together. It only takes 3 people anyway to make it a guild run. That consistent asking though starts planting a seed in the brain of people especially if you do it at roughly the same hour or for a 2 hour chunk on set days like raiders do, but dungeon exploring.

It's just a thought.

The Curious Gnome Dungeon Exploration Committee would like to encourage the adventuring of fellow gnomes by exploring dungeons as a group and recording our findings to take back to Mekkatorque or Gnome society to see if it inspires them to create grander inventions that might further push the boundaries of possibilities. ((Think NASA and space exploration but dungeons and gnomes.))

((I'm looking to start a group that does dungeon runs every Saturday from 7-9pm server (discussable) on rerolled gnomes. That'd be the only time you really needed to level the gnome. When we finish we'll come back and share what we learned with our fellow RPers at Troubadour night or in the Blue Recluse for drunken celebrations. Let me know if anyone is interested.))

I think it works. You can take it if you want.
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100 Gnome Priest
Ah! I see. I didn't consider it from that angle.

That's a really good suggestion :D Thank you!
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38 Gnome Priest
GAS exists for all your gnome needs if you want.
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26 Gnome Warrior
Thanks for the free advertising, Sizy!
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38 Gnome Priest
Not a problem my gaseous comrade. Although you should get that looked at. Maybe I could make you a pump or a vacuum or some chili without beans. Oh who am I kidding, I'm not a stellar cook yet. I haven't learnt a thing from Cup, because she's off doing secret things.

Vacuum pump it is. This ought to be interesting.
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24 Gnome Priest
Am looking for an all gnome guild, yes, yes. Am looking for GAS, and someone to invite me, if you will have me, yes, yes?

((I will be on from roughly 7pm to 9pm CST if I can seek one for an invitation, please.))
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24 Gnome Priest
Me sad. Me no find anyone to play with. Me go looking for tall one's guild...
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100 Gnome Priest
02/07/2014 04:55 PMPosted by Petitekatsie
All Gnome Guild on Kel'Thuzad


:D That's ok. I like Necromongers.
I had completely forgotten about this thread! Just to go on the record, I am still in favor of this Guild Idea. Cail is quite happy with the Conclavengers (as we like to call ourselves) but I have at least one other gnome alt (perhaps 2!) who I am sure wouldn't mind lending support :)

However! I would like to point out one oooh sooo tiny flaw in your suggestion Ms. Petitekatsie.

Please note: We are NOT a roleplaying guild. Just Gnome enthusiasts. ^_^

^ bold and you're on Kel'Thuzad. Nothing against the Kel server, but I like it here on CC. Thanks for swinging by to necro a neat thread though! :D
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90 Gnome Warlock
Name the guild "Gnomercy" and i'm in. lol
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100 Gnome Priest
02/13/2014 01:49 PMPosted by Cristen
Name the guild "Gnomercy" and i'm in. lol

I actually tried that for giggles on an alt. No dice. Likely someone already snaked it.
*glares over at Rakeri*
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100 Draenei Warrior
02/07/2014 09:37 PMPosted by Caileanmor
Please note: We are NOT a roleplaying guild. Just Gnome enthusiasts. ^_^


But ohhh if you were, it would be spectacular. I would have you ALL in one place. That would be so marvelous and easy pickings.

*runs away*
Edited by Noikona on 2/14/2014 10:29 AM PST
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80 Gnome Monk
Its Necro, but wth...

The Unpuntables is STILL Anvilmar's only Gnome exclusive past content raiding guild!

On a lark about 5 weeks ago we started the UPs as a sort of side thing. The entirety of the Guild's roster is currently alts from our main guild Mostly Harmless Undermine. In MH we've been progressing on heroic SoO and I thought maybe something light and fun as a diversion would help with the grind. In 5 weeks, mostly on weekend play the guild is up to lvl 19. We have about 7 toons ready to raid Naxx and more coming.

To make it not completely face roll we're going to have a few gearing rules for each tier of wrath content, and those rules are similar to Herald of the Titans. Did I mention we're going to get an all gnome Herald of the Titans? Because we totally are.

I don't know how or why we decided to do wrath content at 80 on gnomes. But the end of the expac cycle is a weird time so we are just going to go with it. The guild is active mostly on weekends, so if you are interested feel free to roll a toon on Anvilmar and /who The Unpuntables and ask for an invite.
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100 Worgen Warlock
02/14/2014 07:58 AMPosted by Caileanmor
02/13/2014 01:49 PMPosted by Cristen
Name the guild "Gnomercy" and i'm in. lol

I actually tried that for giggles on an alt. No dice. Likely someone already snaked it.
*glares over at Rakeri*

And I just now see this...and I ask: Why the hell would I go for that kinda thing?
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100 Gnome Priest
03/09/2014 01:03 PMPosted by Rakeri
02/14/2014 07:58 AMPosted by Caileanmor

I actually tried that for giggles on an alt. No dice. Likely someone already snaked it.
*glares over at Rakeri*

And I just now see this...and I ask: Why the hell would I go for that kinda thing?

Merely a shameless attempt to rope you into this discussion, simply because you're a gnome :)
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85 Gnome Priest
02/07/2014 09:37 PMPosted by Caileanmor
All Gnome Guild on Kel'Thuzad


:D That's ok. I like Necromongers.
I had completely forgotten about this thread! Just to go on the record, I am still in favor of this Guild Idea. Cail is quite happy with the Conclavengers (as we like to call ourselves) but I have at least one other gnome alt (perhaps 2!) who I am sure wouldn't mind lending support :)

However! I would like to point out one oooh sooo tiny flaw in your suggestion Ms. Petitekatsie.

Please note: We are NOT a roleplaying guild. Just Gnome enthusiasts. ^_^

^ bold and you're on Kel'Thuzad. Nothing against the Kel server, but I like it here on CC. Thanks for swinging by to necro a neat thread though! :D

We moved to Stormrage for raiding.
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