Earthen Ring is one of the oldest RP servers in the game. While its community is going on six-years old that does not mean we don't have room for new blood and new players. As long as you are an avid role-player and willing to put in some effort, you can find a long-lasting and happy RP home here.
Horde or AllianceAlliance-side RP is very centralized, mostly to Stormwind and its various taverns. There is a lot of 'cops-n-robbers' and political agenda RP, as well as people who just play the day-to-day average citizen. Much of Alliance-side RP is impromptu, occurring anywhere and everywhere in the city.
Horde-side RP tends to occur anywhere in the world, wherever people happen to be questing. Role-play on this side of the fence tends to be very story-driven and incorporates many aspects of in-game events and mechanics. Horde RP tends to happen on a request basis, actually reaching out to others and asking them for RP; we also maintain a global private channel for people to ask where RP might be happening.
Both factions have their pros and cons, but it is ultimately up to the individual to decide which suits their playstyle and time restraints.
Useful LinksThe Earthen Ring RP Network
A social network for our characters! It includes journal/blogs, an event calendar, discussion forums, groups/guilds feature, art galleries and much, much more! It even has a chatroom where you can meet and greet your fellow role-players!
The Hearthstone Tavern
A role-play podcast made for role-players BY role-players. They have many roundtable sessions on character development, lore changes, and even reviews of the latest World of Warcraft books!
The Earthen Ring RP Guild List comprehensive listing of those RP guilds that have volunteered their information. The Horde-side appears short-changed in this department, but rest assured that our RP'ers don't discriminate by guild-tag! Regardless of where your guild home is, you will find a welcome spot in our RP community.
The Earthen Ring RP Event List day-by-day list of all the regular events we have occurring every week and every month! Role-play events are a great way to get in touch with other role-players as well as get your feet wet in our RP community!
If you ever have any questions about the Earthen Ring server, please feel free to contact me by in-game mail or PM, I will do my level best to help you get started!