Best RP Servers

89 Blood Elf Death Knight
(( Shameless MG self advertisment o.o))

Honestly Moon Guard has great RP on both sides, personnaly I've seen more on the Horde side. I almost always get into an RP with random people all the time.
Note: Avoid Goldshire at all costs
90 Human Paladin
I've heard amazing things about Wyrmrest. Making most of my alts there for Cata. :D
82 Draenei Mage
I came to my realm just a few weeks ago. And i have found RP extremely enjoyable. From what i understand we seem to have one of the more active RP realms, but i think that is due to trolls form other realms wanting to get off in goldshire. I renamed both toons i moved here due to a naming policy i did read and when i got here was like what?!! Sexbot drwang...omg i could of kept my old name then....i agree that RP realms should have a seperate policy to read to make the experience more enjoyable and less griefing. from what i ahve seen though moon guard (mainly cathedral district and more event organized) than my wyrmrest accord. but i have been able to freely RP inside of randoms with people from Wyrmrest, so maybe that realm has a decent rp on it ...
66 Night Elf Death Knight
i plan on starting on senteniels hordeside this dk is my main though
73 Blood Elf Mage
I'm looking for a good Horde side RP server and have started setting up on WA. I managed to see quite a bit of RP in the 3 hours I was in and find myself interested.

However, I have not RPed in Wow and am wanting to make sure I've got the etiquette right.

A few people have said the best bet was to find a guild and join first off, if possible. What guilds would WA folks recommend for solid RP on Horde side?

A few people have said the best bet was to find a guild and join first off, if possible. What guilds would WA folks recommend for solid RP on Horde side?
If you are a gobbo, then join For Her Tallest, it is a friendly guild with a plan to take down that Trade Prince we all know and hate and put Her Tallest on top.

Here's a link to their site:
74 Night Elf Druid
I have a couple characters on MG. A new little goblin priest I am totally loving, and a shaman troll I haven't played in an age. What are some good guilds for rp and ooc hanging for a casual player (but heavy rper) on Moonguard? Are there some chat channels to get to know people?

I tend to wander into a city- do my business and leave, find myself questing and not really thinking of a good rp reason to start an interaction with other characters. Would be nice if there was a way to ease into the community and get to know some folks.
85 Worgen Death Knight
I'm going to have to argue that Moon Guard is the best RP server out there. We have a -massive- variety of RP -everywhere- in Azeroth. Evil, good, comical, serious; we have it all. Most people have their RP storyline developed and hatched around other people, making it a very closely knit RP community. Although this is the case, we still have a fair share of every kind of RP! (Minus the slight Goldshire ERP infestation.). So, c'mon down to Moon Guard, where the RP is bountiful, and the raiding is... Not so bountiful. :3
85 Worgen Death Knight
12/19/2010 5:57 AMPosted by Renetha
I have a couple characters on MG. A new little goblin priest I am totally loving, and a shaman troll I haven't played in an age. What are some good guilds for rp and ooc hanging for a casual player (but heavy rper) on Moonguard? Are there some chat channels to get to know people?

I tend to wander into a city- do my business and leave, find myself questing and not really thinking of a good rp reason to start an interaction with other characters. Would be nice if there was a way to ease into the community and get to know some folks.

Ask around, anyone will be willing to help you! =D

If you ever catch me in-game, send me a tell, and I'll be more than happy to help.
26 Worgen Hunter
I'm on Earthen Ring starting my first 100% RP character, and I can say some of the people I've met are pretty fun. Of course, the only things I've really found so far are the Northfold Gang and Stormwind City Guard disliking each other and whatnot... I think I'll make a new Alliance character on Moon Guard just because of what I've heard from some of you.
31 Worgen Druid

Note: Avoid Goldshire at all costs

Unless you want to laugh hysterically at the horrible psuedo-sex.

57 Night Elf Hunter
There are several people on Moon Guard, mind you.. the Alliance side is very.. uhm, kinky and dirty.

I've had no problems with the Horde side, though. :)
85 Dwarf Paladin
11/22/2010 9:01 AMPosted by Casylia
Can't go wrong with Moon Guard.

Unfortunately, these days you certainly can.

I transfered from Feathermoon to Moon Guard just before WoTLK because RP was nearly dead on that poor, old server. There were tell signs that Feathermoon would go downhill, but as it was the only server I'd known, I didn't see them then. Now that Moon Guard is seeing a bit of a decline, I recognize the tells.

*This opinion is for the Horde side of MG only as I have only started RP on Alliance here and am loving the atmosphere so far. :)*

- Over crowding of the server overall.
- Guilds that were intended as "RP/PvE" end up being PvE only in that race for gear and end game content.
- RPers are griefing each other. (i.e. An overabunbance of orc/troll RPers immediately disregarding Blood Elves/DKs cause of our obvious problem pre-Cata with idiots who have no creativity and wanted to be the pretty characters or the DK lost sons of Arthas.)
Can't say I blame people for getting fed up with elves and DKs, but it's starting to make those classes/races un-RPable and cast out. Bummer for those playing their characters intelligently.
- Cliques within the RP community that refuse outside RP and if approached, immediately grief. (Again with the griefing.)

I will say with Cata and new Org I've seen some promising guilds emerge on Horde side that weren't just about elves and Silvermoon, but I just don't see the type of friendly community on Horde as I do on Alliance. Perhaps it's the overall feel of Horde itself. Org has some great new taverns but they're crowded, stuffy, small. The Horde races, Lore wise for this expansion all don't really like each other. They're together by neccesity.

I think the Horde needs to take a look at the line between IC and OOC at this point. The IC tension between races seems to be bleeding into OOC bitterness and ends up making for a hostile playing field. Remember that the best way to have two guilds have a successful rivalry is that they are friends or at least friendly OOCly. If you play an Undead Warlock who loves Sylvannas and you OOCly hate a Hellscream loving Orc Warrior because of his IC opinion, you're truly missing out on some excellent RP opportunities. :(

Perhaps I'm the only one noticing this on Horde side? I'm curious to see if I'm alone in this or if others are seeing this trend, feeling this tension.
Edited by Heidí on 2/10/2011 10:31 PM PST
100 Night Elf Druid
If you ask me, i would reckon that Moon Guard pr Wyrmrest Accord, i'm on Moon Guard myself, and there is LOADS of RP on the ally side, not sure about the horde side though, guess ill have to check it out, but still, those two servers are your best bet, trust me.

100 Undead Rogue
*Fails to see why people feel the need to post 5 pages of Moon Guard, Wyrmrest Accord, Moonguard.

We get it. You guys love to spam the heck out of these forum. Of course, it works.

Where should I get a hamburger? (hint, there's a good burger place listed in there somewhere)

87 Blood Elf Paladin
Earthen Ring is one of the oldest RP servers in the game. While its community is going on six-years old that does not mean we don't have room for new blood and new players. As long as you are an avid role-player and willing to put in some effort, you can find a long-lasting and happy RP home here.

Horde or Alliance

Alliance-side RP is very centralized, mostly to Stormwind and its various taverns. There is a lot of 'cops-n-robbers' and political agenda RP, as well as people who just play the day-to-day average citizen. Much of Alliance-side RP is impromptu, occurring anywhere and everywhere in the city.

Horde-side RP tends to occur anywhere in the world, wherever people happen to be questing. Role-play on this side of the fence tends to be very story-driven and incorporates many aspects of in-game events and mechanics. Horde RP tends to happen on a request basis, actually reaching out to others and asking them for RP; we also maintain a global private channel for people to ask where RP might be happening.

Both factions have their pros and cons, but it is ultimately up to the individual to decide which suits their playstyle and time restraints.

Useful Links

The Earthen Ring RP Network

A social network for our characters! It includes journal/blogs, an event calendar, discussion forums, groups/guilds feature, art galleries and much, much more! It even has a chatroom where you can meet and greet your fellow role-players!

The Hearthstone Tavern

A role-play podcast made for role-players BY role-players. They have many roundtable sessions on character development, lore changes, and even reviews of the latest World of Warcraft books!

The Earthen Ring RP Guild List

A comprehensive listing of those RP guilds that have volunteered their information. The Horde-side appears short-changed in this department, but rest assured that our RP'ers don't discriminate by guild-tag! Regardless of where your guild home is, you will find a welcome spot in our RP community.

The Earthen Ring RP Event List

A day-by-day list of all the regular events we have occurring every week and every month! Role-play events are a great way to get in touch with other role-players as well as get your feet wet in our RP community!

If you ever have any questions about the Earthen Ring server, please feel free to contact me by in-game mail or PM, I will do my level best to help you get started!
Edited by Sinsolaria on 3/4/2011 7:52 AM PST
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