Best RP Servers

100 Draenei Paladin
The OP's question is hard to answer. RP is not a measurable quantity. It can't be tracked like raid or pvp progression.

I have found after almost three years on Lightninghoof (An RP-PvP server) that the first year and a half I couldn't find RP very much at all. One day, wandering and leveling I had a random encounter with a role player who gave me some contact tips. Still it was hard to break into a cliquish like group of friends, which role players become.

WIth such an abundance of poor role playing skills immediately visible and with the trolls and griefers in such visible interactions just squashing folks looking for RP even after I received some contacts, it became very evident that on many servers Role Play just became a hidden community.

If you are looking for a good RP server, I recommend rollling alts on each one and looking on the realm forums or a wowpedia or or something similiar. If you can find the role players and break past their barrier of distrust, you will often find that even though the community may be small there is quality to be found.

You'll need to make contact. Break the distrust. And earn the trust of others. Once that process is done, then you'll find your role play.

Lightninghoof is one of the oldest RP-PvP servers out there (I want to say the first). Our forum doesn't reflect the strong rp aspect as say Moonguard's forum or Wyrmrest Accord's. However, we have a small tight knit community and we use a non standard channel for our out of character communication to find each other rather than trade or general.

Once you have established your connections and formed or joined an rp community's circle, then any server becomes the best. The other posters who speak of community and working at it are correct.
Edited by Thrift on 3/4/2011 8:23 AM PST
85 Orc Shaman
Moon Guard.

If you have to start up your post with "Well, we're still out there or you just have to know how to look for us." then you haven't been to Moon Guard.

It's not that I think whatever server you are from is terrible, but it is, to put it bluntly, that I think many RPers are in denial about the RP on their server being driven underground by lolwutter PvE-ers/PvP-ers or made so by cliques.

If you do a /chatwho <RSP channel> on our server at prime time, you typically get 3-4 posts of RPers just in that channel. (Mind you that was right before cata, now the mods are different)

The Moon Guard forums are always alight with RP guild advertisements and RP discussion threads.

If you are looking for quantity, Moon Guard. I have heard some good things about Wyrmrest Accord too. Other than that, whatever other server you go on is going to have a small, cliqueish community like the poster above states.

But if you like that kind of group where you know everyone, then maybe that is for you.
100 Night Elf Druid
To be honest with you, i would recomend both Moon Guard and Sentinels, If you DO however, join Moon Guard, stay WELL i repeat, WELL away fron Goldshire, thats it's only downfall unless ur questing there, just stay away from it, other than that Moon Guard is a awsome place, i join Sentinels a few days ago and so far its alright. THOSE ARE WHAT I RECKON R THE BEST.

Edited by Cøron on 3/8/2011 8:45 PM PST
97 Draenei Paladin
Wyrmest and MoonGuard bam
I can honestly say that I am happy on Cenarion Circle (CC). The cities might not be bursting with RP, but at any given time there is enough to keep me happy. We have do have server wide RP and OOC channels. During the peak times, like anywhere, they are amazingly full.

When I started this character I decided I would only add RPers to my friends list. I think the list maxes out at 100 friends? Someone will have to confirm that for me. Anyway, it didn't take long (a matter of a day) before I was getting the "Friends list is full" message, even after accounting for and removing known alts of players I already had on the list.

And yet, even 5 months after I started this character, my first alliance side, (which is suppose to be the weaker of the two on CC) I am still amazed at the RP I am able to come across involving individual players and guilds that I never heard of or met before.

I rolled an alt on WrA about a week ago and walked around stormwind. I was able to find a fair bit of RP. More than I would on CC, but for some reason it just didn't seem "like home" for me; not that I was considering transferring servers, I just wanted to check it out.

I think on CC, the general consensus is that a lot of RPers are still exploring the new content: Zones, dungeons, raids, etc and that leaves less time to RP, which is perfectly fine because as I said above, I am happy with the RP I have found so far. I can only image it getting better as more and more RPers become complacent with the content they are in and spend more time RPing.
Necro bumping is a no-no! /whack

But MG sucks on Alliance; too much Stormwind Guard RP, worgen RP, and BAD RP.
Just stay out of Orgrimmar...and Silvermoon...and don't touch Helgaka or Maibo.

Aside from that, just find a good RP guild and you'll be golden.
85 Blood Elf Priest
I am curious as to why Emerald Dream has not been mentioned? I was recommended to check that server and Moon Guard for RP by lots of people, and so far I am happy with it (Alli side). I am also looking to do some Horde RP either there or on another server, not sure where yet though.
85 Night Elf Druid
I am a diehard Cenarion Circle fan. I've tried other servers and have run into brick walls. I wonder why their OOC channels are hidden. We post our's proudly on the forums. Even our trade chat *shudder* knows about the OOC channels and directs people there on occasion.

I am Ciellia Oakensong, a meager Black Guard of the infamous Lluchduu Ocheliad of Cenarion Circle.

The roleplay guilds (specifically alliance side at the moment) have banded together in trying to promote our server. We have a variety of guilds: military themed, corporate themed, religious (in game religions) themed, race themed, loose groups as well.

Currently, there is a major uprising in the Barrens on our server. The server's forum can testify to this by all of our open roleplay threads. Some of us enjoy the world rp pvp and have been organizing more. Whereas, we have many that are traders and mercenaries.

I would like to extend the offer of giving you an in game tour (IC or OOC you pick) of Cenarion Circle's community.

Channels list:
Guild/Event list:
"The Importance of Roleplay Guilds":
100 Human Paladin
I can honestly say that I am happy on Cenarion Circle (CC). The cities might not be bursting with RP, but at any given time there is enough to keep me happy. We have do have server wide RP and OOC channels. During the peak times, like anywhere, they are amazingly full.

When I started this character I decided I would only add RPers to my friends list. I think the list maxes out at 100 friends? Someone will have to confirm that for me. Anyway, it didn't take long (a matter of a day) before I was getting the "Friends list is full" message, even after accounting for and removing known alts of players I already had on the list.

And yet, even 5 months after I started this character, my first alliance side, (which is suppose to be the weaker of the two on CC) I am still amazed at the RP I am able to come across involving individual players and guilds that I never heard of or met before.

I rolled an alt on WrA about a week ago and walked around stormwind. I was able to find a fair bit of RP. More than I would on CC, but for some reason it just didn't seem "like home" for me; not that I was considering transferring servers, I just wanted to check it out.

I think on CC, the general consensus is that a lot of RPers are still exploring the new content: Zones, dungeons, raids, etc and that leaves less time to RP, which is perfectly fine because as I said above, I am happy with the RP I have found so far. I can only image it getting better as more and more RPers become complacent with the content they are in and spend more time RPing.

I used to be on CC, but the RP started to feel like it was declining so I transferred. Has it gotten better since then or did I just not look hard enough for it or what because I loved that server, ah good times...
I would like think the RP has never faltered. That is, I have never had a hard time finding it.

There seem to be events all the time, and not just your run of the mill "tavern" nights, but events like the "Camp T revitalization project" were RPers from both factions met to help rebuild the devastated town; the weekly discussion about "The Light and You", or the pre-planned massive PvP battles in the Barrens, know as "The Barrens Blitz".
100 Human Paladin
Hm, I might go back. I remember Shan Teldorei from there and I was part of them for a long while. They still around?
85 Night Elf Druid
I do not believe so, as the name does not ring any bells. But there are plenty of thriving roleplay guilds.
49 Blood Elf Warlock
I never really done IG role play, only a few times been doing mostly forum Role play. But after reading this im going to check out Cenarion Circle.
85 Night Elf Druid
Awesome Voisil! My offer stands for anyone that tracks me down. However, it's an alliance tour with appropriate opinions (ICly and OOCly) of the horde side.
Moon Guard
Edited by Akigar on 4/7/2011 2:50 PM PDT
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