Ask Creative Development—Round IV Answers


90 Night Elf Druid
04/03/2014 04:13 PMPosted by Amandalynn
Was Fandral portrayed as Tyrande's equal while ChickenWings was missing? He was a jerk who tried to undermine her, but he still technically was under her control. And if the druids are awake and integrated into Night Elf Society, it makes even more sense for there to be one definitive leader, and for that person to not be someone who slept through the past 10,000 years.

Druids don't just simply sleep though, their spirits leave their body and travel through the emerald dream. We call it sleeping but in a way they are awake just in another dimension. If you and your friends are druids who have been wandering the emerald dream for ~5000-6000 years and were more familiar with Malfurion (who has also been wandering with you for ~10000 years) wouldnt you be more inclined to follow his orders than Tyrandes? Also Malfurion would know more about the capabilities of druids than Tyrande would and vice versa for priests and sentinels. To me it makes sense that they are co-rulers because their society is divided into two very different parts who they each rule over.
100 Human Warlock
04/03/2014 04:11 PMPosted by Zieto

Edit: I think most people dislike Malfurion because of his/Tyrande's poor characterization in the Cata dungeon, and the fact that he has a more neutral/passive presence. I'm hoping in the future that Blizzard can bring in some more dynamic to them without having that flop.

And let's not forget that he's one of the stupidest looking characters in the game.
100 Human Warlock
04/03/2014 04:23 PMPosted by Farora
04/03/2014 04:13 PMPosted by Amandalynn
Was Fandral portrayed as Tyrande's equal while ChickenWings was missing? He was a jerk who tried to undermine her, but he still technically was under her control. And if the druids are awake and integrated into Night Elf Society, it makes even more sense for there to be one definitive leader, and for that person to not be someone who slept through the past 10,000 years.

Druids don't just simply sleep though, their spirits leave their body and travel through the emerald dream. We call it sleeping but in a way they are awake just in another dimension. If you and your friends are druids who have been wandering the emerald dream for ~5000-6000 years and were more familiar with Malfurion (who has also been wandering with you for ~10000 years) wouldnt you be more inclined to follow his orders than Tyrandes? Also Malfurion would know more about the capabilities of druids than Tyrande would and vice versa for priests and sentinels. To me it makes sense that they are co-rulers because their society is divided into two very different parts who they each rule over.

I have no problem with Malfurion being in charge of the small minority of Night Elves who are druids. But Tyrande should be the faction leader, and in his capacity as leader of the druids Malfurion should report to her.

EDIT: Actually, I think I would be fine with your argument except for one thing. Malfurion is just awful.
Edited by Amandalynn on 4/3/2014 4:27 PM PDT
90 Night Elf Druid
04/03/2014 04:18 PMPosted by Ferliona

Druids are a small percentage.

Eh, I've seen no real source on this. In WC3 it gave the impression that the majority of men were druids (so nearly half the population) and the majority of women were priests/sentinels (again half the population), we don't really get to see too much of the civilian population so its hard to say for sure.
Just throwing this out there again, but this isn't a thread to ask questions.

Unless I missed something.

But since I didn't, these all came from Twitter for the Ask Creative Development questions.

I'm actually a bit mad my question didn't get picked.

"Who started the current war? Horde -> Ashenvale Conflict or Alliance -> Barrens Conflict?"

Since the current answer has been indeterminate.
41 Gnome Priest
04/03/2014 11:43 AMPosted by Nethaera
CDev Response: I'm afraid not. (Imagine that dinner conversation!) Darnassus is officially co-ruled by Malfurion and Tyrande, united with each other and with their people. A key thing to keep in mind is how their union allows them to work in tandem. These two leaders are focused on different aspects of governing their people, and this new method of governance truly suits them and the kaldorei nation as a whole.

This seems dumb that probably the most anti-night elf character is leading the night elves. Horrible. Also you should make him attack people who attack Tyrande in Darnassus. What exactly has he done as leader of the night elves?
91 Night Elf Druid
04/03/2014 04:25 PMPosted by Farora
04/03/2014 04:18 PMPosted by Ferliona

Druids are a small percentage.

Eh, I've seen no real source on this. In WC3 it gave the impression that the majority of men were druids (so nearly half the population) and the majority of women were priests/sentinels (again half the population), we don't really get to see too much of the civilian population so its hard to say for sure.

Warcraft Encylopedia.

WC3 also didnt give that impression other than unit division which was cultural in nature. It was just assumed for the reasons you listed
Edited by Ferliona on 4/3/2014 5:01 PM PDT
90 Night Elf Death Knight
I got one of my questions answered!! I'm so happy!

100 Night Elf Druid
04/03/2014 11:43 AMPosted by Nethaera
R west @mrnerdzesq: Does Tyrande still hold enough authority over Malfurion to revert to being sole leader?

CDev Response: I'm afraid not. (Imagine that dinner conversation!) Darnassus is officially co-ruled by Malfurion and Tyrande, united with each other and with their people. A key thing to keep in mind is how their union allows them to work in tandem. These two leaders are focused on different aspects of governing their people, and this new method of governance truly suits them and the kaldorei nation as a whole.

I imagine there is no dinner conversation. Tyrande is seemingly in the kitchen, where she apparently belongs now.

Just another nail in the Kal'dorei, coffin, guys.
Edited by Anyaceltica on 4/3/2014 5:12 PM PDT
90 Pandaren Monk
04/03/2014 11:43 AMPosted by Nethaera
and this new method of governance truly suits them and the kaldorei nation as a whole.

I'm with Ferliona on the Tyrande/Malfurion thing. It's pretty frustrating that Malfurion, who is very clearly neutral and not really that interested in Night Elf issues, is being thrust into co-leader status when Tyrande was doing fine on her own for 10,000 years. Combine this with Moira getting forced into a council and Jaina being constantly second-guessed on the governance of her own kingdom by Thrall, Kalecgos, and Varian, and Blizzard continues to have a very, very bad track record on letting women be their own characters.

And Malfurion's position isn't even traditional. Tyrande was very clearly the sole leader when Fandral was in charge of the druids. the position was suddenly made more powerful right when Malfurion took it. Let the neutral !@#$%^- stay with the neutral druids, and let Tyrande rule the Night Elves alone as she has for 10,000 years.

On the Worgen, I'm a bit less concerned. Yes, the way the curse is spread isn't very consistent if kids can't get it In Utero but it's otherwise spread primarily by fluid contact. But it does lead the way for some other interesting story hooks. Do the Worgen choose to keep their curse to one generation, or does it become a rite of passage to allow (or even force) their kids to get bit at a certain age?

I admit, I'd love to see it be yet another contrast between the Worgen and the Forsaken where the Forsaken insist on spreading their curse even if they have to inflict it on unwilling victims, where the Worgen are vigilant in making sure the curse is spread as little as possible.

It also gives some hope for Gilneas, if there's another generation of Gilneans coming who don't have an "I hate cities" disease.

Finally, I'm kind of finding it funny that the Forsaken/Tomb thing has passed without comment. Doesn't the answer basically confirm that Forsaken don't give a care about their former lives (Thus implying the recent surge in "Lordaeron" Forsaken propaganda is basically dishonest), and there are or were still a huge contingent of living Lordaeron refugees somewhere (probably Stormwind now that most of the Theramore citizens are arcane dust in the wind)?
Edited by Jaelara on 4/3/2014 5:22 PM PDT
I'm also pretty happy the Kvaldir are back to being actual magical cursed beings and not, as the novels implied, normal Vrykul who use sea magic for raiding purposes.
100 Night Elf Druid
I think the worgen curse not being passed down through children could provide an interesting parallel with the Forsaken. Both are incapable of replenishing their numbers naturally, so they have to curse others to increase population (whether forcefully or by choice).

The worgen were originally advertised as "the Forsaken of the Alliance", no?
04/03/2014 01:45 PMPosted by Forbidra
5. What caused the Mighty Millhouse Manastorm to be imprisoned in the Arcatraz? Is he truly evil, or was he (like his "Stir Crazy" quoted counterpart) framed for a crime he didnt commit? Why was he seen fraternizing in Cata with the Twilight's Hammer cultists? Could he have been infiltrating their ranks for another reason? And is he really dead, or might his mage ability to Slow Fall have saved him?
I can at least claim he's still alive, and actively participates in the Brawlpub as an optional boss.

EDIT: Still wanting to know what's gonna be up with Sabellian and the "Outlands" black dragons when the portal shifts to WoD.

Will Wrathion be uncontested beyond that?
Edited by Stax on 4/3/2014 5:34 PM PDT
100 Human Death Knight
04/03/2014 05:29 PMPosted by Reignac
I think the worgen curse not being passed down through children could provide an interesting parallel with the Forsaken. Both are incapable of replenishing their numbers naturally, so they have to curse others to increase population (whether forcefully or by choice).

The worgen were originally advertised as "the Forsaken of the Alliance", no?

Forsaken could learn to do the same as the undead nerubians: Magically give birth to undead babies....

An excellent substitute for Valkyr when we kill them off.
100 Orc Hunter
04/03/2014 05:29 PMPosted by Reignac
I think the worgen curse not being passed down through children could provide an interesting parallel with the Forsaken. Both are incapable of replenishing their numbers naturally, so they have to curse others to increase population (whether forcefully or by choice).

The worgen were originally advertised as "the Forsaken of the Alliance", no?

Except unlike the forsaken the worgen "curse" doesnt really have that much downsides after the night elves "fix" it.

I really cant think of any real downside to it anymore really.

unlike being forsaken which sends you to wow hell
100 Night Elf Druid
04/03/2014 06:50 PMPosted by Renrashin
Except unlike the forsaken the worgen "curse" doesnt really have that much downsides after the night elves "fix" it.

I really cant think of any real downside to it anymore really.

unlike being forsaken which sends you to wow hell

Yeah it needs more negative consequences to it
100 Undead Death Knight
04/03/2014 11:43 AMPosted by Nethaera
R west @mrnerdzesq: Does Tyrande still hold enough authority over Malfurion to revert to being sole leader?
CDev Response: I'm afraid not. (Imagine that dinner conversation!) Darnassus is officially co-ruled by Malfurion and Tyrande, united with each other and with their people. A key thing to keep in mind is how their union allows them to work in tandem. These two leaders are focused on different aspects of governing their people, and this new method of governance truly suits them and the kaldorei nation as a whole.
*Cracks knuckles.*

Above are three threads that have recently been created, all debating how Malfurion should be dealt with. The players have expressed how they don't like the story right now, and most of them agree that Malfurion is the problem.

Obviously there are solutions to the problem: Malfurion could die, he could go insane, he could become an enemy, we could even make him disappear. The fact of the matter is that people don't like him, and they want Tyrande to go back to the way she was in Warcraft 3.

She was a complete and utter badass back then and now as other players have pointed out, she just goes to armcandy around Malfurion. Her character development goes down the toilet, but that's not all.

Malfurion, despite being considered incompetent from above threads, is overall neutral. He works alongside both the Alliance and Horde over different matters. We need an Alliance leader that doesn't work against its own team. It's called the Alliance and Horde for a reason.

For obvious reasons, we can't have an Alliance leader that is also the leader of a neutral organization, unless it's somehow discovered that Malfurion has split personality disorder or something.

We should keep Tyrande in charge of the nation of Darnassus, and Malfurion can take over leadership of the Cenarion Enclave, much like what things were like in Vanilla WoW.
100 Human Death Knight
04/03/2014 01:16 PMPosted by Bashiok
04/03/2014 01:09 PMPosted by Cirno

So in other words, worgen children should be worgen, given how we've seen it be transmitted (through blood).



Well. I don't know about how it's been portrayed, again, I am the worst lore person ever, but if it's a curse and not an infectious disease then the act of transmission matters, and not necessarily the substance. If the act of drinking blood transmits the curse, then the blood may not necessarily be a transmitter itself. Accidentally splashing worgen blood on an open wound, for example, may not transmit, as opposed to ingesting the blood as that could specifically be how the curse is dictated to transmit. Just a thought, anyway.

This actually makes sense. In some of the lycanthrope lore, the victim would have needed to be bitten by a werewolf and sometimes it's put in the lore that it would have happen on a full moon in order for the curse to be transmitted. So, what Bashiok has said does make sense. It doesn't show any where there were lycanthropes having baby lycanthropes, but then again it's not entirely possible of it not happening, because mythology lore can always be changed to keep the genre fresh for fans of these types of lore. It was just never written about it.
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